I am sick of "Halo for XBox"


Aug 3, 2003
This is my rant for the month. I am sick of playing Halo on XBox. Why?

1) Everyone who plays Halo on Xbox is unhappy. They are all bitchy. Halo on Xbox is like CS on PC. It makes people angry.

2) Everyone thinks they are the shit. I know I am not good at it. I am a decent Halo on XBox player, but I am not "The Shit" and I know it.

It's my second semester at college, and after spending countless nights away from my comp and playing that oh-so-wonderful game of Halo, I now hate the people who play with (with the exception of the guys who have fun).

And lastly... can we just be happy playing a game? Breaking things because you got melee smacked is not having fun... (see page 3 for example)

Anyone else feel like this?

*This post was edited for clarity... I Ranted and it lost my original point so here is the core of what intended to get across.*
Originally posted by Spinal

And lastly... can we just be happy playing a game? Breaking things because you got melee smacked is not having fun...

Anyone else feel like this?

hit the bitch back... and yes you are crap if you get knocked.

i just quit playing that game. games are meant to be fun. people take stuff way too seriously.
Dude I love Halo and my XBox's. I would as would many other people I know RATHER play it on the XBOX than PC. You say holding a controller is hard. Well for most people getting your left hand to in so satanic postions on the keyboard trying to straif and jump while trying to zoom in on someone is SHIT. Yes you are a PC snob. Try playing with more xbox's and TV's hooked up in LAN and you will see why everyone loves this game and gets as serious as they do.

And you know they make it for PC. SO STFU!
Originally posted by asusxp1900
getting your left hand to in so satanic postions on the keyboard trying to straif and jump while trying to zoom in on someone is SHIT.
*a or d-spacebar-mouse-scroll"

doesn't seem hard to me. In fact, it's very intuitive.
If you have trouble doing those things at the same time, you need to remap that shit.
Originally posted by asusxp1900
Dude I love Halo and my XBox's. I would as would many other people I know RATHER play it on the XBOX than PC. You say holding a controller is hard. Well for most people getting your left hand to in so satanic postions on the keyboard trying to straif and jump while trying to zoom in on someone is SHIT. Yes you are a PC snob. Try playing with more xbox's and TV's hooked up in LAN and you will see why everyone loves this game and gets as serious as they do.

And you know they make it for PC. SO STFU!

OMFG WTF U R SO KEWL! What in the hell was the point of that? He was obviously just venting, and you respond like a 14 year old who just got owned in CS. Go back to your hole now.

Multiplayer on just about any game sucks nowadays, especially over the internet. Probably because the majority of people playing games these days are like the aforequoted angsty pre-teen who feel that they absolutely must do good to play a game, and that it's not worth their time if they don't.
I suck at aiming with the controller too and that is why I always get killed 3 to 1 on R6 on XBL but that doesn't make me hate the game. Halo is a great game and just because I can't be the best at it doesn't make me hate it any. For PC, well that is a different story. I am not the best but I am most certainly better then I am at Halo Xbox.
Originally posted by finalgt
OMFG WTF U R SO KEWL! What in the hell was the point of that? He was obviously just venting, and you respond like a 14 year old who just got owned in CS. Go back to your hole now.

Multiplayer on just about any game sucks nowadays, especially over the internet. Probably because the majority of people playing games these days are like the aforequoted angsty pre-teen who feel that they absolutely must do good to play a game, and that it's not worth their time if they don't.

Well I find myself wondering why this guy is making a thread in the first place. Like the guy you quoted said that it's on the PC too...Why not get the game for the PC? I mean shit...the man just going to quit even though there is a way out?

Get it for the PC


Why couldn't they have a mouse and keyboard for the Xbox?

I'd certainly take more of an interest in FPS games online if that was the case...It's such a pain in the ass sometimes to try and keep up with all the new patches and upgrades with the PC stuff, just so you can play on the same server as everyone else..
Well...Halo PC isn't really a "way out." Playing multiplayer on the internet is very different than playing multiplayer in one room. Try playing Double Dash!! with some friends, and then try playing it with random people on Warp Pipe. Very different, not near as fun.
So the real problem is the fact that the xbox doesn't have a keyboard and a mouse?

Okay... I think everybody just needs to relax and take a deep breath.

Several key points were made:
1.) Some people don't like Halo for the Xbox.

2.) The Xbox should have keyboard and mouse support.

3.) Halo is also available for the PC.

4.) Spinal is not happy.

In regards to the first point, if you don't like the game then you should sell/trade it in at your local Electronics Boutique and purchase something more suited to your tastes. I might suggest trying Knights of the Old Republic, a highly enjoyable RPG.

For point number two, though the Xbox is built like a PC it is still a game console. If you want to play games with a keyboard and mouse then you should have spent your money on a PC instead. I'll admit that the PS2 does offer keyboard and mouse support for some of their games (Mostly first person shooters), but I have never used it due to the excellent controls that were provided. I used to be a PC gamer exclusively but Halo for the Xbox changed that. The only reason it succeeded in converting me was due to the simple and fluid design of the controls.

The third point relates to the second, in that if you purchased a PC instead, then you would still be able to play Halo. If you are not satisfied with Halo for the Xbox simply because of the controls then try the PC version.

Finally, in regards to the fourth point, I think that Spinal was just venting some frustration. Let it go people. I admit that he came across as sounding a little childish, but obviously he was pissed off so cut him some slack. However, Spinal, I'd suggest going to a different forum if you want to post a rant like that. It practically had "Flame me" written all over it.

Well, that's my two cents... :)
Damn... most of you made my point. My thread was mstly created because I don't understand how playing Halo makes so many people unhappy. I like playing it, but why must everyone be so angry?

I do play Halo on the PC, but because of the bad netcode it is not fun. Too much lag and what not. I didn't mean to start a flame war, I was merely venting. Halo is a great game and I have lots of fun playing... only when everyone else is having fun too though.

And in regards to Eidolon... I knew I was gonna get flamed. That's what happens when you post a rant in a forum.

Just answer me this... Why are the majority of Halo XBox players so unhappy?

I should have reworded my post I know... but this was what I was trying to get across.

Also I wasn't complaining about the controller, as the controller is what makes a console a console. I just said I wasn't good at it, so I wish I had the option of a keyboard and mouse.
I think I have more fun at my Halo X-box lans than my PC lans, mostly cause everyone can pick it up faster than most people can get the hang of the keyboard/mouse setup. Not everyone is as awesome as PC gamers;)
Originally posted by Bobsaysthis
I think I have more fun at my Halo X-box lans than my PC lans, mostly cause everyone can pick it up faster than most people can get the hang of the keyboard/mouse setup. Not everyone is as awesome as PC gamers;)

Yeah the Halo LAN's are great. Until someone gets angry. :D
Yeah I picked up Halo pretty quickly but I never became a GOD at it.

Don't get me wrong people I still love the game... it's just some of the people that bug me.
Originally posted by Spinal
Just answer me this...

Why are the majority of Halo XBox players so unhappy?

I should have reworded my post I know... but this was what I was trying to get across.
OMG... Most of the "angry" replies were not due to the fact that Halo makes people angry... What makes people angry is when other people whine about how difficult it is to play Halo.

And, yes, it was pretty obvious that you were looking to get flamed. That's just sad. You claim that you really want an answer to your question. Well, inciting a flame isn't going to get it. It's only going to get people "ANGRY". :eek:
I never said it was difficult, I just stated that I wasn't good at it. I didn't whine about it. You are proving my point by going off like a mad man. I just said I expected to get flamed. That's part of a forum.

And what is wrong with wanting to know why people get angry playing Halo? It is one of those things that continues to boggle my mind.

It's a game... games are supposed to be fun... I play games to relieve stress... some people play games and get MORE stressed.

I just wanted to know everyones thoughts on this... Good discussion I thought.

But I was wrong so I apologize for "inciting a flame".
I'm kind of confused where you find people getting mad. Isn't this something that happens with every game?

I'm curious how many have broken their controllers by throwing them across the room because of Ninja Gaiden.

Have you seen the videos of the foreign fools going nuts over Counter Strike? They end up breaking monitors or hitting hte keyboard so hard the screen goes blank.

Getting pissed off is a part of life man. Now cowboy the fuck up and get your frag on.
Originally posted by Kortiz
I'm kind of confused where you find people getting mad. Isn't this something that happens with every game?

I'm curious how many have broken their controllers by throwing them across the room because of Ninja Gaiden.

Have you seen the videos of the foreign fools going nuts over Counter Strike? They end up breaking monitors or hitting hte keyboard so hard the screen goes blank.

Getting pissed off is a part of life man. Now cowboy the fuck up and get your frag on.
Agreed! :D
I can understand getting mad if your playing for money... but when your playing for fun, I don't get it. Clearly I guess I am off on this one. So I am done... I said what I wanted to say and I am done... Thanks for the input.
I think when your with friends, getting mad is half the fun, not mad to the point of breakin something, but mad to the point where you hurl insults at each others mothers. When its with people you dont know, it just sucks, no one has fun and it ruins the whole mood of the game, I get exactly where your coming from, when I play games with people I dont know and I win at "thier game" and they get all pissy, its f'n retarded, if your my friend on the other hand, ill take nothing personaly, cause I know you didnt mean it that way, and everyone still has fun.....at thier mothers expense.
Originally posted by Bobsaysthis
I think when your with friends, getting mad is half the fun, not mad to the point of breakin something, but mad to the point where you hurl insults at each others mothers. When its with people you dont know, it just sucks, no one has fun and it ruins the whole mood of the game, I get exactly where your coming from, when I play games with people I dont know and I win at "thier game" and they get all pissy, its f'n retarded, if your my friend on the other hand, ill take nothing personaly, cause I know you didnt mean it that way, and everyone still has fun.....at thier mothers expense.

This is my point. :D
Originally posted by finalgt
Multiplayer on just about any game sucks nowadays, especially over the internet. Probably because the majority of people playing games these days are like the aforequoted angsty pre-teen who feel that they absolutely must do good to play a game, and that it's not worth their time if they don't.

Wow... you people should read the Bible... I mean, I play plenty of MP games and I'm not depressed, angry, nor am I brought down by the 'angsty pre-teens who feel that they absolutely must do good to play a game'.
screw Halo, it is the watered down version of UT2K4 and the futuristic version of Call of Duty

of course this is my opinion:D

oh, and, WASD/mouse>>>>two joysticks and one Dpad:)
Originally posted by retardedchicken
screw Halo, it is the watered down version of UT2K4 and the futuristic version of Call of Duty

of course this is my opinion:D

oh, and, WASD/mouse>>>>two joysticks and one Dpad:)

Ya too bad it was out 2 years before those were.

And I think that the fact that people get mad during any game while playing shows that they actually care about it more than shitty games. If I get mad at a shitty game it is usually cause the game is shitty therefore not something that was my fault. But people get mad while playing Halo cause it is a game of skill and knowledge, just like CS, or whatever. These are GREAT games and these games encite emotion. It is a good thing.

oh ya. finalgt......STFU!!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

2) Everyone thinks they are the shit. I know I am not good at it. I am a decent Halo on XBox player, but I am not "The Shit" and I know it.

Ive been told by at least 10 different people that either they are a "GOD" at halo, or their friend is a "GOD", all of these people dont play pc games over the net... hah. just wait til halo 2 comes out and it can be played on LIVE, then we'll see how many "god-like" players there actually are. ;)
The deal with halo is people play this game on xbc nonstop...i mean...NONSTOP

The guys that posted on the XBC forums were pushed over to Xboxaddict for a few months and in that time I figured out how good these guys were. They are definitely not bad...and this almost makes me not want to get halo2 because it is going to be murder when those that were hardcore halo multiplayers get down on live.

Until then, though, I'm going to stick to UT2k4, RS3(xbl) and Pandora Tomorrow(xbl & single)

But you are right...we will see if they are as good as they say they are.
I agree all around that making people who call themselves "gods" your bitch is one of the more fun experiences out there. Its really funny when those "gods" cannot even finish the game on legendary....
For me Halo was just the kind of game that you play through once,
then say "okay, that was cool" - and put it back in it's cover for eternity.
I acctually expected more from that game.. well well :)
Originally posted by Spinal
can we just be happy playing a game?

You don't seem to be happy. If you don't like the damn game don't play it. Why don't you buy Halo for the PC?

Although I do agree with most of the players being bitchs.