HTC Is Fully Committed to the VR Ecosystem


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Roy Steiber, senior vice president of VR at HTC and president of the Viveport store was interviewed by GamesBeat. He discussed upcoming product development like 6DOF controllers for the wireless HTC Focus headset and the possibility of console like business models for VR going forward. He touches on the popularity of the HTC Viveport subscription service and the importance of initiatives like Vive Wave to ensure that VR games are compiled for as many headsets as possible. He also mentions VirtuaLink, XR, utilizing cloud computing for holodecks, 5G, and more.

GamesBeat: I saw that Otoy and Lightfield Labs want to work together to create a real holodeck.

Steiber: Our company is working on this Vive reality. The idea is essentially that AR and VR are an interface with the computer, or with AI. We believe that in order to get there, you need to be connected to the cloud. You need to have these fifth-generation networks, which not only have bandwidth, but also very low latency, so you can move the computing out to the cloud, and thereby make sure that you don't have all the processing in the device. It can be much lighter. We're getting to that kind of future. We're thinking about what are the right kind of experiences and what might be the right timing for the AI and the network and the VR/AR hardware to come together.
If by committing to vr he means shooting themselves in the foot by pricing themselves out of competition then yeah, I agree. I question the commitment of both htc and oculus at this point, as neither of them have released any hardware that's more than an iterative upgrade. It's a big fucking joke.
If by committing to vr he means shooting themselves in the foot by pricing themselves out of competition then yeah, I agree. I question the commitment of both htc and oculus at this point, as neither of them have released any hardware that's more than an iterative upgrade. It's a big fucking joke.

I am waiting to throw money at them as soon as they do a substantial revision. I might be in the minority though.
I am waiting to throw money at them as soon as they do a substantial revision. I might be in the minority though.
I've been sitting on the fence waiting - so I'm with you. I'll keep waiting until the next big release. (Not too mention, my rig needs to be updated first - that's coming soon.)
Eh, I suspect it will be like many complicated machines/systems.

They brought out a new product. Hate them or not, the experiance from the rift or vive are way better than anything else widely available at a price that wasn't insane. High, but not insane.

They figured out some things that worked, some that didnt. What people wanted changed. They released some upgrades and minor revision to implement some of that. They saw the reaction from buyers.

Now they know what people want, what things need improved, what they should do differently.

Will they release a major revision? Depends on the business evaluation, and what's technically viable, but they have the info to make the next big version.
Sitting on my Vive, the pro isn't enough of an upgrade, bring on the Vive 2!
Sitting on my Vive, the pro isn't enough of an upgrade, bring on the Vive 2!
Looking for a Rift 3, myself. I thought 2 - but it looks like it's going to be only incrementally better. The screen door, man. I don't specifically mind from a graphics perspective per se, but it causes me a lot of eye strain and fatigue.
Looking for a Rift 3, myself. I thought 2 - but it looks like it's going to be only incrementally better. The screen door, man. I don't specifically mind from a graphics perspective per se, but it causes me a lot of eye strain and fatigue.

Haven't tried the rift since the DK2, but I feel you, VR induced strain is the biggest hurdle they need to overcome.