HP LP2475w (Possible new IPS)


My LP2475W will arrive today and I'd like ask what would be the best calibrated settings? I do not have a colorimeter, so I can't calibrate myself.

Thanks in advance!
to Razenko : Hello I have simillar problem with this monitor, black color is very grey in viewing angels and I have the third monitor with 3-4 bad pixels, so the new monitor will come tomorrow, but I think that colour problem will be solved by new firmware. I have GIG032- very very bad black colour, and before i have gig031 and black colour was excellent, so what is your firmware? Presnet firmware is 034 and black colour is ok. Only 032 is garbage. If my next monitor will be with another couple of bad pixels, I will send back this piece of crap and buy lp2465. PS: sorry for my bad english
Perhaps, but this effect is also very noticable on my Toshiba HDTV, which uses a S-IPS panel.
It seems that this defect is a part of IPS technology.
Now, I only tried this monitor at night, since I just got it last night (And I'm on my laptop now - Not at home), And I know ambient lightning has a huge impact on the intensity of the white glow effect on my Toshiba, in daylight its barely noticable, but in a darkened room the effect is quite dramatic.
You could test whether your screen has this issue as well by looking at it diagonally off-angle in a darkened room, when its displaying a black screen.

My monitors sit above eye level, probably 6-12" higher than recommended. This is a huge reason why I wanted a IPS panel. I most definitely can see the viewing angle problem on my TN panels. I have not noticed that on the HP.

I will try to get some pictures for you tonight. I have this setup (left to right):

22" TN x HP LP2475W x 22" TN

Again, if you're having viewing angle problems, something is not right.
If people can notice a strong white glow they are sitting far too close to the monitor, 1.5 - 2 feet away is optimum and right now, in a not particularly bright room, whilst viewing this form (which is very dark) I cannot see any white glow.

As for the pink/green issue, someone spoke to an LG.Display rep and it's a problem that does go away with extended backlight usage, as mine has (at 450+ currently and no more pink/green hue).
If people can notice a strong white glow they are sitting far too close to the monitor, 1.5 - 2 feet away is optimum and right now, in a not particularly bright room, whilst viewing this form (which is very dark) I cannot see any white glow.

As for the pink/green issue, someone spoke to an LG.Display rep and it's a problem that does go away with extended backlight usage, as mine has (at 450+ currently and no more pink/green hue).

So that's good news right?
Well I picked one up to test and its very nice. But.. its that when you have BLACK you get this.. fog-glow that you just cant get rid of. And it has NOTHING to do with how far you sit. Funny though if you say are playing a game in have this glow. Put it in a window and poof gone.

Like others said the RGB is NOT RGB you have to really cal to get it kind of close.
As for the pink/green issue, someone spoke to an LG.Display rep and it's a problem that does go away with extended backlight usage, as mine has (at 450+ currently and no more pink/green hue).

Well I hope it does go away, Although I'm not too certain I have that exact same issue, since it does not seem like a pink/green issue to me, its more like there's a green hue or smudge thats over most of the left side of the screen, and you can also see it on other light colors, not just white, although its most noticeable on white, so I'm not entirely certain this is the same issue.

On the bright side :), the screen is wonderful for gaming, colors are far better than my previous TN, black level is excellent, and even though I initially thought the screen was too big, I'm getting used to it, and 24" is quite awesome for gaming :D.
to Razenko : Hello I have simillar problem with this monitor, black color is very grey in viewing angels and I have the third monitor with 3-4 bad pixels, so the new monitor will come tomorrow, but I think that colour problem will be solved by new firmware. I have GIG032- very very bad black colour, and before i have gig031 and black colour was excellent, so what is your firmware? Presnet firmware is 034 and black colour is ok. Only 032 is garbage. If my next monitor will be with another couple of bad pixels, I will send back this piece of crap and buy lp2465. PS: sorry for my bad english

Yeah, well it seems to me that HP/LG really needs to sort itself out, because there apparently many different issues with this monitor.

Now, my main problem right now is the greenbrownish hue, it seems to be on the lower-left diagonal half of the screen, and its quite obvious.

Actually, I can even see the effects on the Hard-Forum page where I'm typing right now, the grey and red bars take on a green tinge on the left half of the screen, its almost if the screen does not have a uniform color temperature.

But I'm probably gonna have to contact HP about this, it seems to be different then the green/pink stuff people talk about, and I definitely consider this a defect because its so obvious.

PS: I'm using firmware version GIG034.
Hey guys--

so i got this monitor about 2 weeks ago, and since ive gotten it i havent been very pleased with the results after calibration--

I'm using coloreyes, and ive got a dtp94 (ive actually tried two of them) and besides seeming to have the pinkish green glow, it sleems like even after calibration the monitor is still very non- neutral, even in the center where i have placed the calibrator. is this the issue everyone is talking about? It seems weird to me that the calibrator wouldn't somehow account for this, even with the wider gamut--

I'm a professional retoucher, and although i know im spoiled by the eizo's we've got at work, ive used plenty of other displays, including apples that seem to calibrate much better than this.

the whites also seem to be kind of muddy at the lower luminance-- i'm going for 120--

anyway-- coloreyes reports no values over 1 delta e off, but it does seem like the middle greys are the furthest off of anything--

so here's my issue, and i'm hoping somone could help me with this:

I'm going to return this monitor. I would like to either get a replacement for it and see if it solves my issue, or get a different monitor. My specific issue is that ive got magenta in the upper right corner that always seems to look better than the rest of the monitor-- but still off (as in too much magenta)

i'm really loving the 24 inches as ive never worked on a 24" monitor before-- but the other option i was thinking of originally is the NEC p221w thats coming out in mid december, which is a 22" PVA w/ a built in LUT (but only 1680x1050)--

I'm willing to spend up to $1200 US if necessary, although i like how much cheaper these two are (both in the 650 range in USD)

However I'm interested in having the wide gamut monitor to get closer to displaying AdobeRGB, so i really would like it to be something with a wide gamut, and not the nec lcd24wuxi if possible... even though thats what i was originally planning on getting.... but mostly i'm worried that they are gonna update that monitor soon to the wider gamut they just upgraded the 26" model to, as the 24" is about 2 years old.

do you guys think i should replace this one? I love everything about this monitor except the panel ;)

btw, i dont think anyone has mentioned it so far, but i've tried calibrating the monitor using the DCC support that coloreyes interfaces with, and ive tried without, but the dcc seems to always lower the contrast to 65 which makes the whites even muddier...

sorry for rambling, but basically you've all been privy to my entire thought process--

ps my firmware is also GIG034
Hey does the NEC lcd2690wuxi suffer from the same? I mean with the black glow?
IPS panels with the A-TW polarizer don't have this problem, but only a few monitors have it:

HP DreamColor LP2480zx
DoubleSight DS-263N (only some units had it)
DoubleSight DS-265W (no backlight control, so black looks like crap anyway)
Hazro HZ26W and HZ26Wi (no backlight control either)

You might want to look into the NEC monitors if the glow really bothers you.
I'm a professional retoucher, [...] I would like to either get a replacement for it and see if it solves my issue, or get a different monitor. [...] I'm willing to spend up to $1200 US if necessary [...] I'm interested in having the wide gamut monitor to get closer to displaying AdobeRGB [...]
Why not get the NEC2690WUXi?
Well my firmware is also GIG032 so its going back. Its really got a good glow lol. Yet on desktop its beautiful.

So I will let you know how the NEC2690WUXi is. I did order it :)

DarkScythe thanks for the info thats all I needed to know.
Well, I took a picture of my screen, a crappy one that is, but it does show the difference between color across the screen, on the photo you can see that the right side is more pink than the rest, in reality, the right side is more white, while the rest has this green hue over it.

Here is the link: >>Link<<
yeah i was thinking about the lcd2690wuxi but i just really dont know about 1920x1200 at 26"... seems a little overkill to me for not having a higher res...
I was forced to watch snowy TV for 50 years and now I will have to endure PVA panels because the H-ISP panels are way to expensive. Heck the PVA panels are to expensive. The Lp2475w seems to have fine tuning problems that require expensive equipment to adjust. I can't go out and pay $200 or so for hardware calibration equipment to adjust an Lp2475w once. Furthermore there is no dealer locally that has one of these monitors that I can check out. I guess I'll have to settle for one of the Dell(expensive) pieces of crap....... Not a pretty prospect is it....
I was forced to watch snowy TV for 50 years and now I will have to endure PVA panels because the H-ISP panels are way to expensive. Heck the PVA panels are to expensive. The Lp2475w seems to have fine tuning problems that require expensive equipment to adjust. I can't go out and pay $200 or so for hardware calibration equipment to adjust an Lp2475w once. Furthermore there is no dealer locally that has one of these monitors that I can check out. I guess I'll have to settle for one of the Dell(expensive) pieces of crap....... Not a pretty prospect is it....

You don't definitely need to calibrate it unless you want 100% accurate colours, and if that's the case you are using it professionally and spending 200$ to improve your work is a no-brainer.

You can get pleasing results with manual tweaking (or using the profile posted about 1,000,000 pages back).
Anyone with the pink tint problem had theirs go away after awhile? I'm at 360+ backlight hours and there seems to be no difference at all.
Nocturnal said:
Is your white balance all jacked up or is that the actual color of the screen? That sucks if there is always that pinkish huge to the screen. That would drive me nuts. I'd rather have the Dell viewing angle issues than an ongoing pinkish tint to my screen.
That's a screen shot, which doesn't have a pink hue. Why are you seeing pink? :eek:
Well my firmware is also GIG032 so its going back. Its really got a good glow lol. Yet on desktop its beautiful.

So I will let you know how the NEC2690WUXi is. I did order it :)

DarkScythe thanks for the info thats all I needed to know.

You won't be disappointed. I got my NEC 2490WUXi-SV about a month ago (I am a professional photographer) and I could not be happier. My work has improved as a a result of the better proofing ability the monitor gives me.
Is your white balance all jacked up or is that the actual color of the screen? That sucks if there is always that pinkish huge to the screen. That would drive me nuts. I'd rather have the Dell viewing angle issues than an ongoing pinkish tint to my screen.

Lol, my screen isn't as pink as the picture, not even remotely close, I told you it was a crappy picture, What do you expect?
What I was talking about was the fact that the majority of the left side is greener than the right side, so kind of 'forget' about the picture being too pink, this is caused by the camera, the real issue is the screens color temperature uniformity.

ok friends, this is foto of my lp2475w, Firmware gig032, tomorrow I receive new model. So compare this foto with Razenko foto. Quality of foto is low, this foto was made with mobile phone. http://i33.tinypic.com/20r05zk.jpg plus another foto http://i35.tinypic.com/2j0xriv.jpg

Is the pink hue in the middle of screen as bad in real life?
Because my screen does not have any pink hue issues, it just seems my screen has a cooler color temperature on the right side (being green/brownish from the middle to the left).
No, in real life I didnt see any pink issue in the middle of screen. This foto was made with very low-end mobile fotograph in dark background.
Well, I called HP and they've created a case, I should receive some forms from HP soon, which I should fill in and take to my dealer together with my screen, So they can order a new one.

HP also suggested they would swap the screen themselves, but then I would receive a repaired/refurbished model, and I'd rather have a new one.

I'm wondering if it wasn't wiser to wait a few months before sending this one back, by then most issues would've probably been sorted out.
so i just swapped my screen out for a new one through HP-- it seems to have much less of the pink/green issue than the last did, but it is still apparent in a subtle way (in the same areas too-- upper right corner is pink, lower left is green)... actually i did some measurements in coloreyes and the upper corner was at 6600k 113 brightness while the lower left was at 6100k and 89 brightness... those measurements still sound pretty far from optimal...

not sure whether or not i should try to swap the panel again or return it (i dont have that much time left to return...)

also what is the manufacture date on your panels? Especially someone with a good one-- mine have both been august 2008 (says on the sticker on the back)
It may sound alarming but 20% variation in brightness would appear to be average to good for current LCD's, see Panel Uniformity :

... not a comprehensive list of models I know but hopefully representative (?).

The 500k colour temperature variation while far from ideal may also be par for the course for this monitor. I measured my July 08 (iirc) screen about 6 weeks ago at 64xxk left side, 68xxk right side. Subjectively this has improved over time.

Subjectively, humm. Ok, I've been putting this off but in the interests of science I'll do a quick measurement. I've been messing around so I'm at about 5800k at the moment: Custom Colour, i1d2 + basICColor 4.1 as before, gives 57xxk left side and 59xxk right side.

I'm surprised, honestly. Alarm bells always ring when I'm told 'things improve with time', but hats off to PhillJohn and his contacts. If this result holds up at 6500k then at 400 hours usage this is a real, measurable, improvement. While I still consider shipping a panel with 500k variation a mistake on HPs part I must confess I'm very pleased at this result. Of course, ymmv, your eyes certainly do.

I've no idea if the above is of any help to anyone. I kept this monitor because, even with the colour variation, it was the best all rounder I could find at the price. Due to black levels and contrast ratios I still consider it inferior to a good CRT, but as far as the great LCD compromise goes this is one screen I can live with.

I've just tested at D65 and I do still have a 400k + variation between left and right sides, looks like things have not improved over time. Repeating the test at 5800k gives the same results as above, 200k variation. Interesting.

So, running at a warmer colour temperature entails reducing the contribution from the blue component and hence reduces the variation on my panel which exhibits a blue variance going from left to right. While not 'correct' it makes sense.

I'll settle for this, for now. I'll contact HP if / when I hear the issue has been resolved. I adhere to neither the recommended screen brightness settings nor the recommended ambient illumination levels so been able to hit D65 is a moot point.

Thank you for the inspiration Boneless, interesting results.
I've returned two LP2475's so far. I was having the same green-to-red tint problems (and backlight unifromity too). I may consider it again, once HP's QA team have had time to sort it out.
I dont know, but show me another 24" S-IPS monitor with 460&#8364; price. Available in Central Europe. Thanks
With all these reported problems, is this monitor still recommended?

This is my third LCD monitor, at the time it was three monitors in three months.

The first was a budget VA, it came highly recommended -by some- instant dislike by me, I spent the weekend we had together avoiding the pc completely, seriously, it was unusable.

The second a dell 2408 came highly recommended -by some- I instantly loved it but after spending a weekend together I knew it was wrong, totally wrong, seductive but evil, sexy but no matter which way you looked at it everything about it was wrong. And it left me with an infection, well, almost, it did make my eyes go funny.

The HP was third, quite new, it came kind of recommended -by one or two- I instantly felt comfortable, seriously, I remember chuckling to myself that it was just like sitting in front of my ex, CRT. Over our first weekend we discovered that some people don't know how to design web pages and that MS ClearType is poorly implemented. We have different opinions as to what constitutes a totally black screen, and I'm not totally happy with the size of its contrast ratios but that's superficial stuff. Day by day we're happy, that's the important thing. That and I can still go back to my CRT should things go wrong.

Recommendations ? 10 a penny ! Be it a CRT, LCD, Plasma, any sort of display, unless you are 100% certain always ensure you have:
A) the right to return the device.
B) a reasonable time to evaluate your new toy. Two weeks would be better than one.
thanks guys-- and thanks ecat for your test results as well-- i think this all seals it-- i'm sending this one back. At this point it just seems like even if there are perfect ones out there, its just not really worth the time to search them out--

i'm gonna pick up the nec p221w when it comes out in december-- its about the same price, and although its smaller (22" 1680x1050) its got the 10 bit LUT and NECs are just plain good.

just as an aside-- i went over to B&H photo here in NY the other day to look at some of the NECs there, and they had the 30" HP below them, and compared with the NECs and eizos around, the HP just looked weird -- and it wasnt the kind of in-store not-calibrated kind of weird, it was the kind of weird that the lp2475 had back at my house... a kind of mottled, greeny, just generally not-neutral look--

i think this is a great monitor with some pretty serious problems that probably few outside of the professional photography world would really notice... but if HP irons out these issues it would be fantastic. The nec p221w comes out mid december, so i guess if HP can get it together by then I would give it another shot, but for now, back it goes
eizos are too expensive... especially considering a 22" one, and the hp 22" is kind of just an inferior smaller version of the lp2475....