How much have YOU spent on your computer over the years in total?

Starting from 2004
emachine for $650-$700
new hard drive from bestbuy $60
upgraded to video card and ram $170
wide screen monitor from tigerdirect $200
processor and motherboard from newegg $127
dvd burner, gaming keyboard, and art software $185
realizing I have a technology addiction.... priceless

brings me to a total of around $1400 if I included games I have brought I would say around $1500
I don't think I spent too much at all. Although I bought a lot. I usually sold my old hardware or needed parts for a build or a mod to sell for customers.

Checked newegg. I see that I spent little over $3000

not to mention all the computer stuff I bought retail and other online computer purchases.

I spent around $2500 on xbox modchips alone.
LOL. How can you even calculate that? I've been into computers since 1978. There's no way in hell i could calculate how much i've spent in nearly 30 years.

I can tell you i spent ~4600 this year alone. On one machine. :D
LOL. How can you even calculate that? I've been into computers since 1978. There's no way in hell i could calculate how much i've spent in nearly 30 years.

I can tell you i spent ~4600 this year alone. On one machine. :D

All I can do is average out what I think I spent each year I've been doing this. Over the last 11 years that I've been doing this, I've spent 7-10k per year. I probably averaged closer to 7k most years, but some years I went above 10k. So I basically ended up calculating based on that. It's a rough calculation, but there is no way to tell how much I've actually spent.
Yeah my figure, around CAN$8000, was only for my current system. Since I was 18 I've bought seven computers (not that many considering I'm 31) and the first six were all about CAN$2400 when I bought them. That was always my magic price\performance number. So altogether I'm above CAN$20,000. It's more than a hobby for me though. In the past year I've really come to think of my computer the way a pro athlete does their equipment... you should spare no expense!
I've been building my own compters since 1996.

I can't even caculate how much I've spent.
Considering I have only been buying PC Parts for about two years, maybe not even that... Yeah not even that. And that I also have sold my parts and used the money to buy new stuff... etc.. But here's my total from newegg + chiefvalue(same thing...but whatever)
3277.13, started modding PCs when I was like 14 I think. Never got the money to get really good system until 6 months ago, then I sold the good parts and got a Wii...Hated the wii, sold it loss 50$ out of it. Bought Samsung 226BW and 8800GTS 640MB yesterday...Yay