I just got a 19" widescreen LCD.........


Limp Gawd
Jan 5, 2005
How do i go about changing my resolution in games? My monitor supports 1440x900. I"m able to play HL2 at 1440x900 widescreen, but how do i get BF2 support 1440x900? There are no options under BF2 resolutions. Thanks for your help!
josh_1413 said:
How do i go about changing my resolution in games? My monitor supports 1440x900. I"m able to play HL2 at 1440x900 widescreen, but how do i get BF2 support 1440x900? There are no options under BF2 resolutions. Thanks for your help!

I think your going to have to hack the registry. I don't know how though. :confused: What are you doing man, post some pics, how is the backlight, how are the blacks, and does it ghoes.
josh_1413 said:
How do i go about changing my resolution in games? My monitor supports 1440x900. I"m able to play HL2 at 1440x900 widescreen, but how do i get BF2 support 1440x900? There are no options under BF2 resolutions. Thanks for your help!


For all us LCD display junkies out here :

1) Please, Please post some Pictures :)
2) What about backlight bleeding , is there any ? Again pictures required using a blank or totally black screen in dimly lit surroundings
3) What about ghosting and/or blurring in the games you play have you noticed anything ?

Looking forward to your response .

josh_1413 said:
I fixed it, i had to go to the BF2 properties to change it. Now it works great!
BF2 Properties? please explain, the ingame adjustments have no support for widescreen that I can find. I am currently runing my Dell W1700 at 1280x768 in BF2 but I have edited the shortcut to get it that way. I also had to edit the Xfire_games.ini file to get it to work while useing Xfire to find a online game.
"C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\BF2.exe" +menu 1 +fullscreen 1 +szx 1280 +szy 768

How did you do it?

I am in the market for a new display as I am renting this one till I can aford to buy a new one, That Viewsonic monitor looks like it would serve me well, I will keep it in mind when I do finally purchase a new screen.
Diablo2K said:
BF2 Properties? please explain, the ingame adjustments have no support for widescreen that I can find. I am currently runing my Dell W1700 at 1280x768 in BF2 but I have edited the shortcut to get it that way. I also had to edit the Xfire_games.ini file to get it to work while useing Xfire to find a online game.
"C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\BF2.exe" +menu 1 +fullscreen 1 +szx 1280 +szy 768

How did you do it?

I am in the market for a new display as I am renting this one till I can aford to buy a new one, That Viewsonic monitor looks like it would serve me well, I will keep it in mind when I do finally purchase a new screen.

This is how i did it.....
Pretty easy, but you also need to adjust your field of view, the secound guy told me how to do that.
TheBlueChanell said:
How well does it run outside it's native resolution?

It looks suprisingly well actually. Very smooth edges and very sharp picture. Everything is bright, and the black is well black. I just wish more games would support both 16:9 or 16:10. You ussually have to go in to an .ini file or somthing to get games supported. I have BF2 and HL2, FarCry working in widescreen at 1440x900 and they look phenominal. I'm just now trying to get Warcraft 3 looking right. I would recomend this monitor to everyone.

P.S. anyone selling a 6800GT or Ultra, or even and x800xt?
josh_1413 said:
It looks suprisingly well actually. Very smooth edges and very sharp picture. Everything is bright, and the black is well black. I just wish more games would support both 16:9 or 16:10. You ussually have to go in to an .ini file or somthing to get games supported. I have BF2 and HL2, FarCry working in widescreen at 1440x900 and they look phenominal. I'm just now trying to get Warcraft 3 looking right. I would recomend this monitor to everyone.

P.S. anyone selling a 6800GT or Ultra, or even and x800xt?

If you're running pci-e you should look at the XFX 6800GS.
how does the colors look on that monitor? any color-banding noticed in games at all?
im really interested in that monitor too just not sure if it will serve well enough due to the lack of reviews.
I just got done ordering it. :D

I will take pics and post impressions after it gets here. I sprung for FedEx 2day so I am guessing Tuesday or Wednesday.

I am giggily with excitment!
Tiny said:
I just got done ordering it. :D

I will take pics and post impressions after it gets here. I sprung for FedEx 2day so I am guessing Tuesday or Wednesday.

I am giggily with excitment!

Yes, I am really interested in this monitor. I was going to shoot for the fw900, but there's a new LAN center that open's in my town on 12/7 and I need a LCD now. The Dell 2005 would put too much stress on the 7800GT, and w/ 1440x900 I'll get better performance than at 12x10.
Josh could you please post some closer pics of this monitor with BF2 running? Ive been looking at this monitor too (I mainly play BF2) and it was either this, the hyundai l90d+, or dell 2005fpw. If I can save $100 I will and go with this over the 2005fpw, I just need some pics on this viewsonic monitor. Thanks.
Whoa, that monitor looks like a bargain. Very cheap here in Aus, please please post some more pics :) May have found what i'm getting for xmas ;) Oh yeh, would a xbox360 be fine on it?
x360 would downscale to 720p from 900, no 1080p available. other than that it should work fine and look great.
TheBlueChanell said:
Yes, I am really interested in this monitor. I was going to shoot for the fw900, but there's a new LAN center that open's in my town on 12/7 and I need a LCD now. The Dell 2005 would put too much stress on the 7800GT, and w/ 1440x900 I'll get better performance than at 12x10.

I have a 2001fps and at 1600x1200 my EVGA 7800GT runs everything at very nice speeds. The 2005fp is the way to go.
Lindy01 said:
I have a 2001fps and at 1600x1200 my EVGA 7800GT runs everything at very nice speeds. The 2005fp is the way to go.

Not for me when the 2005fp is just about twice the price ;)
Just got the monitor today( ViewSonic 19" WS), but won't be able to hook it up until after work Thursday. :(

I took it out of the box though, so I could stare at it. :D
Keep Me updated, Tiny. I am really interested in this monitor. Also, I finished my qpack.
Will do.

This is just to wet your hunger a little: (note..it is not powered on. :D....yet )

All in good time, all in good time.

I have to be up in 4 hours so I can shovel the driveway before I go to work and I only got 3 hours of sleep last night.

After work tomorrow, I will post some pics and impressions and maybe even a movie! :D
In an hour and a half I will be off of work.

I checked for dead pixels last night. In fact that is the first thing I did. :D

Glad to report, not a single pixel is pushing up daisies. :)
i'm interested in a few things, if you could help me out it'd be rad - but anything you have to say about the monitor is of course very appretiated.

* how does it compare to a 19" crt/lcd size-wise?

* i see it does dvi-d - what kind of refresh (i'm guessing 75) at native rez?

* try doing some 4:3 aspect resoultions (non stretched), sounds like 1152x864 would fit the best.

* by the amount of pixels it seems that the native rez would perform very similarly to 1280x960, does it look similar for web surfing etc?

* is this a 16.7 million color (8bit) display? i hated how my 710n (samsung 6bit pannel) had color banding (like on weapons in CS:S).

* much of a screendoor effect? (another thing that bothered me about my older samsung panel).

* and last, if you can - please post your system specs along with maybe some in-game shots (screen caps vs digi cam) for comparisson vs what you see on the monitor to what's being drawn by the card. on the lcd i used to use i found that at least 2x fsaa really helped since lcds show a considerably sharper image. one game i'm particularly interested in playing wide is Day of Defeat: Source.
yeah, i hear you - pretty excessive, i know :(

still, those are the things that would determine if i were to buy that lcd or not. :D