I LOST MY JOB!!! Now I'm selling it ALL.

Just a FYI, I recently shipped the same model monitor via ups ground, came out to around 70 insured. GL with the sale.
harley1019 said:
Just a FYI, I recently shipped the same model monitor via ups ground, came out to around 70 insured. GL with the sale.
Thats why you usps insured, not only cheaper but easier to deal with.
eViL_M@LuM said:
Thats why you usps insured, not only cheaper but easier to deal with.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't feel comfortable sending an expensive LCD via USPS, insurance or not....

Had a few boxes mailed to myself, USPS insured when I moved a few states away - they were smaller, lighter, and still looked like pure hell when they got there.... 1 month later.

Interested in the fans got any pics of them. Also interested in one of the laptop bags.
yes, I'm willing to sell the PSU.

I'll deal with splitting the harddrives up tomorrow...I still need to see about getting the data off of them.

fan pic
mcoleg: your pms are full. And you get first priority on the fans since you sent first.

and COD, $10.
allright man, get me some details on that sucker. Does it actually have 12 molex connectors, or were you using Y adapters? Either way though, thats powerfull as hell running all that stuff. Its got a standard ATX motherboard plug in right? Floppy power thingers? Sata Power plugins? Let me know how much you want for it, and Ill see what I can do. I, like you, am strapped for cash, getting a 9800Pro, but in a week or two I will have money, and I desperatly need a new PS
I believe it's 2 lines of 3, 2 lines of 2. No floppy connectors. I used an adapter from an old PSU and made a connector for the floppy that could plug into a molex.

I'll include splitters as well if you'd like. I have 2 pass through lines of 4 molex. (right angle connectors); $5 each. (PC Power & Cooling made them for a friend's PSU since he didn't get custom adapters)

no SATA plugs for it.

I'll look through the forums to see if I can find the rail voltages...there's an obscene amount of power on the 3.3 and 5V rails

I paid 220 for it originally...It's powered time is under a week though.

Also, I'll include the original Turbo fan. (it was too loud, so I put in a Coolermaster)
I decided I am going to sell off the shuttle. It's sale should be enough for what I'm going to do instead.
220 is what yur looking for is it....I have no where near that much money, expecially for HD man. Keep me informed because I am interested, but for $220, I doubt I could buy it, it would take alot of though
no, I meant I paid 220.

I'm hoping for 90 shipped. 3 years warranty left on it

Ok, I'm killing htis thread and reposting with parted out prices.

i'm going ot have to keep the PSU though, thanks to what I just found at newegg.