I dont get it...(Quake 4 vs. FEAR )


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 22, 2004
Ok, maybe i'm just crazy but after installing both Quake 4 and FEAR on my new rig, I can't believe how FEAR got so many awards?! I mean seriously, what is it? Playing Quake 4 on Ultra quality with AA/AF made my eyes bleed! It just looked so friggin' amazing! Don't get me wrong, FEAR looks amazing as well, but I think the level design/architecture in Quake 4 are on a completely different level. Not only that, but the character models are drop dead gorgeous. I downloaded that parallex mapping mod also, and it just adds to the fun :) They're both insanely linear shooters, but c'mon....Quake 4's SP is so much more fun and full of action. I haven't even finished FEAR yet, and this is the third time its been on my computer lol...I just don't get how people can actually bash Quake 4 because IMO its one of the top shooters i've ever played. Graphics are insane, the sound is amazing, great immersion, great level design and attention to detail, and loads of action. Sometimes, i'd just look at the mechanical stuff in Q4 function....its so cool. In FEAR, your stuck in a boring office building with some stupid crazy b1tch popping out every 5 seconds. The only thing I loved about FEAR was its AI....

My opinion is that FEAR is a piece of shit and everyone is retarded except for me.

Just kidding, but I still think FEAR sucks. Then again, I didnt care for Q4 much either.
As far as lighting, I thought that the FEAR engine was far superior to the Doom3 engine since EVERYTHING in FEAR has dynamic shadowing IIRC.
retardedchicken said:
As far as lighting, I thought that the FEAR engine was far superior to the Doom3 engine since EVERYTHING in FEAR has dynamic shadowing IIRC.

Fine, techincally it is better, but Quake 4 just LOOKS better.
I think it's kind of hard to compare the two. Quake 4 went for all out carnage. FEAR was trying to get under your skin and offer the player a much more cinematic experience. I love both games, but for different reasons.
Circuitbreaker8 said:
Fine, techincally it is better, but Quake 4 just LOOKS better.

That's subjective and quite frankly I disagree.

Post some of your good screens, I'll dig into my FEAR folder for you guys as well.

Although I will say that FEAR sometimes shows its beauty best in motion (such as the motion blur they employ with the Type7 Particle Weapon's scope).
I like Q4 better too. in FEAR I was like always checkin my hp and ammo, and find cover. Q4 is like running around and blast the **** out of the ugly monsters. in FEAR its too easy to dy but u can pick up first aids, but sounds and weapons Q4 owns FEAR. and i dont get why didnt FEAR let me shoot bullet by bullet instead of burst fire each time ( that mean you cant really aim with FEAR. and FEAR's background story sux (putting a new guy on a extremely dangerous mission, and still making him go on mission when there's 100+ well trained clone elite and no sucessful back up)

I'm starting to think Q4 is even more real than FEAR. wiht Q4 u got a war. with FEAR, u pretty much got fear and some 1 v all hero action
retardedchicken said:
That's subjective and quite frankly I disagree.

Post some of your good screens, I'll dig into my FEAR folder for you guys as well.

Although I will say that FEAR sometimes shows its beauty best in motion (such as the motion blur they employ with the Type7 Particle Weapon's scope).
FEAR's blood effect is pretty good, one of the best so far. Or maybe = to HL2. and the slow mo effect is the best part
I just finished playing FEAR through again yesterday, and personally much prefer it to Q4 which i got bored of very very quickly. Not that fear's flawless by any means, it lulls seriously in the middle and gets quite repetitive and owes a massive debt to System Shock 2 (and the Ring films, obviously), but I love the ending (no cheesy platform-style boss). Q4 might have a great ending, but I haven't had the patience to get that far.
Graphically i don't think either's perfect. fear doesn't seem (to me) to do enough to justify the stress it puts on your pc although it basically looks nice in a clinical, office building sort of way (surprise, surprise) and has some nice effects. Q4 has inherited D3's nasty plastic look and the idea that it demonstrates that the Doom engine can do outdoor areas well is laughable.
Although, much as I'd like fear, I'd rather play Far Cry.
Personally I don't like either. To me a whole lot of shadows and lighting doesn't make up for the fact that everything looks painfully fake and angular. FEAR looks and plays a little better, but I'd take Far Cry or Half-Life 2 over either game. The FEAR and Doom 3 engines focus way too much on lighting and not enough on making things look *real.* Everything looks like someone took a knife and carved sharp edges on it. I don't care what kind of lighting you have, the models look like they were assembled out of oblong blocks.
beanman101283 said:
I think it's kind of hard to compare the two. Quake 4 went for all out carnage. FEAR was trying to get under your skin and offer the player a much more cinematic experience. I love both games, but for different reasons.

Good point.

I haven't played Q4, but F.E.A.R... I'm not a horror person, as I've found out (my sister likes The Ring-type of horror, she doesn't think F.E.A.R. is scary at all, which is telling you something). It's an awesome game, but I'm chicken when I play it. I move very slowly, inspecting everything, going into slow motion (does it have a name) every time I enter a room... :p
While they're both FPS, they're in totally different genres in my book. FEAR you are quiet, check EVERY corner and dont move at all when your flashlight/slow mo is down. That game is freaking scary, surround sound+3am+little girl= OH MY. (and the AI is great)

Quake4, it's more fast paced than FEAR by about 400% .

In some parts, the scenario is better looking on Q4, but the blood/fire on FEAR is fantastic.

I havent beaten either, I've played about 1-2 levels of both a week, good games.. but I get bored with 'em to quick.
FEAR is definitely a strange game....but it's engine is leaps and bounds above Quake 4. I found Quake 4 sp seriously lacking. It just didn't pull me in. Seemed almost thrown together imho. FEAR is a much better SP game, as strange as it is. :)
Quake 4 for me was very repetitive. It was like every two seconds your going back half way through the map to meet someone. And it sucked because when you were given orders, you had to do like a million things before you can accomplish a certain task. It was like, "Your orders are to get on the tram (it's like 3 feet away), but first you must get power to the tram, put the tram on the tracks, fix the steering mechanism, kill 6000 enemies (that all make the same screwed up noise when they jump out in front of you), meet up with a medic, an engineer, and a pilot, etc..." FEAR on the other hand, looked better IMO, had cooler weapons, the story was a lot more enthralling, it was more scary and creepy (as apposed to the cheap "jump out and scare you" techniques used in Quake 4), and you were always doing new things. FEAR FOR THE WIN!
FEAR was far and away the best game I played last year. Quake Bore was dull from beginning to end. An unimaginative, dated re-hash of Quake 2 with some occasionally impressive graphics. They should have made a sequel set in the Quake 1 universe. I find the whole "space marines" kind of thing incredibly tired. Having said that, I'm looking forward to quake wars immensely, but that's a different kettle of fish altogether.
FEAR > Q4 in my book.

i could only get as far as that nexus in Q4.
i really got bored with the reptetive "oh look, another army of monsters just rushing me.." theme. if all you like to do is shoot shoot shoot, then i can see how this appeals to you.

but in FEAR.. oh my oh my... there is that one area in the Waste Plant where you start out on a cat walk with two ways to go , and both lead down. and about 6-8 soldiers there waiting for you... oh yeah, i got killed a few times, because i was not watching my back as one of those guys snuck up behind me. The kicks are also a nice touch.. there are some of the roof top areas that i passed doing nothing but kicking. the assasin ninjas are the only ones who kinda gave me the Q4 feel (like that big charging rhino like thing with big teeth from Q4) but there were few of them (and the first tome i really didnt even know what hit me) and as soon as your realise that a slide kick takes them out, they stop being scary.

I finshed FEAR, and then started it on a harder difficulty and used almost nothing but a shottie, simply because I almost never used it the first time through. :)

and during all this time, Q4 is just taking up space on my HD.....

I would also say that FEAR has better graphics, the bullet wholes and the faces are done much better in FEAR (IMHO) plus there is recoil that can really mess you up.

Enemies in Q4 will always rush you, you can count on it. SO all you do is run backwards and shoot shoot shoot! and hope you dont run out of ammo.

In FEAR... oh i dont know, they tend to do both, rush and run away.
there have been times when i just from a balcony only to find myself surrounded by a squad and i am quickly killed by the butts of their rifles and others when i jump down, take out the first guy then as the rest of them run away, throw a nade, duck and finish off the rest fo the guys with the dual pistols or something. i dont know.... this kinda appeals to me more.
exe163 said:
FEAR's background story sux (putting a new guy on a extremely dangerous mission, and still making him go on mission when there's 100+ well trained clone elite and no sucessful back up)

You pretty much summed up Quake 4 there too.
meatfestival said:
You pretty much summed up Quake 4 there too.

Haha, good point. In Quake 4 you just followed orders and didn't ask questions, with pretty much no story at all. In FEAR you were given orders but by listening to phones and laptops, you unravel the mystery and figure out who the creepy girl is and who Paxton Fettel is (with a sweet explosion at the end).
I never did understand why q4 wasnt accepted much. It did exactly what it was supposed to do and it did it so dam well. It wasnt mail to be a thriller, it was made to be a quake game. Your freakin superman and you run around killing things as they get bigger and harder.
Circuitbreaker8 said:
Fine, techincally it is better, but Quake 4 just LOOKS better.

Well, FEAR takes place in office buildings, warehouses, dingy sewars, and rooftops. Quake 4 takes place on several alien worlds, including expansive spaceships and various military facilities.

I like both games, but Quake 4 feels more like Doom 4. The overall design is just too similar.
Some facts you should know about Quake 4 and FEAR.

FEAR/QUAKE4 facts.

They both sucked. I'm sorry but anyone who's ever played real games will know that these games just weren't good. They weren't bad but then again who wants to play mediocre games with more of the same but better graphics?

FEAR facts.

Extremely good story.

Every room looks the same. You're so lucky that the game is linear or you'll never find your way around.

If you have weak eye site you could mistaken it as a GhostBusters version of Counter Strike. Just without the really cool ghost busting toys.

Besides the ghost girl the enemies aren't that interesting.

The weapons aren't that interesting.


The story sucks. What there's a story?

The environments are freaking amazing. Who ever created those levels was a sick yet creative bastard.

The only cool weapon is the gravity gun.

You get to drive vehicles but like some games you are limited to the areas where you are allowed to take it. You know the old something fell over and is blocking your way so you can't take it with you excuse.
I've come to expect shitty storys from FPS now....so I didn't start either game with high hopes on that.
Fear is far better then quake 4. I have played thru both of them and have beat both. Fear is freaking scary as hell and for you people that say its not i dont think you played thru the whole game. Yeah the middle of the game gets a little slow but its better then quake 4 were as the whole game is almost the same mission. I am a quake fan i mean i own every single copy of quake and played every single copy none stop when they first came out. Another winning factor is the story. In the end of quake you dont get any gratifacation just some stupid ass ending were as in fear it explaines everything to you and gets even deeper into another story wich i cant wait for. Graphicaly fear only out shines any current gen game with its superb lighting and shadow detail while quake is more of a poly count monster. The A.I in fear is superior to quakes lame ass enemys that just stand there if your to far away and alow you to head shot them to death. Also fears hit detection is awsome. If you shoot someone in the head its shooting someone in the head not like quake were every enemy dies the same no matter where you shoot them. enviroments in fear respond to what you do to them like if you shoot a light it will flicker or shoot a wall it will leave a hole as were in quake everything is die cast metal and is indestructable.
So in all I vote for fear as game of the freaking year maybe even ever. Some may dissagre and some might be on my side but this my friends is cooming from a quake fan boy for life. Make your desicion and please only comment if you have play thru the whole game not just the first level.
Oh yeah and another thing in fear your a super human also so you dont need back up.
Litfod said:
I just finished playing FEAR through again yesterday, and personally much prefer it to Q4 which i got bored of very very quickly. .

I agree also. I enjoyed FEAR far more than Q4.
Both are amazing games!
sabbycon said:
I'm agreeing with him here, although I haven't played Q4 yet I've played the previous 3 iterations of quake. Truth be told, I thought Q3 was really more of a demonstration of what the Quake3 engine was capable of rather than being a fullout FPS game (And I'm thinking the same for Q4/Doom3). FEAR has one of the better storylines for a FPS I've seen in awhile, and its amazing what you can do to the environment sometimes (not to mention terribly bright AI). For those of you saying FEAR had a shitty storyline (e.g. first day on the job, and already dealing with monstrous enemies) did you pay attention to details like laptops and phone messages? I also recommend taking a look at the FEAR article in the latest issue of PCGamer and the FEAR wiki article on Wikipedia.
You pretty much summed up Quake 4 there too.

except the main guy was the same guy in Quake2, having beating a micron he wouldn't exactly be concidered "new" not to mention he was part of a massive invasion, not exactly the same as fear...

Generic dimly lit metallic corridors = amazing? OK...

dimly? have you even played quake 4? by this statement it looks like all you did was stare at screen shots, the atmosphere in quake 4 is by far the best i've ever experienced in any game so far.

The only cool weapon is the gravity gun.

i think you might be getting games mixed up, the only gun remotely close to a gravity gun in quake 4 was the black matter gun (which really didn't have anything to do with gravity, it just kinda pulled loose objects along...)

I would also say that FEAR has better graphics, the bullet wholes and the faces are done much better in FEAR (IMHO) plus there is recoil that can really mess you up.

Enemies in Q4 will always rush you, you can count on it. SO all you do is run backwards and shoot shoot shoot! and hope you dont run out of ammo.

i dunno, i think the models from quake4 look 20x better then the models in fear, which look like walking cylinders to me, quake4 definetly applies way more textures per model then FEAR does.

i have no idea where you got that enemies always rushed you, there were some enemies that were made to rush you... that was it, some crawll around, get into hard to find spots, and fire at you, or drop out of frickin no where through roofs, or are so good at dodging you just want to give up ... honestly i don't see where you are getting the fact they only rushed you

You get to drive vehicles but like some games you are limited to the areas where you are allowed to take it. You know the old something fell over and is blocking your way so you can't take it with you excuse.

every single player game that involved vehicles have always put vehicles in a spot thats part of the story/encounter, i don't see why this is bad :confused:

edit: quake 4 looses =(

i won't comment on quake 4 since all i played was the demo, but what made F.E.A.R. so good to me was not the environments, not the enemies themselves, hell not even the story.

It was the A.I. and the gameplay mechanics (or gimmicks for those that are cynical) like the slow-mo effects and the movement system was fun as hell, you actually felt like you were controlling someone since you could actually use your body (i.e kicking and punching) to kill people. Plus the special effects just made the action more immersive (i still can't get enough of seeing grenades explode in slow-mo) and the sound effects were dead on (the shotgun made my ears ring so much).

Hell i've already played through the game like 5 times just messing around (like using only melee attacks to kill people), and i might even do it again, though i would like to play far cry again as well....hmm decisions decisions...ah hell i'll just play them both again :D

anyways, just my $0.02

oh and yeah FEAR did creep the hell out of me (and still sorta does), those 'ghosts' just freak me out in general :p

Trimlock said:

actually, no it doesn't:


the name is an acronym afterall :p
meatfestival said:
Generic dimly lit metallic corridors = amazing? OK...
Don't tell me you didn't notice the poorly lit metallic corridors in FEAR as well?

The difference between Quake4 and FEAR environments is that FEAR is just one office after another. Where Quake4 has environments that a covered with human torso's. Though it does get repetitive.
It was the A.I. and the gameplay mechanics (or gimmicks for those that are cynical) like the slow-mo effects and the movement system was fun as hell, you actually felt like you were controlling someone since you could actually use your body (i.e kicking and punching) to kill people. Plus the special effects just made the action more immersive (i still can't get enough of seeing grenades explode in slow-mo) and the sound effects were dead on (the shotgun made my ears ring so much).

the AI in FEAR reminds me of when i first loaded up HL1 and was like "WTF?!?! HES WALKING BACK?!" kinda shocked me

The difference between Quake4 and FEAR environments is that FEAR is just one office after another. Where Quake4 has environments that a covered with human torso's. Though it does get repetitive.

well i'm sure they could cut down on the repetition (even though it wasn't that bad) but it would take YEARS making their uniquely looking body ran computer systems

this is making me want to go to some of the really unique spots in quake4 and post their shots, especially the deap freeze portion where you fight banshee's, even though that might spoil some of the suprises in quake
after dying a couple of times in FEAR, i vent by playing Q4...

Fear FTW for immersiveness
Q4 FTW for venting ability :D

Course...i have the extra added pleasure of playing both at 1920x1200 :D
i dont know what most of you guys are talking about when it comes to quake4. the outside environments looked they belong in half life1. i played the demo and looked up at the ugly sky and was completely turned off and yes i was playing on high quality. the planes shooting accross the sky just looked damn silly. i really didnt get the gameplay at all cause it just seemed like a game a kid with add would enjoy. i will probably buy it when it hits the bargain bin. :rolleyes:
Trimlock said:
except the main guy was the same guy in Quake2

Incorrect. Watch the intro: "who's the new guy?"

dimly? have you even played quake 4? by this statement it looks like all you did was stare at screen shots, the atmosphere in quake 4 is by far the best i've ever experienced in any game so far.

I've played and finished it. I thought it was one big cliche after another, and the final boss battle was so lame I nearly wept.

I don't really think FEAR's levels were repetitive. They turned unremarkable, dark locations into creepy, ominous places for some serious chills and amazing gunfights. Every little detail was brilliant. The weapons just felt right. The AI is only surpassed by Far Cry.
fear's enviroment was horride.. the textures and everything.

at least it looked like they tried to make something look good in quake4
too bad they didn't make it play good.

and I agree with the other guy about the outdoor sections in Quake 4, they looked like something out of Half Life 1. Horrible 2D painted skyboxes and possibly the least convincing terrain I've seen in years, oh dear.
Very different games, both pretty good in their own respect.

I probably liked FEAR more overall, the atmosphere and the mix between scaring the crap out of you and cool fight sceens made the game a little more balanced than just constant carnage.

I judged Quake4 a bit too quickly at first, thinking it was going to be rubbish but I really loved coop with the squads, it's something games don't do enough, probably why the call of duty series has been so popular. Once you end up as strogg and start the stupid vehicle sections in Quake4 it went downhil for me, and I never got far past getting turned.

I've finsihed FEAR and started playing it again on easy this time, almost soley so I can use the shotgun on all the marines :D

Overall I think I like FEAR more, it had a lot of bad points, i felt the movement seemed a bit akward, maybe the acceleration of the movement and what feels like acceleration of the mouse which there is no option to disable. I also thought it was a bit tacky that you can see your own feet, especialy considering the rotating and walking animations were rubbish. Some of the maps were too long and repetative, but overall FEAR is still a fantastic game.

Best read reviews of them both, see which sort of game is more your style and buy which you think you'd enjoy more, rather than buying it because it has a good engine or slightly better graphics.


Another thing which really badly got under my skin with FEAR was the machine guns were in constant burst mode, which doesn't normally make a great deal of difference, but when you come to stop shooting it always fires that extra few bullets after you let go of the mouse. it made the game feel more unresponsive and akward to me, didn't like it at all.