I just got a 19" widescreen LCD.........

fakeian said:
* is this a 16.7 million color (8bit) display? i hated how my 710n (samsung 6bit pannel) had color banding (like on weapons in CS:S).

And this folks, is the biggest factor...6bit displays DO suffer from some banding....like in the skies on Far Cry, deep shadows like in Doom3, anywhere you have a mild gradient from one shade to the next....

Who is making this panel? Anyone know?
fakeian said:
i'm interested in a few things, if you could help me out it'd be rad - but anything you have to say about the monitor is of course very appretiated.

* how does it compare to a 19" crt/lcd size-wise?

* i see it does dvi-d - what kind of refresh (i'm guessing 75) at native rez?

* try doing some 4:3 aspect resoultions (non stretched), sounds like 1152x864 would fit the best.

* by the amount of pixels it seems that the native rez would perform very similarly to 1280x960, does it look similar for web surfing etc?

* is this a 16.7 million color (8bit) display? i hated how my 710n (samsung 6bit pannel) had color banding (like on weapons in CS:S).

* much of a screendoor effect? (another thing that bothered me about my older samsung panel).

* and last, if you can - please post your system specs along with maybe some in-game shots (screen caps vs digi cam) for comparisson vs what you see on the monitor to what's being drawn by the card. on the lcd i used to use i found that at least 2x fsaa really helped since lcds show a considerably sharper image. one game i'm particularly interested in playing wide is Day of Defeat: Source.

Here are my impressions:
1. It is probably about an inch shorter than a normal 19" LCD, but prolly a good 2 inches wider. 4:3 compared to a 16:10. 16inches wide, 10.1 inches tall for this widescreen.

2. According to my prefrences my preferences it shows 60Hz @ 1440x900 with DVI.

3. 1152x864 fits it alright. I've had the best luck with 1200x960.

4.1200x960 looks a little streched, but i think it fits as good as 1152x864.

5. I do believe it is a 6bit color. But, i have not noticed any color distortion in CS:S at all.

6. Never heard of a screen door effect........

7. Athlon xp 3000+, MSI 6600GT, 1.5GB DDR 2700. Here are some pics of in game. And i even have Day of Defeat, only for you. Please excuse my framerate, firefox is messing up. It's using my 20-30% of my cpu processes, i need a duel core. So here is Day of Defeat in widescreen:

More pics are coming!
Thanks Josh for the pic's and impressions :cool: Could you post some bigger pics of the monitor running a game?
fakeian said:
i'm interested in a few things, if you could help me out it'd be rad - but anything you have to say about the monitor is of course very appretiated.

* how does it compare to a 19" crt/lcd size-wise?

* i see it does dvi-d - what kind of refresh (i'm guessing 75) at native rez?

* try doing some 4:3 aspect resoultions (non stretched), sounds like 1152x864 would fit the best.

* by the amount of pixels it seems that the native rez would perform very similarly to 1280x960, does it look similar for web surfing etc?

* is this a 16.7 million color (8bit) display? i hated how my 710n (samsung 6bit pannel) had color banding (like on weapons in CS:S).

* much of a screendoor effect? (another thing that bothered me about my older samsung panel).

* and last, if you can - please post your system specs along with maybe some in-game shots (screen caps vs digi cam) for comparisson vs what you see on the monitor to what's being drawn by the card. on the lcd i used to use i found that at least 2x fsaa really helped since lcds show a considerably sharper image. one game i'm particularly interested in playing wide is Day of Defeat: Source.

  • Not to sure, as I am coming from a 15" LCD. My Dad has a 19" LCD and his is a little taller, but not much.
  • It does 60 at native on DVI. Don't know about VGA, as I am never going back to VGA. :D (my 15" LCD was VGA only)
  • Sadly, even though they let me post on the [H]ard Forums....I am not geek [H] and I have no idea on how to do the 4:3. I am sure it is something simple, but it esacpes me on how.
  • I have only been on 1024x768 for the last 5 years, but browsing on the native rez of this thing is awesome!
  • I don't know about 16.7, since I have somehow already lost the manual in my room somewhere. But see the pics of CSS below to see that there is no color banding.
  • I don't notice any screendoor effect at all.
  • see the DoD:S pics below. ;)

My specs right now are:

  • [*]A643k+
    [*]2gig PC3200 (2x1gig in dual channel)
    [*]eVGA 6600gt PCI-e 128mb (soon to be 7800GT)
I was second guessing myself for buying this monitor seconds after puting the order in at NewEgg. I though that I should have got the Dell 2005FPW instead. But now that I have this ViewSonic in front of me. WOOHOO! I love it. :D

See all the pics below. I couldn't get my camera into movie mode(I lost the manual, and I have had the camera a week), so no movies yet. If there are any more questions, let'em rip!

NFS:MW Demo doesn't let me past 1280, so that stinks. But it still looks great.
CoD2 is great in WS, CSS is also great. I dont notice any ghosting at all, which is a huge relief as my 15" LCD must have been possesed with all the ghosting it had.

I have a little backlight showing along the very top and very bottom, but I don't notice it when playing games or watching movies. I couldn't even get it to show up in a pic. And as stated previously, I don't have a single dead pixel.

The menu is easy to navigate. I haven't done any adjusting execpt for ingame adjustments so I am running this on the factory settings so far. Still looks awesome.

On with the pics!:

Movie to come this weekend after I get my 7800gt put in. :D
josh - thanks a TON! very helpful!

tiny - you rock! the pics (macro pic = <3 ) are a great help. i was especially suprised at the mr./mrs. smith shot - i don't notice banding, though it is a digicam shot.

i know i asked a ton, but like i said - that's the stuff that influeced my decision the most!

for cs:s i remember on my 6-bit display i saw banding on the CT assault rifle that can be silenced, i think its B>4>3. :confused:
I will go grab a screenshot and digi pic of the M4 with silencer.....

wow, tiny - above and beyond the call of duty. thanks again.

i think it's got to be a 8bit panel, i got a lot of banding on the weapon in particular - with your caps i've yet to see anything of the sort. the only hesitation i have is the size vs my already descent 18" viewable crt (fe991sb).
Shadow27 said:
Thanks Josh for the pic's and impressions :cool: Could you post some bigger pics of the monitor running a game?

Yea, i'll try to get bigger and better pictures..........having problems with this camera.....
you running that resolution on a 6600gt..

man that looks nice and the game pics are very clear.

309 thats cheap for this quaility of monitor

so tiny, let me ask you this:

Would you even consider ponying up the extra cash for a 2005fpw after having this monitor?
sparks said:
you running that resolution on a 6600gt..

man that looks nice and the game pics are very clear.

309 thats cheap for this quaility of monitor


Yea, my 6600GT handles it alright. 30 some frames a sec in FarCry, 40-60fps in HL2. The only game that my card don't like is BF2 with more than 32 people in a server, thats when it really boggs down. This summer i think i'm going to upgrade and get a new system, somthing like a Athlon 64 X2 and maybe some geforce 7800GT lovin.......
Momo said:
so tiny, let me ask you this:

Would you even consider ponying up the extra cash for a 2005fpw after having this monitor?

I haven't scaled this monitor yet, but the 2005FPW is only a tad larger and that difference is, in my opinon, no where near the justification in the difference of the price.

The only reason I would scale something is if I were playing an older Adventure game or if my card couldn't handle a current or future game. But since I am getting a 78oogt....I don't plan on scaling anything.

So to sum it up....No, not worth the extra cash for the 2005FPW.
fakeian said:
wow, tiny - above and beyond the call of duty. thanks again.

i think it's got to be a 8bit panel, i got a lot of banding on the weapon in particular - with your caps i've yet to see anything of the sort. the only hesitation i have is the size vs my already descent 18" viewable crt (fe991sb).

You mean it's 6-bit. Banding occurs with too few colors. I think the mediocre viewing angle also gives it away.
little confused here. Are you saying that there was banding on the viewsonic 19" wide screen? :confused:
wpeng said:
You mean it's 6-bit. Banding occurs with too few colors. I think the mediocre viewing angle also gives it away.

i don't know if it's 6 OR 8 bit, but i do know that on my 6bit panel i got heaving banding on the weapon shown in his screencap - his photo of that image doesn't show banding that i can see (thus i predict it may be an 8bit panel). i figure either that shot doesn't capture the banding of greys in the gun that i got, or it just doesn't exist on that panel. my only issues with this lcd are that images may be a little washed out (i'd have to see the panel in person) and that 1440x9xx is the max rez (have 1650x1080 on my laptop and it's great).
The pic in my post (post #47) is from my digital camera, not a screen grab.

When playing, or even just standing there.....no banding that I can tell at all.

Also, I read in the hotdeals forum that Costco has this LCD in there stores, I would go check it out myself but I don't ever shop there, nor will I ever. So if you have one close, maybe you can go check it out. Also, if you keep your reciept and from what they are saying in the hotdeals thread, Costco will take it back for a full refund.

Maybe someone should post a pic of overt banding just so I am clear on what it is. So I can tell for certain if this LCD has it or not. Cause as my knowlege stands.....there isn't any.
lump said:
its a 6 bit i think look at the link http://www.overclockers.co.uk/acatalog/lcd19.html
says only 16.2

The human eye can not tell the difference between 16.2 million to 16.7 million colors. So it dont really matter to me. Games these days only support 16.2 million colors anyway. I have not seen any banding in any guns in any of the games I have. The colors look absolutely phenominal.
josh_1413 said:
The human eye can not tell the difference between 16.2 million to 16.7 million colors. So it dont really matter to me. Games these days only support 16.2 million colors anyway. I have not seen any banding in any guns in any of the games I have. The colors look absolutely phenominal.

the difference in what's displayed on the screen can actually be seen. what happens is the monitor "estimates" colors that i cannot produce - therefore you get a uneven gradient (banding) that shows that the panel is incapable of displaying every color needed to make the transition.
fakeian said:
the difference in what's displayed on the screen can actually be seen. what happens is the monitor "estimates" colors that i cannot produce - therefore you get a uneven gradient (banding) that shows that the panel is incapable of displaying every color needed to make the transition.

Yea, i started to think about that after i typed that quote..........your correct..........But from what i can tell, the color seems perfect, i couldn't justify spending $100-200 more to go 16.2 to 16.7 million colors. Just my $0.02. :p
not too long ago i gave my 710n away, i didn't play on it anymore. i didn't like the screendoor effect (which is where it looks as if you're seeing the screen through a screen door, it's too easy to distinguish each pixel and thing end up overpixalated and distorted) and it always looked washed out. playing map like dust in cs:s wasn't horrible, though everything yellow and bright how it is just didn't look good, mount that with un-even chunks of grey on the weapons and i was done with it.

another thing that bothered me was that in WoW player name tags looked like trash, i'm not sure if that's a problem with pixel pitch or what but it looks way better on crt (probably because crt's are inherently less sharp that lcds).
Tiny said:
so post a pic of overt banding.

get a graphic that shows a gradient of black to white - within the grey if you look along and can see an even/smooth transition then you're not getting banding/dithering - but if you see harsh and "chunky" changes then that's what i'm talking about.
You get me a graphic of that. So I know exactly what graphic I should be testing it with.
I guess I have no banding because that image was solid left to right. Cool. :) (and no...smart rear....I wasn't meaning it was solid color left to right. :p )