HP ZR24w

Atlast some reports about pink tint, so i'm not the ONLY one in the whole world who have this problem ^^

The second issue i've noticed can show up and go away depending on certain settings. I can reproduce this easily but not sure why. I'm getting bad pink tint on white screens, which shows up even more during off angle viewing or towards the corners of the screens. Now, what's strange is that when I set my contrast to 97 it appears to go for the most part to a normal white. It may have a slightly pink tint, but the difference is night and day between 96 and 97 contrast.
Dude i have exactly the same problem, pink tint on down left corner, though i haven't noticed that thing about contrast, i'll check it out.
What model number is your monitor? Mine is VM633AT#ABB
Just a heads up to everyone looking to get their faulty monitor replaced by HP, you will receive a refurb if you choose to get a replacment next business day, or you can wait up to 14 days for a new one. The reason why people have been getting new replacements next day is because the monitor is new and HP do not have any refurbs in stock at the moment. As monitors are returned to HP, they go through a rigorous testing procedure before they are given the all clear to be repackaged as a refurb. For these reasons, if you want a guranteed new monitor replacement, go back to your reseller/distributer.

Good luck.
Just a heads up to everyone looking to get their faulty monitor replaced by HP, you will receive a refurb if you choose to get a replacment next business day, or you can wait up to 14 days for a new one. The reason why people have been getting new replacements next day is because the monitor is new and HP do not have any refurbs in stock at the moment. As monitors are returned to HP, they go through a rigorous testing procedure before they are given the all clear to be repackaged as a refurb. For these reasons, if you want a guranteed new monitor replacement, go back to your reseller/distributer.

Good luck.

Thanks for the heads up. This is actually one reason why I decided to keep my ZR24w order instead of going with the U2410 after the reviews came out. The chances are that if I had to play panel lottery, I might as well go HP since they're unlikely going to have a supply of refurbs for months, whereas Dell is pretty much strictly shipping refurbs now.
Thanks for the heads up. This is actually one reason why I decided to keep my ZR24w order instead of going with the U2410 after the reviews came out. The chances are that if I had to play panel lottery, I might as well go HP since they're unlikely going to have a supply of refurbs for months, whereas Dell is pretty much strictly shipping refurbs now.

Me too. I would rather buy a TN than play Dell's ridiculous colour tinting panel lottery. The HP has only a small margin less of black level performance when compared with the Dell. I am extremily happy with my ZR24w, especially since I paid only £288 for it :) I do have one stuck pixel and it is not annoying what so ever. Even so, I'm still getting it replaced haha, but if this was Dell, no way would I have taken the risk.....
Just a heads up to everyone looking to get their faulty monitor replaced by HP, you will receive a refurb if you choose to get a replacment next business day, or you can wait up to 14 days for a new one. The reason why people have been getting new replacements next day is because the monitor is new and HP do not have any refurbs in stock at the moment. As monitors are returned to HP, they go through a rigorous testing procedure before they are given the all clear to be repackaged as a refurb. For these reasons, if you want a guranteed new monitor replacement, go back to your reseller/distributer.

Good luck.

I'm confused, you say people have been getting brand new ones next day because HP doesn't have any refurbs in stock right now, but then say you'll get a refurb if you get it next business day?

I don't know what I should do now, I have the Business section of the company calling me sometimes today or tomorrow. Should I try to get in touch with ShopBLT (who says their policy is whatever the manufacturer's policy is) or see if I can get a new one through HP? Getting a refurb is bullshit in my opinion, the monitor is brand new. I paid for a new one, I want a new one.
I'm confused, you say people have been getting brand new ones next day because HP doesn't have any refurbs in stock right now, but then say you'll get a refurb if you get it next business day?

I don't know what I should do now, I have the Business section of the company calling me sometimes today or tomorrow. Should I try to get in touch with ShopBLT (who says their policy is whatever the manufacturer's policy is) or see if I can get a new one through HP? Getting a refurb is bullshit in my opinion, the monitor is brand new. I paid for a new one, I want a new one.

Sorry, what I meant is chances are, at the moment, you may get a new one next business day but it all depends on whether HP have refurbs in stock or not. If they have no refurbs, then consider yourself lucky, you will get a new one. The question is how long are you willing to wait for a new replacement? If you want a guranteed new replacement then you have only two options. Either go back to reseller/distributor or return to HP, request a new replacement, and be prepared to wait up to 14 days. It is a risk asking HP to replace the monitor next business day because you may get a refurb, no guarantees. For me, going back to the reseller is the quickest option and you get a guaranteed new monitor.
I see, thanks. I can wait 14 days no problem, provided I can keep this monitor until then. I'm thinking of seeing what HP has to say when they call me, and if they're going to let me swap it out, I'll contact ShopBLT and tell them that. If HP is willing to swap it out, ShopBLT should honor a return and give me a new one.

Are they going to give me the option of next day or waiting? Given the choice I'd definitely prefer to wait and get a new one, I had refurbished things especially when I try replacing a brand new item I just bought.
Yeah great, but now his RGB sliders are set to 94 /140/99 (default is 255/255/255). Although his calibration results look great, I'm not sure he's fully explored the impact of turning down the color channels so much. It could result in considerable banding, someone is just going to have to try it.

It also bugs me that many reviewers just report the average gamma is 2.2 and so everything is supposed to be good. This figure can be very misleading. You have to look at the luminance curve at various IRE levels to ensure that you're getting a consistent 2.2 gamma. Your gamma could be all over the map and still yield a 2.2 average value.

It's common to find that brighness or contrast settings outside of a 'sweet spot' results in a messed up gamma, and I'd expect something similar to happen with such an aggressive move from the default RGB settings.

If there's no ill effects, then he has indeed found a better solution.
TFT Centeral Updated its review, trying new settings & calibration and achieved a 0.18 black point.

WOW! It has even better blacks than the Dell U2410 and is on par with the new U2711 too. Everyone complaining about blacks may be forced to eat their words haha!

Is the calibration software TFTCentral use free? Can I use it with my Spyder? What is it called? I'm desperate to calibrate mine again with 100% contrast, currently I'm at 80% contrast and still think blacks are okay! Golly, what a lovely surprise for this long bank holiday weekend! Well chuffed with my purchase :):):):):):)
Think about this for 1 second. People paid full asking price for a NEW monitor. Then they discover the monitor is defective. They return the monitor which is within their consumer rights to do so and these companies send out a USED monitor as a replacement. That is complete BS, why are people letting these companies get away with that? If your getting a used monitor then why are you not being refunded the difference? The value of a refurb or used monitor does not equal the value of a new monitor. Which is what you paid for! You guys are being ripped off geez!
And a follow up thought is this. A company like Dell could have a handful of new monitors that they know are defective. Charge full price for them knowing once you receive and realize it's defective you'll want a return. Then they ship out the refurb that is for sale for substantially less in there outlet store. They then get to keep the amount over the refurb value that they themselves have set. Rinse and repeat and they have themselves a high profit little scam going.
Yeah great, but now his RGB sliders are set to 94 /140/99 (default is 255/255/255). Although his calibration results look great, I'm not sure he's fully explored the impact of turning down the color channels so much. It could result in considerable banding, someone is just going to have to try it.

If there's no ill effects, then he has indeed found a better solution.

"Testing the screen with colour gradients revealed smooth colour transitions and no sign of any banding issues." - TFTCentral

Think about this for 1 second. People paid full asking price for a NEW monitor. Then they discover the monitor is defective. They return the monitor which is within their consumer rights to do so and these companies send out a USED monitor as a replacement. That is complete BS, why are people letting these companies get away with that? If your getting a used monitor then why are you not being refunded the difference? The value of a refurb or used monitor does not equal the value of a new monitor. Which is what you paid for! You guys are being ripped off geez!

This is pretty common practice. In fact very few things are ever replaced with new items under warranty. Off the top of my head I can remember 6-7 different products that I have replaced and have received refurbished models in return for. Sucks, but it appears to be the norm.
How do you know if you receive a refurbish replacement? I got mine replaced and I noticed the manufacture date was different, my original was manufactured in march, while the replaced was made in Feb. The hp tech came to my placed and simply swapped monitors.
So there is no disadvantages by doing that little trick to enhance black point? (if you have a colorimeter)
Gonna try it out..
I am demanding a new one, if they won't do that for me then I am keeping this one and taking the issue up with ShopBLT. I agree that I paid for a new one and it's complete bull if they don't replace it with such.
After receiving my 2nd replacement, I started to notice that same light rusty color in the lower right hand corner, I called HP for a refund. I think I might try a non IPS panel this time around and go with a LED monitor. I am getting the feeling IPS monitors are overrated and have too many issue especially at the budget price range. I will leave the IPS technology for the high end monitors and LCD televisions. I don't want to play lottery and keep sending monitors back. Does anyone have suggestion of what monitor I should go with next?
After receiving my 2nd replacement, I started to notice that same light rusty color in the lower right hand corner, I called HP for a refund. I think I might try a non IPS panel this time around and go with a LED monitor. I am getting the feeling IPS monitors are overrated and have too many issue especially at the budget price range. I will leave the IPS technology for the high end monitors and LCD televisions. I don't want to play lottery and keep sending monitors back. Does anyone have suggestion of what monitor I should go with next?

Just my view, but it's highly unlikely that you're going to find any LCD monitor that you're completely happy with. I scratch my head when I see people returning or swapping monitors for a dead pixel or something -- simply because there is a substantial likelihood that any replacement you get will have the same issue. LCD technology is highly, highly imperfect and it ain't really going to get any better at this point.
LCD monitors doesn't really get Great until you start forking out $1000 and such for them, before that you will always have some type of issue you will have to live with. People have WAY too high expectations, seriously...
I've been playing with my brand new ZR24w for the past 6 hours or so and so far all I can say is wow. This thing is amazing. I was getting worried recently with all the crap about bad black levels and light bleed, but mine looks great. Definitely no light bleed, no discolorations, not a single dead or stuck pixel.

I haven't seriously gamed in about two years now, but I plan to get back in to it and this monitor will be more than OK. I fired up Wolf ET (if you have to ask just move one) to try my hand at trickjumping (and more importantly test for input lag). I dont notice any input lag, I'm not saying it's not there, but the fact that I can gamma jump (again, if you dont know what it is, dont assume I'm discussing monitor gamma, basically requires good timing/quick responses) with no problems at all is more than good enough for me.

To reiterate. This monitor is amazing. If only I had another $800 to blow to get eyefinity.

One problem I have had is with an RCA (composite) to VGA converter (which works fine on the cheap tiny 720p TV I tested it on) which won't for some reason display at all on the monitor. Any clues? if not no biggie.
I am not that picky but if I am seeing rusty tint color on a white solid back ground. This shouldn't be happening on brand new monitor. This something you would normally see used over time.
I am not that picky but if I am seeing rusty tint color on a white solid back ground. This shouldn't be happening on brand new monitor. This something you would normally see used over time.

Calibration. Every new monitor needs it.
I think this monitor is playing tricks on my sight, I think the rusty tint is gradual or maybe it caused by adjusting the setting.
i used them and the icc they had for it. after a bit of tweaking for my monitor, it looks great.
bright 15
contrast 100
RGB 99/127/125
Calibration. Every new monitor needs it.
Tint doesn't go away with calibration, actually in my case it got worse.
And no, all monitor doesn't need calibration, in my case calibration made a very little difference, actually i prefer to not calibrate ZR24w, because the whites got almost gray after calibration.

After receiving my 2nd replacement, I started to notice that same light rusty color in the lower right hand corner, I called HP for a refund. I think I might try a non IPS panel this time around and go with a LED monitor. I am getting the feeling IPS monitors are overrated and have too many issue especially at the budget price range. I will leave the IPS technology for the high end monitors and LCD televisions. I don't want to play lottery and keep sending monitors back. Does anyone have suggestion of what monitor I should go with next?
I noticed that also my HP W2207h have som pink tint on upper right corner, i'm starting to think if there EXISTS any monitor which doesn't have tint?
I bet my 2nd replacement will also have tint.
How hard can it be to display white on a monitor.. should be the easiest "color" to produce.

I also feel that IPS are way overrated, mostly because of the huge IPS glow, IPS glow is atleast 20 times more annoying and apparent than backlightbleed on TN panels, so i almost can't understand how the IPS technology have survived because of this major flaw with the technology.
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I also feel that IPS are way overrated, mostly because of the huge IPS glow, IPS glow is atleast 20 times more annoying and apparent than backlightbleed on TN panels, so i almost can't understand how the IPS technology have survived because of this major flaw with the technology.

Viewing angles. IPS is the closest to CRT that you'll get in that department. The others are abject jokes in comparison.
TFT Centeral Updated its review, trying new settings & calibration and achieved a 0.18 black point.

LOL LOL LOL & to think i kept my mouth shut... when i read the review i thought I had some sort of rare uber panel, then i thought "nah" the professional must be right, i did something wrong. Calibrated again with the same results but still decided to keep my mouth shut because another review popped up claiming bad black levels - 2 "professional" reviews against my results --> i didn't want to go into a discussion.

You can see them here:

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Viewing angles. IPS is the closest to CRT that you'll get in that department. The others are abject jokes in comparison.

Well i don't care about viewing angles, when i do things like playing games i sit infront of the monitor, not on the side, not on the floor, and not on the roof.
I also feel that IPS are way overrated, mostly because of the huge IPS glow, IPS glow is atleast 20 times more annoying and apparent than backlightbleed on TN panels, so i almost can't understand how the IPS technology have survived because of this major flaw with the technology.

I have to partly agree that IPS glow is the single major flaw of IPS panels and it can at times look much worse than backlight bleed. However, I feel backlight bleed is something you notice all the time whereas IPS glow you only notice when the monitor is black and you are sitting too close.

LOL LOL LOL & to think i kept my mouth shut... when i read the review i thought I had some sort of rare uber panel, then i thought "nah" the professional must be right, i did something wrong. Calibrated again with the same results but still decided to keep my mouth shut because another review popped up claiming bad black levels - 2 "professional" reviews against my results --> i didn't want to go into a discussion.

You can see them here:


I know exactly how you feel. It's like opening up a new monitor all over again with this new found good black level. :)

Here is my new calibration results with contrast at 100:

Brightness: 8
Contrast = 100
Custom Colour:
R =108
G = 87
B = 77
Sharpness = 4
Dynamic Contrast = Off


The Spyder software does not measure black level though, are there any free alternatives that would work with the Spyder 3 to measure blacks? Having said that the monitor does look inkier black while retaining the same great colours and gamma with no washout what so ever. :)

Well i don't care about viewing angles, when i do things like playing games i sit infront of the monitor, not on the side, not on the floor, and not on the roof.

LOL! On the roof haha! What you like :p
I have to partly agree that IPS glow is the single major flaw of IPS panels and it can at times look much worse than backlight bleed. However, I feel backlight bleed is something you notice all the time whereas IPS glow you only notice when the monitor is black and you are sitting too close.

I know exactly how you feel. It's like opening up a new monitor all over again with this new found good black level. :)

Here is my new calibration results with contrast at 100:

Brightness: 8
Contrast = 100
Custom Colour:
R =108
G = 87
B = 77
Sharpness = 4
Dynamic Contrast = Off


The Spyder software does not measure black level though, are there any free alternatives that would work with the Spyder 3 to measure blacks? Having said that the monitor does look inkier black while retaining the same great colours and gamma with no washout what so ever. :)

LOL! On the roof haha! What you like :p

Try basiccolor, 2 week trial but you will be able to measure black levels :): http://basiccolor.de/english/Datenblaetter_E/squid_E/squid_E.htm
Well i don't care about viewing angles, when i do things like playing games i sit infront of the monitor, not on the side, not on the floor, and not on the roof.

Don't know what to tell ya. On a 24" monitor, a TN will visibly shift sitting right in front of it. If that doesn't bother you, go with a TN by all means.