I have a hamster in my computer case (not for 56k)

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Mar 10, 2004







And she's done.....I made a thread earlier but it got locked for being off topic...:( anyways...enjoy
OMG ive seen it all...

Is the computer really running? The temps might be alittle much for our little friend to handle dont you think?

Very good work, strange, but really good hehe.
OMG, I have a gerbil, and he LOVES running around through tubes. I may just have to find some clear plastic tubing and make a little hide-away for him inside my computer case. Dunno if it'd be too loud for him or not though.

Awesome mod :D
omg that is just to crazy
Ill never own another hamster though they dont live long enough :/
But hmm great idea for a small lizard like a bearded dragon heheh
who needs heat rocks just give him a spot next to you powersupply with a under powered fan :p
Your old thread got locked? Wierd.:confused: I hope you made the right decision... That thing is prolly gonna die really soon, and stink/mess up your dorm room ridiculously.
Watch out for them animal rights activist if they see this, might come after you!! :eek: :p
man the freaking woodchips are gonna get EVERYWHERE in the case, no matter how well you have it sealed

pretty fucking awesome in any case :D
Poor computer :( it's got a hamster pooping all over it. :D

No but really is it ok to keep the hamster in there with all the heat ?
Originally posted by Ike
Poor computer :( it's got a hamster pooping all over it. :D

No but really is it ok to keep the hamster in there with all the heat ?

he has a fan, hes nice n' cool it looks
Nice, cool, and extremely cramped. You're cruel! lol. Atleast let him get out through some tubes into a bigger cage if he wants to get some fresh air or something :(
lets not stray boys... i dont clean threads twice

you should give him a ccfl or something, maybe a UV one so the radiation can turn him into some sort of supar hamstar!!1


you should use some clear tubing to make him a little escape into another cage... like one with air holes perhaps? ;)
Originally posted by kronchev
he has a fan, hes nice n' cool it looks

Well I am sure if the owner went through all the trouble to keep his hamster in there he wouldn't let the little guy get harmed. :)

He's got a fan, a cool case, all he needs now is a lady friend. :eek:
He's cute but wait until he decides he doesn't like it in there and wants to chew the nice wires or else pees all over your system.

Hamsters can get themselves out of any cage.
can i call up the humane society and tell them a poor hamster is in your cage? poor thing ;) :(
Originally posted by M@
He's cute but wait until he decides he doesn't like it in there and wants to chew the nice wires or else pees all over your system.

Hamsters can get themselves out of any cage.

Funny, my hamster's never escaped. A properly designed cage would be escape-proof. The only thing the hamster really needs is ventilation, which it looks like he has, and a wheel to run on(which I don't see in the drive bay, but it could be in the bottom). I'm sure he put more thought into this than just throwing a hamster into his drive bays, it's sealed up nicely I'd imagine.
Originally posted by M@
He's cute but wait until he decides he doesn't like it in there and wants to chew the nice wires or else pees all over your system.

Hamsters can get themselves out of any cage.

mine never did but his cage was a clear plastic box that latched on the sides and i had him for 3 yrs
Hehe if it isn't hot in there as you claim then the only thing I have against it is the small size, give the poor bloke some space man oh and does your comp smell like crap and hamster urine? rofl.
there is plenty of room in there for a rodent that sits in the corner and sleeps all day
Originally posted by porcha
there is plenty of room in there for a rodent that sits in the corner and sleeps all day

Sure it sleeps all day, that doesnt mean anything (theyre nocternal..). It's gona want to start doing stuff at night, which I don't think is gona happen. How are you going to clean the "cage" out? I remember I had to clean my hamster cage out every month or so... Oh yea, and what if the urine leaks through his living area into your computer?

EDIT - and is the fan at the back exhaust or intake? Either way its a baaad idea. If it's intake, then it will blow the wood chips everywhere in his living area, and he/she will not want to go near it (hence not drink because the water is right by it), and if it is exhaust then aren't you worried about it's hair getting caught in the fan?
Mounting the van slightly recessed into a tube, with a grille at the front to prevent said hamster from getting anywhere near the fan would remove any possibility of the hamster getting hurt by the fan.

Just because your hampster sleeps all the time doesn't mean he doesn't *want* to exercise, he simply doesn't have any space. Make sure he has a wheel. If not, you're being cruel :/
i'm sure it's a low cfm fan that only provides a nice little breeze for the rodent.

very interesting case mod!
I cant believe so many people are pitching a fit over a lil rodent in this pc case. Now if it was something like "Baby Brother in my pc case!" then I might worry a bit.
Originally posted by MGDMN
I cant believe so many people are pitching a fit over a lil rodent in this pc case. Now if it was something like "Baby Brother in my pc case!" then I might worry a bit.
lol... Now that's one I'd like to see!

Seriously, I think that you ought to throw a wheel in their for the little fellar... but other than that he looks safe enough provided you keep everything clean etc.

Personally I would keep a pretty close eye on him for the next couple of weeks to make sure the noise isn't getting to him... if he seems active and happy (running on his wheel at night and eating well) then I think you've got yourself one of the cooler mods I've seen in a while. If not, then maybe you ought to keep him in a seperate cage and just drop him in there when you want to show off... or maybe link the computer to an external cage so that he can choose to leave the computer case when he would like to.
It's a friggin hampster.. Who cares if he has a wheel or not.. Although it could add to the pimpness factor..
You guys are fucking FAGS, how would you like to stay in a computer case your whole life?(You would prbably like it since you're a GEEK.) Like hampsters don't have feelings? Common sence buddy. Hope you get totured tonight somehow. Like get your vagina sliced in half.

That's my non-animal cruelty speech.
Originally posted by pHatalbOom
You guys are fucking FAGS, how would you like to stay in a computer case your whole life?(You would prbably like it since you're a GEEK.) Like hampsters don't have feelings? Common sence buddy. Hope you get totured tonight somehow. Like get your vagina sliced in half.

That's my non-animal cruelty speech.

What part of this makes them fags, or gives you reason to believe they have vaginas?

While it may be a questionable thing to have a hamster in a cage built in to a computer, a cage is a cage. If it's got room to run around, it's not hot or loud and it's safe, I don't think much is going to happen to the furball.

It would indeed be cool to give him tunnels to other things, like another cage next to it, or whatever. He probably calls the warm space in your computer home now. Never seen a furball that didn't like warm places.
Originally posted by emorphien
What part of this makes them fags, or gives you reason to believe they have vaginas?

While it may be a questionable thing to have a hamster in a cage built in to a computer, a cage is a cage. If it's got room to run around, it's not hot or loud and it's safe, I don't think much is going to happen to the furball.

It would indeed be cool to give him tunnels to other things, like another cage next to it, or whatever. He probably calls the warm space in your computer home now. Never seen a furball that didn't like warm places.

I Think that emorphien went a bit overboard, but the fact is that a hamster needs a wheel... not "would really like a wheel", but it needs to run to be healthy... In the wild, a hamster will run over 2Km a night (they sleep all day). So a wheel really is a necessity, as is a small burrow for it to "nest" in.

Porcha, you get brownie points for creativity, but i think that it was rushed into. The hammy is gonna stink and make a mess, then stink more in a month when it dies. Cleaning it will be hard and making it have enough airflow for the poor thing is going to require little holes everywhere, not just a fan. Little holes = case/desk area full of woodchips. Make it a fishtank, slap in a filter and you're golden... hell keep the PVC piping for the fish to travel down. I know people have commented on it before, but if the pvc was clear it woulf be kickass...

I am also curious why this thread keeps going "off-topic." This is a case that has a living hamster in it, and people comment about the hamster. What is off topic?
Originally posted by pHatalbOom
You guys are fucking FAGS, how would you like to stay in a computer case your whole life?(You would prbably like it since you're a GEEK.) Like hampsters don't have feelings? Common sence buddy. Hope you get totured tonight somehow. Like get your vagina sliced in half.

That's my non-animal cruelty speech.

youre a fucking dumbass, please leave these forums because you dont have the intelligence to understand most people. im sure the fucking hamster can tell the difference between a computer case and a normal hamster cage

Lock in 3... 2... 1...

Seriously, I think the little fellow looks pretty happy... just make sure it has access to a wheel at night and this will be one of the greatest mods ever.

Though... too be dead honest I personally think turning it into a fish tank would be cooler. That sounds pretty sweet!
fish tank has been done ^_^

one problem with a wheel is that I don't think I can fit one in there.....now if I could make like a belt for him to run on....
You guys better stop going off-topic or the dancing lock will come:

hehe :rolleyes:
anyways do you think hed run on a belt? like if it was mounted onto two free spinning wheels? if he did that would be cool and it might fit horizontally easier than a wheel.
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