I have a feeling no one will win this round.


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 26, 2005
The closer we get to the release of next gen cards the more I get the feeling that there will be no clear winner.

From what I've seen AMD won't go against the P100 until Vega maybe. So nvidia does win on that front. The Radeon Pro X2 is reallly no match.

But in the battle that matters is where it seems R490x and GTX 1080 won't be much faster than the FuryX or GTX980Ti, so that could mean still no 4K capable card.

I think nvidia will be faster in raw performance in DX11 but will still struggle with DX12 which should even the playyfield.
P100 isn't for gaming. Nvidia and AMD are both going to probably release mid to high end cards with GDDR5. In 2017 they both will probably release HBM2 ultra high end variants Ti and Fury. For single chip GPUs for 4K gaming, we are all losers in 2016.
The closer we get to the release of next gen cards the more I get the feeling that there will be no clear winner.

From what I've seen AMD won't go against the P100 until Vega maybe. So nvidia does win on that front. The Radeon Pro X2 is reallly no match.

But in the battle that matters is where it seems R490x and GTX 1080 won't be much faster than the FuryX or GTX980Ti, so that could mean still no 4K capable card.

I think nvidia will be faster in raw performance in DX11 but will still struggle with DX12 which should even the playyfield.
The thinning of drivers in DX12 leads to homogeneous architectures, we're already seeing evidence of it in new leaks recently.
Maybe if they are really neck-and-neck, we can get a price war going.
If power efficiency is what they promised, please make a 6" board with single power plug, not a 12" behemoth with dual or tripple power plugs.
P100 isn't for gaming. Nvidia and AMD are both going to probably release mid to high end cards with GDDR5. In 2017 they both will probably release HBM2 ultra high end variants Ti and Fury. For single chip GPUs for 4K gaming, we are all losers in 2016.

No regrets with my 780Ti SLI to 980Ti SLI upgrade late last year. I'm guessing we will see a ultra high end gaming variant of Pascal eventually, but it is really looking like that is still a ways off... Everyone waiting for a "gaming" pascal release this year will probably see more of a very moderate performance increase akin to a lateral move from an overclocked 980Ti when it come to performance. Yes, more efficient when it come to power/temps... but I predict it'll be somewhat of a disappointment for those thinking it will be a huge jump forward.
My concern is for the the gaming consumer not interested in mining, and the disruption that it can cause in terms of real pricing. There is likelihood we'll have a repeat of Hawaii's market launch situation, even if it is a too a lesser effect.

I ran into this issue the last time around in that I basically had to sell my AMD card, as I didn't want to mine, or deal with holding onto it after the bubble collapses and tanking it's resale value. This did net me a profit but in practice this ended up basically a wash since I had to switch to poorer value Nvidia card that wasn't as suitable.

So hopefully Ethereum GPU mining completely collapses ASAP.
The top-end will be meh. First pascal and Polaris boards will probably be a slight bump in performance from the 980 Ti / Fury. Rinse and repeat.

All of my excitement for new cards is now in the 100w segment as that's a hard limit for the gaming rig in the living room. 980 / 390 performance at 100w would be excellent.
P100 isn't for gaming. Nvidia and AMD are both going to probably release mid to high end cards with GDDR5. In 2017 they both will probably release HBM2 ultra high end variants Ti and Fury. For single chip GPUs for 4K gaming, we are all losers in 2016.

Meanwhile, the rest of us are just trying to catch up on our Steam catalog from 2007... :D
I have my sights set on a regular 1080 card -- I'm excited to be back under a single card solution (was on Xfire 290s) The 980ti would be great for me now since I game in 1440, but I don't mind waiting. Word is that it will have a single 8 pin connector, and the talk is a 20% gain over 980ti performance, that would suit me just fine. I'd even be happy to pay $550-600 for it.

I'm sure 6 to 9 months later we will see the 1080ti hit and I'm sure it will have some monster performance (and a monster price tag) even though I'd love to have something like that I just don't need it, and don't have the patience. My main gaming rig right now is only being used as a torrent down load machine, lol the gaping hole in the PCI-X bus means I don't actually use the machine day to day anymore. Limping along on my 970m laptop for the next few months is what I've decided to do.
The closer we get to the release of next gen cards the more I get the feeling that there will be no clear winner.
From what I've seen AMD won't go against the P100 until Vega maybe. So nvidia does win on that front. The Radeon Pro X2 is reallly no match.
But in the battle that matters is where it seems R490x and GTX 1080 won't be much faster than the FuryX or GTX980Ti, so that could mean still no 4K capable card.
I think nvidia will be faster in raw performance in DX11 but will still struggle with DX12 which should even the playyfield.

Why don't you buy a P100 and tell us how well it does against any of AMD offerings. What a poor excuse for a troll thread ...
i really hope ethereum mining doesnt crash, i just ordered 3 amd R9 380s. Though in the last 7 days the price has dropped 25% for the coin, so its probably on its way out...
The thinning of drivers in DX12 leads to homogeneous architectures, we're already seeing evidence of it in new leaks recently.
Maybe if they are really neck-and-neck, we can get a price war going.

A price war is something AMD cannot afford. They need a clear advantage over nvidia this time around.
A price war is something AMD cannot afford. They need a clear advantage over nvidia this time around.
Well they're off to a good start because if Pascal scales like Maxwell does in DX12, I have to limit myself to AMD GPUs only.
Well they're off to a good start because if Pascal scales like Maxwell does in DX12, I have to limit myself to AMD GPUs only.

Same here as long as dx12 takes off in a big way this year and if it heavily uses async. Lots of ifs that will soon be answered.
i really hope ethereum mining doesnt crash, i just ordered 3 amd R9 380s. Though in the last 7 days the price has dropped 25% for the coin, so its probably on its way out...
I wouldn't be hedging much on any coin... this isn't 2011.

And I agree, probably no clear winner incoming
All of my excitement for new cards is now in the 100w segment as that's a hard limit for the gaming rig in the living room. 980 / 390 performance at 100w would be excellent.

I'm running a Hadron Air case (replaced PSU; stock is way too loud) and an Asus Strix GTX 970, which is a 145w card. It stays very quiet most of the time (the fan on my Samsung TV is louder than the whole PC except in heavy gaming) and even heavy games it doesn't get very loud.

And I've got a desktop running a larger case (also with an Asus 970) with an aftermarket cooler (Arctic Accelero 3), and it *never* gets loud.

I'm all for lower power/heat/noise, but I dunno why 100w would be a hard limit.
Have you considered the Hadron Air?
It's a 15L case instead of a 10L case, but it has much better airflow and is still very compact.

Just replace the included PSU with a Seasonic server PSU (or similar) and it's good to go.
I also replaced the fans with Noctua ones, which keeps baseline noise levels low enough that I've actually not been able to tell that it was already on and accidentally shut it down by hitting the power button
Nah the Hadron is way too big. The node 202 is slightly bigger than a console and fits in perfectly with other living room components.
i really hope ethereum mining doesnt crash, i just ordered 3 amd R9 380s. Though in the last 7 days the price has dropped 25% for the coin, so its probably on its way out...
you missed getting rich off of cryptocurrency by about 3 years. early 2013 would have been the time to mine and get rich fast, now you are mostly minig to pay for power cost and a few dollars in profit. Its best just to jump on the next pump and dump coin and hope to get lucky.
Who are the morons that dump real money into these bullshit coins?
Who are the morons that dump real money into these bullshit coins?

Don't knock it. I made a few thousand $$ with my AMD cards back when Bitcoin started going up and then made a few more thousand on alt-coins. With that said I don't plan on doing that again because the care and feeding of my farm sucked.
The thinning of drivers in DX12 leads to homogeneous architectures, we're already seeing evidence of it in new leaks recently.
Maybe if they are really neck-and-neck, we can get a price war going.
die shrinks ussually result in an overall tie. thats what happened with 28nm. the difference maybe if the 14nm vs 16nm actually means anything. i know each company does some shotty measurements to make their nm sound better. like intels 14nm is substantially better than their 16nm because how intel pulled it off and measures the gaps. like 20nm was worse than intels 22nm IIRC
i really hope ethereum mining doesnt crash, i just ordered 3 amd R9 380s. Though in the last 7 days the price has dropped 25% for the coin, so its probably on its way out...
Who in the hell still mines with video cards these days? The ROI has got to be negative...
Just because we are mining, does not mean we are mining bitcoins. There is hundreds of other coins, some of which are asic resistant.

Mining is more profitable right now with ethereum then it was for the majority of my tenure bitcoin. My most profitable coin was doge, i made $750 revenue one week. I made and sold over 300 bitcoins and on average for about $5 each. Imagine how sad I was when i saw bitcoins trading over $1100 each thanksgiving that year... i just dont have the guts to speculate.