I have a hamster in my computer case (not for 56k)

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Originally posted by Spleeze
I Think that emorphien went a bit overboard, but the fact is that a hamster needs a wheel... not "would really like a wheel", but it needs to run to be healthy... In the wild, a hamster will run over 2Km a night (they sleep all day). So a wheel really is a necessity, as is a small burrow for it to "nest" in.

Porcha, you get brownie points for creativity, but i think that it was rushed into. The hammy is gonna stink and make a mess, then stink more in a month when it dies. Cleaning it will be hard and making it have enough airflow for the poor thing is going to require little holes everywhere, not just a fan. Little holes = case/desk area full of woodchips. Make it a fishtank, slap in a filter and you're golden... hell keep the PVC piping for the fish to travel down. I know people have commented on it before, but if the pvc was clear it woulf be kickass...

I am also curious why this thread keeps going "off-topic." This is a case that has a living hamster in it, and people comment about the hamster. What is off topic?

That's amusing, how did I go overboard?

Given how most computer discussions go, the hamster doesn't seem too off topic to me. Not that I care, I think its silly.
Originally posted by porcha
fish tank has been done ^_^

one problem with a wheel is that I don't think I can fit one in there.....

I think thats presicesly the point everyone here is trying to make. There is little to no room in there for that fat rodent so the poor thing is going to live his life like a calf destined to be veal, all cooped up and living in piles of its own shit. I agree with just about everyone here that this is a really cool mod, and with a little more effort in thinking things out could be a great one. How bout putting a "real" hamster cage on top of the computer with a pipe going down into your computer, then you would have enough room for a wheel (which by the way they DO actually NEED, not would like) and easier access to giving him food and water.


Edit: Read the top paragraph from here to see about what a hamster needs to live a happy life.
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