How much have YOU spent on your computer over the years in total?

I started with my original "fast" computer called Garrett, each new itteration (Garrett1, Garrett2 all the way to Garrett 5) has been a major overhaul of most components (mobo, cpu etc) there have been video card upgrades in between and loads of other peripherals and useable media.

My ebuyer account stands at about £5,000 ($10,000 USD) but that lacks shops from other stores such as and, OC's is at least 5 high end video cards at 300-400 a piece so probably about another 2k, and probably at least 1k in total from scan over the years.

Thats about £8,000 total, so roughly $16,000 USD, maybe a little less due to some parts not being for me.

Garrett5 specs are in my Sig but all machines have been top of the line for when they were built, one was about 2k on just one machine, back when i got my Geforce Ti4600, I remember when that was blistering fast, I also remember killing it with coke :(
I just checked my newegg account... on one email.

$2k on that one
I would estimate about $5k total spent on computers by myself from my zipzoomfly account, newegg, monarch a long time ago and other places.

Then my monitors I have cost me about $1400 total

Games etc another $400

I can easily say I've spent $9000 on computers. I would say probobly more then 10k seeing how i can go to my relatives houses and find 6 of my personal built computers still in use.

How much have I made thanks to computers? 4 times what I've spent easily. And I'm only 21 :p Helps to have gotten in the hobby at age 10 and I've been working since age 8 at the family business.
turning 15 and having enough money to put a down payment on a house is nice :p

Now college on the other hand... thats where the money goes bye bye.
Lets see this time around 1700, pluss 270 for the monitor, plus 160 for the kb and mouse... bringing the cost to... 2,130.

Then I add in my previous rig... that cost me 1600 to build,

Then the one before that was 1400,

the one before that was.... 2100

The rest were gifts... and I include no gift hardware in that.

Put in three video card upgrades over time for another 600, Toss in three soundcards for another 400

so 8230?
Gifts - high school graduation, 16th birthday. Both were complete computer systems, graduation's being a bit more expensive. :p

In retrospect, I myself have spent ~$1000 in totality. Significant purchases would be my 19" LCD (Hyundai L90D+) in 2005 for over $300 and an Athlon x2 3800+ for $175. I've also been extremely careful to offset any new purchases by selling old items.

So yeah, I'm thrifty. And a college student.
They go hand in hand. :D
I've spent over 15,000, I just tallied up everything that I could remember so in actual fact this number could be higher as I can't remember everything.

This is over a 10yr period.
Probably a lot, but it's all for fun, and it is a hobby, why do it if your not going to have fun.
I spend on average anywhere between $7,000 and $10,000 each year on computer hardware.

I've been spending around that much on computer hardware since 1998. So somewhere around $60,000+ or so over the last 9 years or so.
$3K from egg since 2005. Not much compare to you guys. I do not feel the love spending too much on hardware.
On my current rig I spent...

200$ For monitor
50$ For Mouse
20$ For Keyboard
120$ For Headphones and speakers
1650$ For initial computer hardware
200$ For high powered fans a replacement harddrive and a new cpu heatsink.

So all in all I got about 2250$ in my current rig, unless I include junk for it I bought but tossed, if I include that stuff then add another 200$ or so, now If I add my other computer to my total then I got...

660$ Initially
100$ For Windows XP
400$ For my Gefore 6800GT (Back when it was new)
100$ on a monitor that broke
400$ on a lcd that I prefer my crt to.
400$ to fix it cause I accedently broke a 150$ cpu.
40$ Mouse + 30$ Keyboard
50$ for a dedicated soundcard

So I spent 2150$ Approx on my old computer...

If I take both numbers then I spent about 4400$ Total on computer hardware, unless I go really far back and add in 100$ I spent on a Geforce MX440 and a 256MB ram chip, before that I didn't have a job so I really coudn't spent more then I have on computer hardware...

So Total I spent 4500$ on computer hardware, which is quite a bit for me considering I have only made like 30K in my life, so I have spent about 15% of all my money on pc hardware.
On my current rig I spent...
So Total I spent 4500$ on computer hardware, which is quite a bit for me considering I have only made like 30K in my life, so I have spent about 15% of all my money on pc hardware.

Decent amount.
I bought my first computer in 1995, prebuilt... that was a Cyrix model, i think it was a 150+, and paid about $2000 for it. It was a negative experience and so I learned to build my own systems after that. From there roughly every three years I would rebuild, spending about the same amount of money, moving to a P3-450 in 1998 then a Palomino 1800+ in 2001 followed by Barton 2500+ in 2005 and then finally my system in the current calendar year.

In the last twelve years, everything added, I've probably spent around 8K.

The last three systems I built are still functional and even running as my primary, secondary and tertiary computers. Still getting my money's worth out of 'em. :)
$2,000 even for my recent build.

Spent $2,500 in 2001 on my last computer. Then put $550 into it over the years.


$1,400 for an M305

$1,550 for a T60 last summer.

$8,000 grand total. Thanks dad.
Decent amount.

Yea, I try to keep my spending under control though, this year I have different priorities then super fast computer hardware, although I've always been bang for the buck, still I keep making more and more money, although I'm only 18, so I still have quite a bit of time to rake in more money, if I included software I'm sure the % would jump at least 5% though.

But like I said, I have to save up for Collage, going part time later this year, might be able to get a scholarship though.
Most of my disposable income goes towards my computer habit, with my guitar coming in second just because it cost so much initially to me. (Squier Strat with 2humbuckers, and GHS ZW strings.)

But, it keeps us off the streets and we aren't blowing it on booze, whores or marijuana or something. Or hooning around like boyracers in fartcan cars.
I would estimate well over 20K in the past 15 years. We wont count the Odessy2 (with programming card), C64, C128, Amiga 1000, Amiga2000, or Amiga 500. But that could ad another 5k to the end total.
Ick. I hate to think about that, especially the $2000+ it cost to buy an IBM PS/2 dual floppy PC back in 1987 for college. That is obscene. Worst part was it was proprietary. When I wanted to upgrade it 3 or 4 years later, the PC guys wanted $600 for a 20MB hard drive.
Quicken, FTW.

I went back to 1999 which was when I got out of college and grabbed everything that was in my technology - computers category. Grand total of: $32,432.89. That includes some stuff that wasn't mine though. Laptop for my dad and a machine of two for some other family members.
Whoa nellie!!!
I spent a lot more a few years ago when I fell into the money pit of "gaming laptops." For the same amount of $$ as the top-tier gaming laptops you can put together a killer desktop (which performs better and is upgradeable) and still have enough cash for a good thin and light lappy.
I've been fortunate enough to have cheap computers that last forever, in a bad way.
First computer when I was about 6 years (11 years ago) was a 333 mhz I believe... it wasn't too bad for the time, games worked ok as far as I remember, lasted about 3 years, then it broke down and my dad bought my friends used computer, a K6, horrible for the time and it lasted about 5 years. Then for Christmas 4 years ago I got a celeron 2.5 which lasted until about 6 months ago, when I got this "super expensive" 700 dollar computer I have in my sig (+a hardware or two out for birthday).
too much, but not nearly as much as i've sunk into my gf.... that's the scary part ;)
well, quite a bit, although i've spent a lot of money upgrading my dads computer back when I was a kid and didn't have enough money to have my own computer, hehe
newegg : $1789.98 : $1855.56 : 89.98 $78.99

3823.81 TOTAL in the last 5 years.
I spend on average anywhere between $7,000 and $10,000 each year on computer hardware.

I've been spending around that much on computer hardware since 1998. So somewhere around $60,000+ or so over the last 9 years or so.

Oh that is nothing pffft come on... :eek: :eek: :eek:

Wow this means you are:

a) a pro and you need it
b) a person with severe upgradovitus
c) one very lucky guy

Well a may not be the case but I think it's definitely a combination of b and c.

:D ;)
Since 7/26/2004 (the day I ordered the parts for my first complete build):

Newegg $3814.16
Ewiz $194.20
Mwave $250.30
SVC $35.00
Total $4293.66 :eek:

If I include my first machine and all the upgrades I added to it, the total comes to about
......drumroll please......
~12,000 at newegg since 6/30/2004
~3,000 on PC related stuff from other sites in the same time period
~2,000 no consoles/handhelds and associated accessories in the same period
~9,000 on games in that period ($8,410 documented purchases, and I didn't track quite all of them).
~25,000 on PC's, consoles, and games lifetime prior to 6/30/2004 (bought my first computer for gaming in 1988).

That is ~$51,000 total for anyone who is keeping track.

Of course I actually support 3 PC's, mine, my wifes, and our HTPC, so it's not like that whole 15k got dumped into just one system over this period.

My current system costs:

Case: Thermaltake Armor VA8000BWS --- $140
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 6600 --- $330
TEC cooling: Ultra Chilltec --- $150
MOBO: ASUS P5N32-E SLI Plus --- $220
RAM: 2x1GB G.Skill PC6400 --- $200
Videocard: XFX 8800GTX XXX --- $620
PSU: PC Power and Cooling Silencer 750 Quad --- $210
HD: 2xSeagate Barracude 7200.10 - 320GB --- $180
Monitor: Dell UltraSharp 2405FPW --- $800

Total = 2850
Oh crud... I thought it wasn't that much, but the more I think about it...the worse it gets. I'll estimate from 1999, when I left for college and bought stuff on my own I could consider "mine".

Monitor upgrades (4x) ~$3,300
Speaker upgrades (3x) ~$1000
Mouse/Keyboard upgrades (??) ~$300
Computers built, including family (6x) ~ $6700
Laptop ~$900
Misc Upgrades (individual cards, mousepads, etc.) ~$400
Misc Parts to repair zombies ~$500

Grand Total = $13,100

Quite impressive considering I was doing most of this through college ......these are mostly estimates though. I'm sure the actual spending was higher....:p

It looks like a lot, but it's well spaced out and it's not much a month if you consider it a hobby ($130 or so). Heck, that's almost what my cable bill is.
around $5800 in the last 3 years, just in hardware!
Dating back to 1/24/03, between 3 of my computers and one of my brother's, we have spent 4850.67 on Newegg only. I have bought a few vid cards and such elsewhere, probably amounting to 1.5-2k more.
Just shy of $4,000 on Newegg since August of '04, plus $2400 on for a laptop and another cheapy desktop that I ended up giving to my parents as an internet/email box.

$1200 from Mwave, about $300 on Tigerdirect, and something like $300 on Oh, and I have a couple shipment notifications from Directron in my email archive but I don't have any totals. That's definitely under $100 since I never ordered anything bigger than a set of $50 headphones from them.

I guess that brings the total on computer stuff out to around $8,500.

If you limit it down to just my own self built rig it's more like $6000, which is still kinda disgusting :(
I asked this question to my best friend who I have known for 20+ years. He's been into hardcore gaming (and ALWAYS buys the latest hardware) for over 15 years. His total purchase amount came to over $112,000. The guy owns his own company and I'm not exactly sure how much he makes a year but it looks like he's doing pretty well. $7,000 a year or so on hardware is a lot but when you add it all up and it equals to a condo its different. this guy is in a different league than most of us.
How do you spend $8,000 on games???? I spend around $100-200 a year and thought that was excessive (well last year I spend around $80). Mind you I sale shop so i purchased oblivion for $25 and titan quest for $20 but still even at full price it take me years to get to $8000 !!!
Way tooo much:p I dont even want to begin to add things up, will just make the wife shiver and want more because i am spending so much on pc stuff. lol
I bet I've spent in the area code of $10,000 since the summer of 2002. Just thinking about it makes me want to get drunk.
Oh that is nothing pffft come on... :eek: :eek: :eek:

Wow this means you are:

a) a pro and you need it
b) a person with severe upgradovitus
c) one very lucky guy

Well a may not be the case but I think it's definitely a combination of b and c.

:D ;)

Mostly it's B. A little of A and some of C but not too much of C. The thing is that I work for my money and I spend alot on my hobby. I usually make a decent salary, but nothing spectacular. The key is that I am not married and I have no children. I try to keep my montly bills at a minimum if possible. This allows me to spend more of my income on my hobbies than others who make the same amount of money I do.
Mostly it's B. A little of A and some of C but not too much of C. The thing is that I work for my money and I spend alot on my hobby. I usually make a decent salary, but nothing spectacular. The key is that I am not married and I have no children. I try to keep my montly bills at a minimum if possible. This allows me to spend more of my income on my hobbies than others who make the same amount of money I do.

That is a good life man! :D