I am sick of 3D games,,,

you could always pop an eye out. No more 3d games.

I don't have any attraction to the old school stuff. I played some arcade games, and Atari 2600 way back when that was video games. Woop dee doo. I'll take all the 3D and amazing technology I can get my hands on.
dissonance said:
He's just at a lower evolutionary gaming point. First you really enjoy those types of games, then you think you've grown up and are too cool for them, and finally you realize what gaming is really about.
Yea i'm sure he doesn't like games cause he thinks he is too cool for them :rolleyes:
Or maybe he may just not like that type of game? Not everyone is going find a game where you pet a dog and throw a frisbee to him as hours and hours of insane fun. I\
i recommend lego star wars... lots of fun :)

i know what you mean about 3d games not being fun anymore... there's no innovation. it just looks prettier. they sell because there are still kids who haven't played the old stuff, and want games, and say "that one looks cool!" and get the latest 3d one instead of a classic.

everyone should play the classics... there's a reason they're so fondly remembered.

thanks for the asteroids link, ice czar. that should provide some hours of entertainment for me :)
Luke_Skywalker said:
Yea i'm sure he doesn't like games cause he thinks he is too cool for them :rolleyes:

I remember plenty of kids missing out on some great SNES games because they wanted red blood in Mortal Kombat cause it was cool.
Luke_Skywalker said:
Yea i'm sure he doesn't like games cause he thinks he is too cool for them :rolleyes:
Or maybe he may just not like that type of game? Not everyone is going find a game where you pet a dog and throw a frisbee to him as hours and hours of insane fun. I\

You betcha. I've seen people say that they think a game is too kiddie to play in public, or that a DS is lower in "social status" and would be embarassing to play in public because it costs less than a PSP, of all things!
dissonance said:
I remember plenty of kids missing out on some great SNES games because they wanted red blood in Mortal Kombat cause it was cool.
Mortal combat was a cool game and the blood was part of what made the game it's own style and unique, it was also an excellent game. Editing it out was stupid, anyways if you owned a genesis there where hundreds of great games just not mortal kombat.
GoldenTiger said:
You betcha. I've seen people say that they think a game is too kiddie to play in public, or that a DS is lower in "social status" and would be embarassing to play in public because it costs less than a PSP, of all things!
I guess I don't hang out with people like that or have ever seen anyone like that, maybe you need to get new friends, anyways there is a people with stupid opinions everywhere that really doesn't prove anything.
Luke_Skywalker said:
I guess I don't hang out with people like that or have ever seen anyone like that, maybe you need to get new friends, anyways there is a people with stupid opinions everywhere that really doesn't prove anything.

I mean on the Internet, not in real life.
Luke_Skywalker said:
Mortal combat was a cool game and the blood was part of what made the game it's own style and unique, it was also an excellent game. Editing it out was stupid, anyways if you owned a genesis there where hundreds of great games just not mortal kombat.

Yeah very true. I'm just talking about the attitude of automatic dismissal because something is viewed as less cool and appealing to younger gamers.
I couldn't disagree more. Sure the snes/genesis type games were fun back in the day, but not anymore. That's one of the main reasons I'm not interested in the revolution. It's key selling point is the ability to play 10 year old games...big deal. The transition to 3d graphics was the best thing that ever happened to the gaming industry. Without change, we'd all be stuck playing pong still.
And whoever said the DS is crap, have you ever played it?

Just 'cos a game is considered "kiddy" does not mean it's not fun to play. Some of my friends (who aren't gamers) tried the mini games on the Mario cart and got totally hooked - one of them sat and played the pick a face out of the crowd mini-game for nearly 3 hours solid just trying to beat the high score that was set earlier (and she did it too :D).
I love playing FPS games and 3D simulations, but only if they are done well (Far Cry, HL2, etc). I used to own an Amiga and loved some of the platform games (7 Gates of Jambala, Rick Dangerous, Superfrog), and the shoot-em-ups, but the Amiga was never a 3D machine, and so I bought a PC primarily for 3D games (flight sims in particular). There are some games that are meant for 3D and some are meant for 2D. Take WoW - I'd never be able to play that in 2D, and a good old shoot-em-up just couldn't be done well in 3D.