HP ZR24w

I talked a friend of mine into one of these for $350 @ macmall and we just unboxed it last night. Very good for what you get. IPS full cables including display port. Viewing angles could be better, blacks and off center glow could be better but without aw polarizer all current IPS monitors has glow nothing you can do about that. 16:10 is wonderful.. Great stand too. Locks down. Tilts. up down and turns. very stable. Very attractive monitor too (small bezel nice real metal strip unlike plastic on dell 20" he replaced) I have nec 2490 first gen so it's really not as nice but it's also 1/3rd price. Great buy!

low input lag
decent response
great aesthetics
great stand
full cabling in box

anti glare heavier than I like
viewing angles not as good as a H or AS IPS
lowest brightness is too bright
not the best response time
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drtc is right.
Why use a noise filter with what resembles a gaussian noise distribution between pixels irrespective of light intensity? Darker hues = fewer photons => less diffraction and reflection => Less "noise". Also, the filter ought to at least be applied to each color channel, and then merge the three images including noise. Right now each of the three subpixels are diffracted/affected equally, which in real life doesn't make too much sense - in fact the size of a subpixel is way too large also, compared to the "grain".

This makes the images you presented to become way off (much worse) compared to what it looks like in real life. The best would be a macro shot of a screen if you want to illustrate it the best way possible.


You missed the point.

Obviously they look both different & worse than what AG IRL does.
I didn't comment on your point, since nothing is wrong it. :)

But the images do not illustrate the transition of what happens when going from a clear coating to light anti-glare coating and to heavy ag. So it is a bit of a moot point to post them. The more AG coating, the more the illustration deviates, and this was my only point.

Again, I completely agree with your point that AG sheets does distort the image, regardless of the fuzzyness/opaqueness and no matter how close the AG sheet is to the surface.
One can't argue with that, it's true, you're right. Likewise, clear coatings/sheets also cause distortions (albeit much less) since it also has a "grain". In reality one would always try to match the refractive indices between front polarizer and AG/clear coating as well as possible. So the user who snapped the previous photos of the AG sheet with the spray can makes it look worse than when it is applied to the polarizer. A hard-coat would also look bad to some extent in such a setting.
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You commented about the photoshopped images... and the point about them was to show how while a weaker AG does looks better, zero AG will always be superior (in terms of image quality that is -- obviously if you're working in an office environment with lots of light from every direction you'll want some AG).

It wasn't to try to accurately duplicate the actual way AG looks on an actual monitor.
Just get the ACD if you guys don't dig coating. AG is not as pronounced as embellished pictures show.
excuseme, an user say me that this model is the best eyes confortable monitor that he ever had.

The AG coating is the lighter of all IPS panels ?
Is heavyer than the TN coating ?

Is good for text reading ?
excuseme, an user say me that this model is the best eyes confortable monitor that he ever had.

The AG coating is the lighter of all IPS panels ?
Is heavyer than the TN coating ?

Is good for text reading ?

Well got my replacement. This time no dead pixels, BUT I don't know if it's the AG coating or what, but on dark screens there are about 3 darker bands across the screen one side to the other. Anyone else seen this? I did not notice this on the first one I had. I thought about trying a Dell, but NE will not do it. I may try another one, but who knows it could have dead pixels or be worse. Kinda wish I had of not bought the flippin thing. :eek:
So, I've had my ZR24W for about a month now. No problems that really bother me. Slight IPS glow in one of the corners, but other than that, all good.

I recently picked up an X-Rite i1Display2. I first used it on my girlfriend's LP2475w and it seemed to work great. Once calibrated, the colours looked fantastic.

So I then calibrated my ZR24W and no matter what I do, with the brightness set to zero, I can't hit the target of 120cd/m. sRGB, custom colour... I just can't get it. I think I'm at 127cd/m right now using sRGB mode, which I can live with... but now that it is set at zero brightness, my whites look like garbage and the monitor is actually quite dim.

So is the ZR24W just not good at handling brightness? Is my calibration wrong?
This has been a very informative thread.

I'm currently running two Samsung 22' 225bw's 16:10 1680x1050 monitors and one of them is starting to die had them both since 2007. So its now time to start replacing them and its very difficult to find a decent monitor in certain prices ranges these days.

With all the HD marketing garbage and 16:9 monitors lets just say i've been less than impressed. So i'm getting off TN displays and need 16:10 and this monitor seems to fit the bill. I've read all 133 pages of this thread in the last 2 days its been very helpful.

Minus the whiners complaining about the scaler this is a computer monitor (buy a god damn tv for your consoles) a beautiful monitor such as this shouldn't be wasted on consoles that don't have many games in 1080p to begin with. Moving on....

So I decided I would order directly from HP to make it easier for me if I have to do any returns due to bad pixels etc. Placed my order monday at 3pm, got an email from hp last night at 6pm saying it was shipped and should arrive today. Currently at work so hoping it will be there when I get home. Once I set it up and see how things look I may order a second one in a week or two I have a friend that works for HP so will use her employee discount :)

Will post pics when I get home very excited to be finally getting off the TN panels.
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Dell 3007WFP used but in excellent condition for $600 or zr24w new for $400?

What do you guys think?
So my monitor was waiting for me when I got home from work.

Here is my setup before the HP.

I just picked up a Spyder 3 Express and will be doing some calibrations abit later tonight.

So far loving this monitor I've played a few games and there is no difference(input lag, Blurring) in game play compared to my 5ms TN monitors. However what is way better is overall colour, detail in dark colours, you start noticing stuff you couldn't see on the 6bit panel.

I also noticed the difference alot more between 720p and 1080p content
Anyone here gone through replacement with HP? I think they are going to replace it, but I can't get in touch with my case manager.
I got a replacement from HP. Called on a Wednesday and the guy was to come on Friday but had to order the panel via UPS so it didn't come until Monday morning. The tech showed up with panel in hand, made sure it worked and took the old one away. No problems at all. We have no HP tech in our city so the guy had to come from a couple hundred miles away to do the exchange. If the weekend hadn't fallen in the middle of it all, figure it would have been done in 2-3 days. I was very pleased with HP's onsite service.
I got a replacement from HP. Called on a Wednesday and the guy was to come on Friday but had to order the panel via UPS so it didn't come until Monday morning. The tech showed up with panel in hand, made sure it worked and took the old one away. No problems at all. We have no HP tech in our city so the guy had to come from a couple hundred miles away to do the exchange. If the weekend hadn't fallen in the middle of it all, figure it would have been done in 2-3 days. I was very pleased with HP's onsite service.

Very nice.

This was one of the main reasons for me buying this monitor.
So my monitor was waiting for me when I got home from work.

Here is my setup before the HP.

I just picked up a Spyder 3 Express and will be doing some calibrations abit later tonight.

So far loving this monitor I've played a few games and there is no difference(input lag, Blurring) in game play compared to my 5ms TN monitors. However what is way better is overall colour, detail in dark colours, you start noticing stuff you couldn't see on the 6bit panel.

I also noticed the difference alot more between 720p and 1080p content

I have heard that this monitor has problems with black levels but looking at your 5th picture they look fine to me. How do they look to you?
Also, does this monitor stretch 1080p content since it is 1920x1200?
I have heard that this monitor has problems with black levels but looking at your 5th picture they look fine to me. How do they look to you?
Also, does this monitor stretch 1080p content since it is 1920x1200?

the black levels are ok. i thought they were wonderfull when i first got the monitor, but that was just after upgrading from a 5 year old monitor. now, after a full years use, im going to say that theyre acceptable.

as for 1080 content, if your watching video, itll do 1:1. games, i think are stretched to full, but im not sure, as i play at the native res.

* just started up the last remnant as it will only do 1920x1080 max, and it ran at 1080 with black bars.
How is AG coating in this monitor ?
Is similar to dell / LG IPS monitors ? grainy and eyestrainer ?

For text read, office, and internet browsing is perfect as monitor ? or cause eyestrain ?
I have heard that this monitor has problems with black levels but looking at your 5th picture they look fine to me. How do they look to you?
Also, does this monitor stretch 1080p content since it is 1920x1200?

As another user posted its fine with 1080p content. If you are viewing stuff from a computer with this monitor you won't have any scaling issues. Its when you start using other external devices that you run into issues.

As for black levels they are fine for me. The stock settings for the monitor is very bright which causes the blacks to look alittle less black. Reducing the brightness abit does help, however after I calibrated the it looks even better.

How is AG coating in this monitor ?
Is similar to dell / LG IPS monitors ? grainy and eyestrainer ?

For text read, office, and internet browsing is perfect as monitor ? or cause eyestrain ?

I've had no issues with the AG coating on it and I do alot of reading on screen and text work, at alteast for my eyes there has been no eye strain to speak of.
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have you compared it's Ag coating with a TN display ?
for most hours to text reading and internet brosing is ideal or not perfect ?
how have u set this monitor ? ( HP )
are the two monitors in your first photos samsung bx2440 ?
how have u set this monitor ? ( HP )
are the two monitors in your first photos samsung bx2440 ?

The HP is running off DVI to my 6950 unlocked, its been calibrated with spyder3 express.

If I remember correctly the above photos were taken before calibration also.

The two monitors in the first photo are much older than the bx2440.

Those are 225BW's 16:10 1680x1050 22`, I've one had since Dec 2006 the second one I picked up in 2009.
Got my third one and I think it's ok. It does have a bit of backlight bleed in a about a 2 inch area on the left. It's not too bad and can probably live with it, but sort of annoying. This one doesn't have the dark bands across the screen and no dead pixels. So I guess it's a keeper.
Hello everyone !

I just bought a new monitor HP ZR24w ( FW version V0.24G) but I started having problems what caused me eye strain and prevents me from reading/writing text.

The problem could be easily seen here:

It looks like the IPS matrix and/or the antiglare coating make a strange 3D stereoscopic looking effect involving cyan and magenta spots around the screen that are like sparcling grins. It appears on gray/white background and it is very difficult for me to read any text because of it.

I tried different operating systems ( Windows 7, XP, Linux ) with different drivers and more then 10 different calibrated and uncalibrated settings but without any difference. I also make changes on brightness, contrast, sharpness, clear type set/unset, etc. – again without any significant difference.

I tried VGA, DVI and Display ports connected to HP EliteBook 8540w, Compaq 6510b, Asus EEE PC 904HD and a few more decktop PCs - no difference.

On all mentioned notebook monitors and my office ones ( Philips 190B5, Philips 190B8 ) I have no such problem.

I fear that this problem is with all HP ZR24w monitors and could not be fixed ...

What should I do in order to make the monitor stop causing me the eye strain ?
Hello everyone !

I just bought a new monitor HP ZR24w ( FW version V0.24G) but I started having problems what caused me eye strain and prevents me from reading/writing text.
It looks like the IPS matrix and/or the antiglare coating make a strange 3D stereoscopic looking effect involving cyan and magenta spots around the screen that are like sparcling grins. It appears on gray/white background and it is very difficult for me to read any text because of it.

What should I do in order to make the monitor stop causing me the eye strain ?

Return it. This is the crazy anti-glare coating on these IPS panel monitors. I got a Dell U2711 recently and had the same problem. It was terrible. I sent the monitor back. Can't believe they're selling these like. I realize it doesn't bother every one, but manufacturers should at least offer a non-AG option. I could deal with glossy screen - can't deal with the AG coating.
Hello everyone !

I just bought a new monitor HP ZR24w ( FW version V0.24G) but I started having problems what caused me eye strain and prevents me from reading/writing text.

The problem could be easily seen here:

It looks like the IPS matrix and/or the antiglare coating make a strange 3D stereoscopic looking effect involving cyan and magenta spots around the screen that are like sparcling grins. It appears on gray/white background and it is very difficult for me to read any text because of it.

I tried different operating systems ( Windows 7, XP, Linux ) with different drivers and more then 10 different calibrated and uncalibrated settings but without any difference. I also make changes on brightness, contrast, sharpness, clear type set/unset, etc. – again without any significant difference.

I tried VGA, DVI and Display ports connected to HP EliteBook 8540w, Compaq 6510b, Asus EEE PC 904HD and a few more decktop PCs - no difference.

On all mentioned notebook monitors and my office ones ( Philips 190B5, Philips 190B8 ) I have no such problem.

I fear that this problem is with all HP ZR24w monitors and could not be fixed ...

What should I do in order to make the monitor stop causing me the eye strain ?

I have this monitor and do not notice it, I believe its just your eyes and you may have to try another brand.
I have two questions. Is this monitor better or worst than Dell U2410? And secont question, is this monitor good for Xbox 360? My Xbox 360 works good on my Dell 2209wa but I don't know if works ok also in this monitor. I know that Xbox 360 don't work on ZR30w.
We know but you are going to have to stop being lazy and read the thread it will provide you the answers you seek.
This is me being real I read all 133 pages of the thread in 2 days and bought this monitor because this thread answered my questions.

If that is too much work for you then sorry good luck.

Maybe someone else will do the work for you.