I installed my processor in the wrong position

I'm sorry to hear this OP... I would have to think that both the CPU and motherboard are ruined, although it seems to me that if something were to fry it would probably be the CPU before the motherboard
OP picked the wrong forum to post this on.....doesn't he realize this place is full of hardware junky geeks (like myself).....what was he expecting to get in return here?

Nah, I was expecting to have people laugh at me because of this, I posted it here because I feel this is the forum with the most knowledge and expertise around the web, maybe this happened to someone else here and the cpu survived or something, just wanted some hope!

I think i'm going to stick to my old PC (E8400 + HD 4850) until Bulldozer benchmarks are available, and then I'll decide if I continue with intel or follow the AMD route.

I must admit I laughed with some of your posts xD, I'm taking it in a very funny way, else I'd be crying on the floor because I burned 400 hard earned bucks, I've learned my lesson in a very [H]ard way, thanks for your answers guys!
Nah, I was expecting to have people laugh at me because of this, I posted it here because I feel this is the forum with the most knowledge and expertise around the web, maybe this happened to someone else here and the cpu survived or something, just wanted some hope!

I think i'm going to stick to my old PC (E8400 + HD 4850) until Bulldozer benchmarks are available, and then I'll decide if I continue with intel or follow the AMD route.

I must admit I laughed with some of your posts xD, I'm taking it in a very funny way, else I'd be crying on the floor because I burned 400 hard earned bucks, I've learned my lesson in a very [H]ard way, thanks for your answers guys!

Way to take it in stride. And honestly, there's nothing much more you can do. It's part of the learning experience called life.

A couple months ago I decided to wash my brand new car myself, which I don't normally do. I used some random sponge and detergent and ended up making light swirly scratches all over my car. Cost me around $250 to get it buffed out. So I know the exact feeling you have. As I previously said, way to take it in stride.

And yeah, man, some of you guys are pretty harsh. But I guess they don't call it [H]ard|Forum for nothing.
Way to take it in stride. And honestly, there's nothing much more you can do. It's part of the learning experience called life.

A couple months ago I decided to wash my brand new car myself, which I don't normally do. I used some random sponge and detergent and ended up making light swirly scratches all over my car. Cost me around $250 to get it buffed out. So I know the exact feeling you have. As I previously said, way to take it in stride.

And yeah, man, some of you guys are pretty harsh. But I guess they don't call it [H]ard|Forum for nothing.

Nicely said, we all make mistakes, about 6 months ago I overtorqued a spark plug in my car and snapped it. Thankfully after about 6 hours I managed to get it out with an EZ-out, but it could have cost me $1000's in head work otherwise.
Nicely said, we all make mistakes, about 6 months ago I overtorqued a spark plug in my car and snapped it. Thankfully after about 6 hours I managed to get it out with an EZ-out, but it could have cost me $1000's in head work otherwise.

I paid a $1000 for a "head work" once.... ;) It was worth it.....:eek::cool::D
Sorry man and yeah some of them are harsh comments lol but hey its life you pick up and move on life goes on :)
For anyone who hasn't done some stupid, silly thing, that
cost em' money raise your hand?

Thought so...

We've all had egg on our face, one time or another, depends
on the circumstances.

Sorry it was your turn OP, but its called life.
OP picked the wrong forum to post this on.....doesn't he realize this place is full of hardware junky geeks (like myself).....what was he expecting to get in return here?
I beg to differ. As supposedly geeky/computery [H]ardForum may be, I have a feeling a lot of people who post on these forums don't actually know as much as people here are perceived to know. o_O
I made some mistakes 2 I married a bitch wish I can burn her by screwing into a wrong socket.....
If there is no physical damage to the board as in scorch marks or bent pins (which there probably is) you can definitely return it. It's not MORAL but you can. The people in the RMA departments of MSI, Asus, etc will just try to fire it up and when it doesn't post they'll send you a refurbed one. They won't know you fried it. They'll assume it was DOA.

Same thing with Intel I bet. A long as there's no damage to the chip package same story. Again my disclaimer is it's not right but you could probably get away with it.

If anyone on this thread works for a component company and can refute this please do so now so I don't try this one day! LOL
mine's been in backwards for two months...runs fine, dunno whats up with yours.

That MB doesn't look like a SB/1155 MB. The socket should have had two indentations to restrict the CPU going in I did not see that in the PICs you showed.
I found a picture of a toy the OP played with when he was younger:

*hammers PS/2 keyboard connection into rectangle, shoves into USB 3 hole*

I remember one of my first service calls after I went into business for myself. Lady could not set up her USB printer. Went to check it out and after a few minutes scratching my head I decided to doublecheck the USB cable connection to the mainboard. It had looked plugged in OK when I first checked it, but it turned out it was plugged into the ethernet port.
I remember one of my first service calls after I went into business for myself. Lady could not set up her USB printer. Went to check it out and after a few minutes scratching my head I decided to doublecheck the USB cable connection to the mainboard. It had looked plugged in OK when I first checked it, but it turned out it was plugged into the ethernet port.

Ok, some photos, just to wrap up my [H]ard Humilliation :(




I swear to God I wasn't drunk or stoned, just lost my concentration for a while.

Ohhhh.. now I see how it was easy to install that CPU in the wrong direction. The clamp tabs are supposed to tighten down on the IHS, but because the CPU was turned the IHS cleared the tabs and was able to close even though the CPU was inserted in the wrong direction.

Now that is just a horrible design by Intel if you ask me. Instead of having the lip of the IHS all the way around, Intel deciced to only have it where the clamps are supposed to tighten down on.

I am pretty sure that that is impossible to do with LGA775 and LGA1366. Ain't no way you are clamping it down if the CPU is not installed in the proper direction.

The last time that i have seen it be possible to install a CPU in the wrng direction like that is back in the 80486 days. My little brother actually did that once. When he turned the power on, it shot flames out of the CPU socket. We were sure the board and the CPU were both dead. I pryed the CPU out of the socket (it melted the socket plastic a little), and installed it the correct way and much to our surprise it booted up fine.
RMA it be honest. hope to get lucky.

i am life long kingston promoter because of 2 RMAs they did for me. both my fault, i was honest and they stood behind their customers not just their products.
That MB doesn't look like a SB/1155 MB. The socket should have had two indentations to restrict the CPU going in I did not see that in the PICs you showed.

That is LGA1155. If you look at the top left corner you can see what appears to be the plastic notch snapped off and next to the pins in the socket itself.

Some serious force must have been going on right there.
There is the possibility that the socket was damaged when OP got it... which would explain why he didn't feel like anything was wrong when putting in the CPU.
thats sucks, thats why i whe ni build my computer i dont have a t.v or anything to to my mind off building my computer so i dont mess up my build. but send me a pm i might be inrestered in buying
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For anyone who hasn't done some stupid, silly thing, that
cost em' money raise your hand?

Thought so...

We've all had egg on our face, one time or another, depends
on the circumstances.

Sorry it was your turn OP, but its called life.

my mistake was at my friends expense.

back in the days when amd athlon's and duron's first came out I was used to not putting any kind of compound on cpu's, just the fan on top (no fans had it included then). Put the cpu in (boards no overheat protection) and turned on, no post and thought hmm, within 10 seconds heard a pop noise and smelt burning. Took the fan off and the cpu was fried. Board however was fine. Mate wasnt happy and he brought a duron to replace the expensive athlon I fried, plus some thermal compound, I also fitted that one for him but took a lot more care and made sure was done properly.

On my own equipment I havent made any such mistakes although probably some minor ones like putting in the led cables back to front.

I am curious to see a pic of that cpu in the board with the lever up and open, there also seems to be some exposed pin pads at the top of pic?
It does actually take a little bit of force. My W3520 didn't just plop into my board like that, took a small bit of force to get it in.
Ohhhh.. now I see how it was easy to install that CPU in the wrong direction. The clamp tabs are supposed to tighten down on the IHS, but because the CPU was turned the IHS cleared the tabs and was able to close even though the CPU was inserted in the wrong direction.

Now that is just a horrible design by Intel if you ask me. Instead of having the lip of the IHS all the way around, Intel deciced to only have it where the clamps are supposed to tighten down on.
yeah, i see it now too, intel should definitly change this. That blows.
Always match the little arrow where it should be, it's on pretty much every processor AMD and Intel
Thats ok dude, shit happens, I artic silver epoxied a heat sink on an amd one time when I was in a hurry and thought I would use the fancy two part compound I had laying around

I felt dumb for quite a while, friends thought it was great
coldfusion182 n00bie, 6 Days

nuff said.

Should have read up on it more or asked for assistance. Don't return them like some of these assholes would do - it's your fault. Live and learn.
It's unfortunate, but stuff like that happens to everyone. Gotta push past it and unfortunately drop a pretty penny for a new one.