Howdy All

Welcome from one n00b to another. If you have any questions ask away.
We have a great bunch of people around here, even if they do seem a little strange. :D

BobCoyote said:
Welcome from one n00b to another. If you have any questions ask away.
We have a great bunch of people around here, even if they do seem a little strange. :D

I'm with Bob. They're good people. :)

Welcome to the [H]oard, Rubicon. Happy folding :)

Hi, welcome !!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

and look out for Atomic Moose, he likes hugs. :p
Welcome to the [H]orde!

Please feel free to browse the FAQ's we have on this forum, or visit us at and browse the information we have there. While at hardfolding, peruse the stats page for your folding name and then grab your [H]ardfolding badge code (found on your personal stats page at the very bottom).

Ciao for now ..........
Welcome to the team! Also, don't for get to add your PC's to our drive to 500 and help push to our goal! And if you can find the moose, embrace the moose! :D

welcome. More boxen are always welcome in curing diseases. Now the next step is borging machines under your name.
Welcome to the [H]orde! May the addiction take hold, and may your PC find the cure!

Keep on Folding!!

Welcome. I just like posting in these threads so I can see what my numbers are.

BobCoyote said:
Welcome from one n00b to another. If you have any questions ask away.
We have a great bunch of people around here, even if they do seem a little strange. :D

I'm not strange, I'm just completely and totally insane. Trust me, it's not too bad.

The voices get a bit annoying at times. It would be better if they all had boxen I could borg. Then I would probably have enough production alone to double the teams output.

no, no. Leave the noobs alone. They haven't done anything.

Um... this was supposed to be something to reassure the new people. I think I will leave the thread now.


PoisonedPawn45 said:
Welcome! Watch out, the llama hasn't poked his head in here yet :D

Oh god as long as isn't wearing that stupid hat.
SmokeRngs said:
Um... this was supposed to be something to reassure the new people. I think I will leave the thread now.

Good idea... dont scare them on their first day...
SmokeRngs said:
I'm not strange, I'm just completely and totally insane. Trust me, it's not too bad.

Yep, after a while they stop trying to get you to KILL KILL KILL, and after that it's not so bad.

BTW, the old [H] tags are going down ( :( ), better switch to the new ones.