I feel bad for id

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oh yeah i got that letter too :D

same movie, but i have cox not comcast

and i gotta say, i have 3 preorders for D3 but i am still tempted to DL it for some instant gratification.
Silentbob343 said:
Anybody remember those letters from Comcast to those caught downloading Mummy Return off Bit Torrent. MGM had servers set up with certain movies and logged everybody who pulled from them. I wonder if ID did something similar. I had a scan of one of the Comcast letters at one time I might still have it on my site.

Here is a link to the Comcast note:
http://www.student.gsu.edu/~asamara/comcast letter.html

For all those downloading Doom 3 off Bit Torent, happy downloading. ;)

by the time i get a letter i would already own the game...

not that im downloading it
Deadguy said:
and i gotta say, i have 3 preorders for D3 but i am still tempted to DL it for some instant gratification.

Instant gratification........if you started downloading it now, it would be done by Tuesday. Unless you aren't using torrent....btw torrent sucks. Support ID, buy their stuff.

I have played Doom 3, and let me tell you.....$54.99 was very much worth it after I played the first 20 mins. BTW, I played the leaked Alpha and the Beta, let me tell you.....they were buggy as hell, and didn't look to great..(they were leaked, and shitty) so if you played those, and are using that as an excuse to "try" before you buy, don't!
I think that alot of poeple even downloading the game may end up buying it .. im not saying they will but its my opinion. especially if ur older than 16 and grew up on doom... its nostolgiac "spelling lol" ? not only that , if you can afford a system that can run the game the system probably wont be older than a year , then you can afford to buy the game..... so if u dont buy it ....thats just sad and you have no shame :(
to those that dont feel bad for id because they have 2 million preorders:

its not about numbers, its about percentages.

if personA agrees for personB to do a service that values at $20, then personB expects that $20 after completing the service successfully.. but what if personA only gives personB $10. do you feel sorry for personB?

what if the same situation happened but the service values at $20,000,000? personB gets $10,000,000. do you feel sorry for personB now? no. why the change? because you feel that a millionaire with 2 million is the same as a millionaire with 20 million? so they have no right to complain? this is foolishness and you are not robin hood(i am).

the point is, the service was valued at $20 and $20,000,000, so its EQUALLY unfair in both situations that personB gets $10 and $10,000,000. its irrelevant what you think each person needs in terms of $, thats not the issue. its the exact same situation when you consider the VALUE of each service

ID deserves every penny

i think its downright unintelligent to think that its OK for someone with a large amount of money to lose some unjustly, yet when someone that's not very well off loses the same percentage unjustly everyone goes ballistic. bah
I had a Friend call me up a few hours ago and say "hey wanna come over? i got doom 3!!! " i was like wow thats fucking great! .. so i drive over fast and then when we go to his computer i am like " so where is the box?" he is like "oh .. i didn't really buy it per say but ..." at first i was suprised and wanted to see the game but then i thought about it .. 4 years of my life poured into one thing .. i wouldn't like some random person being able to just walk over and steal it to there hearts content. So i told him i didn't want to spoil the game for my-self and i took off. Regardless of how much money Id makes from doom 3 .. its there 4 years ..not mine and i respect that enough not to steal.
I could spend 4 years on a game, doesn't mean it's gonna be any good.. it could be a shitty ass game with big hype...

Anyways, I recently got my hands on Doom 3. I am impressed by the graphics(9/10) and the "scaryness" of the game. But, other than that.. it sucks IMO.

One thing I thought was stupid was hitting a corpse with your flashlight (or shooting it once) turns it into a skeleton? (maybe I missed a part where it actually is supposed to do that?) I like to play with the life-like corpses.. :p

Definitly not worth my $55. That $55 will be going into Half-Life 2 (which I know will be much better, SP + MP)
Warmonkey said:
Support ID, buy their stuff.

I have played Doom 3, and let me tell you.....so if you played those, and are using that as an excuse to "try" before you buy, don't!

dude....... what are you jabbering about?? i do buy their stuff, i just said that i have THREE paid in full preorders.

BTW it would only take me like 4 hours to DL the game.... so, um, yeah
Unless the MP side of things improves significantly via mods etc I don't see a lot of people buying it, especially when you consider most will of finished the SP game before they could of even bought it legally.
What about people downloading it just to see if it runs on their computer?? some people really don't want to wait until Decemember for a Demo of the game.
If Activision/id were smart, they'd have allowed all retail chains to start selling copies right when they learned of people getting copies early. This probably would have staved off potential pirates that would rather have bought the game but didn't want to wait.
ID Software should deserve to have all those pre-orders cancelled, after playing it for a hour, saving and then testing multiplayer, I was utterly disgusted.

This game is nothing special

Shoot a wall, nothing, you can't even interact with the half-assed enviroment
Facial Textures of characters, non-fucken-exsistant
None of the characters even have hair, they are all bald, go ID Software, lazy bunch of !!!!s.
The monster AI is ridicilously pathetic, its all sequenced, its not fucken AI
Shooting monsters is fucken stupid, you have to hope your shots hit them because you can't tell half the time if you bullets hit them or not [blood stains, full pistol clip to kill a zombie at times, mobs just pop up and pelt you with guns...]

I could go on forever but I quickly uninstalled this waste of Hard-Drive space. I got the CD's from a friend after rushing over to his house for it...I >was< excited, but once I got home I tossed the discs off to my brother and told him "Enjoy.."
I'm currently downloading it... I will buy it once it hits the stands though. If my download finishes before it hits the stands I want a sneek preview. I think that half the people downloading the game right now are doing so just because they want a preview to the game... kind of like a full demo.. :)

But yes there are a lot of people that won't buy the game that are downloading it.. :(...

that is weak.
ScretHate said:
They worked so hard on Doom 3 and now, before the official release date, by just looking at suprnova, you can see that 50,000+ people are downloading it via bittorrent, and these people probably will not buy the game. That's a whole lot of lost $$$.

I don't blame people for downloading this game. I do blame ID and every other game maker to allow pirating in the first place. Is it about time that these people developed some security in their products that prevents piracy? This has been going on for years yet games still come up on bit torrent/share reactor etc sometimes before release date. Are the publishers making that much money that it doesn't bother them ??
I am buying it....but I want to test it out. Just like I did Q3A...

It is worth the money and I always buy the games I play.
I think it needs to be reinforced that there is a big difference between discussing that something is available for download and that you are downloading something.
Refer to the Rules again.

No one here cares if you are downloading the game, so do not discuss your personal dealings in downloading warez. That is clearly against the rules. It would be greatly appreciated if you could keep the discussion inside the boundaries of the rules of the forum.

Thank you.
k1pp3r said:
I think i can straigten this one up here. When i worked at one of our store (specialty retail, footwear) lets say we had a release one air force ones all white set for aug 3, iff say champs sports sold it on the 1st, we would purchase a shoe from them, have the receipt with date and time, then we could legally start selling that shoe. Now can action be takin on champs, i suppose, however i have never heard of a case, but once the date has been broken its sale time for everyone else, all you need is the receipt to prove they did it first.

Please tell me that English is not your native language.
Bradster said:
I don't blame people for downloading this game. I do blame ID and every other game maker to allow pirating in the first place. Is it about time that these people developed some security in their products that prevents piracy? This has been going on for years yet games still come up on bit torrent/share reactor etc sometimes before release date. Are the publishers making that much money that it doesn't bother them ??

People hate product activation. Do you want the games you pay for to be a PITA to install and use? Do you want to have to call the manufacturer after you reformat and reinstall to be able to use it? Do you want to have to have an internet connection to be able to play a single player game? Etc.
I don't like putting $60 of my hard-earned cash down for a game I have never ever played, let alone seen, but I'm probabily going to end up buying it at lunch today anyway

hey if it sucks I can sell it and make most of it back anyway
wow, that is pretty sad that so many people are downloading the game with no intention to buy it. i think that id should have released a demo of the game before the release of the full version because i know i like to try something before i go out and buy it. i will admit that i downloaded the beta from suprnova, but after seeing this beta i knew immedietly that i wanted the game and went ahead and did a pre order.

the game is really worth buying, so go out and buy it!
MNet000 said:
Facial Textures of characters, non-fucken-exsistant
None of the characters even have hair, they are all bald, go ID Software, lazy bunch of !!!!s.
Shooting monsters is fucken stupid, you have to hope your shots hit them because you can't tell half the time if you bullets hit them or not [blood stains, full pistol clip to kill a zombie at times, mobs just pop up and pelt you with guns...]

Dunno what game you've been playing buddy, from the pics ive seen theres plenty of people with hair, you can tell if an enemy has been hit by the blood flying off him, and the facial textures on the characters is good.
Maybe I wasn't clear.

odoe said:
I think it needs to be reinforced that there is a big difference between discussing that something is available for download and that you are downloading something.
Refer to the Rules again.

No one here cares if you are downloading the game, so do not discuss your personal dealings in downloading warez. That is clearly against the rules. It would be greatly appreciated if you could keep the discussion inside the boundaries of the rules of the forum.

Thank you.
Silentbob343 said:
For all those downloading Doom 3 off Bit Torent, happy downloading. ;)

Azureus /w Safepeer 2.1 combined with a ISP that dosn't give a damn (Millenium Digital) = teh win
kronchev said:

You know it would be great if software developers made some sort of "demo" of their software so you could try it out.

I've gotten several requests to make a torrent(None from here thankfully), I really thought about compressing 3 gig of worthless data and making that available.
:( :( :( This is truly a sad day. People who warez should have there computer rights taken away from them for 10 years as punishment. People read the forum rules or some of you will get banned. Oh wait... I hope u do get banned because I hate piracy. My copy should arrive Thursday. I preordered. I have been waiting 4 years for this and even spent thousands of dollars so that i can run. Believe me when I say that I can wait until thursday.

EDIT: About the demo and downloading because there isn't one yet....... Does this make it ok to warez movies because u never saw it? Maybe u should get a refund at the movie theater if u didn't like the movie.
Wondernerd said:
You know it would be great if software developers made some sort of "demo" of their software so you could try it out.

please point me to a doom3 demo.
Ravenrex said:
Please tell me that English is not your native language.

Lol, i just re read that myself and don't blame you for that comment. Anyway yes it is, I was in a hurry and admit i suck at spelling. so there
Arkanian said:
:( :( :( This is truly a sad day. People who warez should have there computer rights taken away from them for 10 years as punishment. People read the forum rules or some of you will get banned. Oh wait... I hope u do get banned because I hate piracy. My copy should arrive Thursday. I preordered. I have been waiting 4 years for this and even spent thousands of dollars so that i can run. Believe me when I say that I can wait until thursday.

EDIT: About the demo and downloading because there isn't one yet....... Does this make it ok to warez movies because u never saw it? Maybe u should get a refund at the movie theater if u didn't like the movie.

i hate jumping blind into paying for somethign I dont know if I'll like. hell i hate that for movies, HATE it, yet i like movies. i hate that with video games as well but usually theres, you know, a DEMO i could at least try.I'm sorry but no one has the right to expect people to pay for something that for all purposes could turn out to be a piece of crap
You waited a year and 30 more days is a problem? Are you dying from cancer? You don't have to buy a product the day it is released.

Even so, does that make stealing it any less wrong? You can't steal a car and drive it for a year and then decide to buy it.
ScretHate said:
They worked so hard on Doom 3 and now, before the official release date, by just looking at suprnova, you can see that 50,000+ people are downloading it via bittorrent, and these people probably will not buy the game. That's a whole lot of lost $$$.

Like I said if they would have just let the release date go when Best Buy and others put it out early, I bet that number would be less. I have read enough to know a ton of people would have bought it over the weekend.
Wondernerd said:
You waited a year and 30 more days is a problem? Are you dying from cancer? You don't have to buy a product the day it is released.

Even so, does that make stealing it any less wrong? You can't steal a car and drive it for a year and then decide to buy it.

no but I CAN test drive a car. I CAN see preview for movies (although I really prefer the first 15 minutes via various LEGAL methods). I CAN download the demo for any other game. and I CAN get my money back if I think a movie sucks, as long as I dont watch the whole thing. I shouldve done that for the village.

Cardboard Hammer said:
People hate product activation. Do you want the games you pay for to be a PITA to install and use? Do you want to have to call the manufacturer after you reformat and reinstall to be able to use it? Do you want to have to have an internet connection to be able to play a single player game? Etc.

What you mentioned there are some possible 'ways' to try and prevent piracy. I am surprised that nothing else has been developed - thats all. It looks to me like the games makers don't give a sh1t otherwise something would be in place to cut down the illegal distribution of their work.
You guys bitch more then a couple of 12 year olds at an nSync concert. Pretty sad and funny :rolleyes:
kronchev said:

That people would be honorable and respect the developer enough to not steal? I know it is crazy talk, but why is stealing the game even an option? It is more palpable to download it then to stick a gun in Carmack's face, but it is the same. It isn't less wrong because id is making a hundred trillian dollars off of it.

And you can test drive this game, the ability to test drive it is a month off. If you download the whole game for a test drive and somehow accidently complete the game, there is no motivation to buy it. Other then a sense of decency which is already comprimised because you mugged id in the parking lot.

Some suit is going to take those download numbers and factor it into the equation when Doom 4 comes around. It doesn't matter if 35,000 of the 50,000 downloads later purchased the game. They will see 35,000 sales and 50,000 bootlegs. That will turn into no Doom 4 because no enough people purchased Doom 3. All numbers were pulled out of my ass. I have no idea what the actual financials are.
Wondernerd said:
That people would be honorable and respect the developer enough to not steal? I know it is crazy talk, but why is stealing the game even an option? It is more palpable to download it then to stick a gun in Carmack's face, but it is the same. It isn't less wrong because id is making a hundred trillian dollars off of it.

And you can test drive this game, the ability to test drive it is a month off. If you download the whole game for a test drive and somehow accidently complete the game, there is no motivation to buy it. Other then a sense of decency which is already comprimised because you mugged id in the parking lot.

Some suit is going to take those download numbers and factor it into the equation when Doom 4 comes around. It doesn't matter if 35,000 of the 50,000 downloads later purchased the game. They will see 35,000 sales and 50,000 bootlegs. That will turn into no Doom 4 because no enough people purchased Doom 3. All numbers were pulled out of my ass. I have no idea what the actual financials are.

are you kidding me? 50k people download it...35k from that buy it. 15k people NOT buying Doom 3 as I fully expect this game to sell half a million copies. the 15k who dont buy it are clearly in the wrong, but if they didnt release a demo, of COURSE people are going to want to try it one way or another. saying "oh they should be able to wait a month" is irresponsible to the gaming industry and a slap in the face to every consumer who would ever consider buying the game.

and I know that id is going to go broke because of those 15k people who dont buy the game, but those are probabily the same 15k who wouldnt buy it anyway, warez or not.
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