Hunt Showdown in Early Release


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
We have been watching Crytek's new game, Hunt Showdown and it looks to be a good game to give those GPUs a workout, and from what we have seen shared on Twitch by @0BurkeBlack0 it looks to be a hell of a lot of fun to play too. Hunt Showdown has just gone into Early Access on Steam for $30.

Check out the video.

Green Man Gaming for $24

Savage, nightmarish monsters roam the Louisiana swamps, and you are part of a group of rugged bounty hunters bound to rid the world of their ghastly presence. Banish these creatures from our world, and you will be paid generously—and given the chance to buy more gruesome and powerful weapons. Fail, and death will strip you of both character and gear. Your experience, however, remains in your pool of hunters—called your Bloodline—always.
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I've been playing the closed alpha over the past week and the game definitely has a lot of potential...CryEngine as always looks gorgeous and the swampy setting of the game really highlights what that engine does well (foliage, lighting, textures etc) is a still a bit rough around the edges but will only improve now that it's officially in Early Acess
I played the alpha, it was a lot of fun when it worked. It was really buggy mostly to do trying to play with a friend. To the devs credit during the alpha they were releasing updates daily.

Hoping for a new map as there is currently only 1.

Not a super big fan of the ADS system where you have to ready your gun to hipfire then ADS.

Very satisfying to get headshots though as pretty much any headshot will down/kill you.\

The double barrel shotgun is op as fuck close range and is my go to for CQB
Will definitely be picking this up when I get home tonight.

Although the alpha gave me nothing but fucking issues with that bullshit anti-cheat client it kept asking me to download through steam and run before letting me play.
A german company making a US Western video game. Alrighty then.
Weird comment. Germans have always had an insane reverence for American Old West culture. Hell, I'm American and the one Old West outdoor live action play I saw in my life was in Germany - Karl May, FTW.

But maybe this game would've been better coming from a real american company, like Activision in Santa Monica. Then at least it would've been guaranteed the BANG BOOM POW KILLSTREAK +50 +100 +150 ADHD score spam all over the screen like an insane japanese gameshow.
So I bought two copies today, one for me and one for my son so we could duo together.....HOLY CRAP what a fun time. Ran very well too. I see me wasting some time in this.
Just posted 20% of coffee and link in hot deals. And I bought two copies yesterday. Lots of fun. I had one crash to desktop, but perfect after that.
Back with another live stream tonight of a guy that is easy to listen to. Still $24 at GMG with code here.
Iiiiiinteresting. Looks like PUBG in the wild west with a hint of The Witcher's supernatural overtones and a few other similar game mechanics. Any similarity to TW3 is never a bad thing, but I'd be much more interested if it had a good single-player story campaign and less of the online free-for-all fecal-storm of PUBG. Hope it at least has a good private co-op mode where you can play with friends only.

I'll definitely be keeping an eye on it though - anything in CryEngine is usually worth a look if only for the great graphics.
Iiiiiinteresting. Looks like PUBG in the wild west with a hint of The Witcher's supernatural overtones and a few other similar game mechanics. Any similarity to TW3 is never a bad thing, but I'd be much more interested if it had a good single-player story campaign and less of the online free-for-all fecal-storm of PUBG. Hope it at least has a good private co-op mode where you can play with friends only.

I'll definitely be keeping an eye on it though - anything in CryEngine is usually worth a look if only for the great graphics.
There are only two maps and bosses out now, so it is very limited, and it is still a hoot.
I liked the visuals, but I couldn't get a solid connection.

That and SLI Didn't work, so I need to see if I can force it in the driver. Running at a peasant 2560x1440 is just no good for me.
I liked the visuals, but I couldn't get a solid connection.

That and SLI Didn't work, so I need to see if I can force it in the driver. Running at a peasant 2560x1440 is just no good for me.
I just played 4 rounds with my son. No issues to speak off. Running at 4K with everything set to high, no motion blur. NV SLI Titan X Pascal SLI.
Just grabbed a lunchtime round with my son. We pulled a major score. :) Got a team kill as well.

Oh yeah, divvy up another hard fought win tonight. This game is so incredibly frustrating and rewarding.
