I am sick of "Halo for XBox"

Originally posted by GlobalFear
You don't seem to be happy. If you don't like the damn game don't play it. Why don't you buy Halo for the PC?

Although I do agree with most of the players being bitchs.

I seem to have worded my first post wrong. Oh well... it was a rant so I Ranted and trailed into some other aspect of it. Any who...

1) I do like the game... I think it is great fun.

2) What I don't understand is how it can make everyone so angry. People who, even when the game is over, are still angry from being killed or someone getting a "cheap shot". Yes I agree that this occurs during ALL games, but I picked on Halo because it seems to be one of the more extreme cases.

I should have used an example... I was playing Halo on the LAN in my dorm at college. I do ok but I am not great. Maybe 15 kills and pretty much the same deaths. While the GOOD guys dominate and get 30 or 35 kills. So anyway... One of the REALLY good guys is having a bad day... then I melee him right after he picked up the rocket launcher... Holy Crap I have never seen anyone get so mad. He quits the game. 1 minute later, the people in my room and the rest of the hall here a loud bang and a crash.... He had gotten mad, grabbed his TV, ripping the cable out of the wall and bringing the XBox with it, and chunked against the concrete wall outside his room. He then proceeded to come to my room trying to kill whoever killed him (he didn't even know as he got pissed so quickly). We proceeded to lock the door.

So this is my question... why do people get like this? It's a damn game.

3) I already mentioned that I don't like Halo PC because it was a horrible port, and playing online is horribly laggy.
while that is a rather freaky story I don't think it has anything to do with Halo specifically. I think that someone that obsessive would react similarly if it was most any game.
" then I melee him right after he picked up the rocket launcher".........That will usually piss anyone off. Everyone has there points of anger. His was ripping the tv out of the wall. Mine is yelling ossinities and going on a kill crusade till it is over.
Getting angry over a game (ANY GAME) is plain silly. If you feel anger rising over a game, it's time to move AWAY from the computer and go take a walk/jerk off/get a hooker/whatever.

On a side note, I can't stand playing ANY FPS game on a console, period. It's sooo godamn counter intutive for me (yes as in my godamn opinion). Control pads are , IMHO, meant for sidescrolls and/or adventure games (like PoP). They are not meant to be used to aim. Well at least in the year or two that I've tried playing FPS' on consoles.

Mouse + KB 4 life.. or something...
Originally posted by asusxp1900
" then I melee him right after he picked up the rocket launcher".........That will usually piss anyone off. Everyone has there points of anger. His was ripping the tv out of the wall. Mine is yelling ossinities and going on a kill crusade till it is over.

Ossinities? Speaka teh engrish?

That's usually what most people's plan is. But what happens when you decide to ease your anger by killing people, and you end up getting pistol whipped? You'd probably end up doing the same thing as that guy.

I just quit the game if I get too annoyed.
When I get pissed off, I disconnect, change my name, switch my mouse ot my left hand, rejoin, and get the shit kicked out of me. :p