How many Xbox360s have you burned through?


Sep 26, 2002
I'm on my 3rd one now. Thank GOD I bought warranties for all of them, those things die faster than hell. The first one was fine for like 4 months, then all of a sudden I get 3 red lights of death. The 2nd one came straight out of the box with a fucked up cd reader so games would stutter, and some wouldnt even load. Or it would think the game was a DVD and try to read it like one, then fail. I'm on my 3rd one now and all it does it sometimes lock up during MLB2k7.

GG Microsoft!

*notes* - Buy a warranty if you get an xbox360.
I have 2 Xbox 360s, both bought at launch and still working perfectly with heavy usage. No problems whatsoever. (I guess I'm one of the lucky ones.)
I'm still on my 1st one, but I had to bring it back to life myself since the warranty went out right before it died.

Oddly enough all it took was some arctic silver and a few toothpicks. Might go for something more permanet (like the heatgun/reflow fix) if it starts acting up again.
First console - built in March of 2006, puchased in July of last year. All in all my console works fine, save for a handful of minor issues:

(1) Chewed through my Madden 07 disc, though all my other games are scratch-free. I recall that people believed that EA was using a bad press for their early discs, and I suspect this as well (I bought my first copy at launch and swapped it out twice before I gave up).

(2) My console has locked up on my maybe 4 times since I've owned it - two during Saint's Row and twice while streaming some video wirelessly.

(3) Wired headset died on me about 3 weeks ago. I had to scream but Microsoft sent me a replacement.

Ive burned through as many xbox360s as there have been posts on how many people have burned through...

seems like once a week now?
I think people are just venting because you expect your 300-400 dollar system not to have this many problems within the first year. I just sent mine off and plan on buying the warranty once I get it back since I just made it for the end of my one year warranty.

EDIT: I would like to add that out of my friends, 6 out of 8 of them have had a hardware failure on their 360. This is disheartening since the first xbox was made so well.
Something is wrong here.

The original Xbox 360 you bought is covered by MS's warranty for one year. They even made the warranty retroactive for older consoles.

How did you "buy" warranties on 3 consoles? Weren't two returned to you after being fixed? Unless you simply exchanged them at the store...but even an in-store exchance wouldn't make you re-buy the warranty. :confused: Something is wrong with this story.

In my experience, there is almost no point to buy add-on warranties...for I don't buy them. Some people have great luck with add-on warranties though.
still on my first one, but I only got it on xmas so...

I did notice that Saint's Row tends to freeze a whole lot, especially RIGHT AFTER I COMPLETE A MISSION BEFORE I GET TO SAVE THOUGH!!! :mad: :mad:
I bought all of them at Best Buy. The 1st one I couldn't do an in store exchange because it was past 30 days. I sent my xbox 360 in, and I got a gift card with $420ish store credit. I bought another one with cash, and got another 2yr warranty. That one died on me within 30 days, I returned it to best buy and got an exchange with a free 2 year warranty.
I’m still on my first, I bought it around the time Gears of War came out.

My friend who bought his when Dead Rising was released just had his break yesterday after bringing home Guitar Hero.
Oh boy! MY TURN!

I'm about to start on Console #3. Console #1 was a launch unit which lasted if I recall, about a month and a half before it hard locked on any game I put in the tray.

Console #2 locks up occasionally, but the primary concern is that the loading tray doesn't eject. It was fine for a while, went to being an intermittant pain in the ass, to me having to argue with it about ejecting using the button, and now I have to use the emergency eject button.

So with nothing but regular use, in a well ventilated area, in an adult owned environment, non-smoking household, etc. etc. and I'm about to rock my third one of these bad boys.

I was going to wait till they confirmed 65nm and all that, but I may just settle for an elite. Hopefully it won't suck.

Including me, 4 out of 8 of my 360 owning friends have had to get new 360's since launch, I'm the only multiple box tragedy.
On my second one, bought it blackfriday of 2006, and it was bricked due to a dashboard update bug a week or two later. Luckily still within store warranty so I just returned it and bought another elsewhere.
I'm on my third one. First one was bought in Dec 2005, the fan came loose from its bearing so it made a rattling noise so that was sent back. The replacement unit would constantly freeze but the one I have now is running fine.

My friend is buying my Premium when the Elite comes out so hopefully I won't have any problems with that.
I bought my 360 from a friend last March 2006.
He bought his at launch and just NOW he is regretting his sale to me as I'm having a shit load of fun with mine..

I've taken my 360 everywhere with me to work and back, it's survived a massive power spike, had beer spilled on it, everything.... she still keeps on ticking.
My original face plate was trashed after using it alot to plug in peripherals and such but after a replacement she still works great.

I guess it's all a luck of the draw or something. *shrug*
I'm on my second one right now. First one got the red rings just out of warranty so I spent $140 to get it fixed. I've had the replacement for a week now and I keep getting these errors saying things like, "please insert this disk into an xbox 360" and "disk unreadable". So far a simple restart fixes my problems but it is very annoying. Since the replacement is still under warranty I will get it fixed when I have time to go through the whole process again. Looks like I'll be on number three in a couple weeks.
I would like to do a study on the topic because it seems like every time I post a story on Xbox 360 hardware failure I get VERY different feedback depending on the group submitting feedback.

Forums: 1 in 2 owners say they have had a bad 360

E-mail: 1 in 100 say they have had a bad one...the other 99 call me a dick for "sensationalizing" the headlines. :D

Something a LOT of people don't realize is that even at 3% hardware failure rate, that is 300,000 consoles, owned by gamers, that have broadband access, a forum account somewhere and they WILL let you know theirs was borked.

The positive side to hardware failure (if you can even say that) is that the turnaround time for repairs is phenomenal. If you've ever had a TV, stereo, iPod or any other electronic component go out and had to get a replacement / know how painless the MS process is.

The Wii has a pretty good system in place, more steps in the process but also painless.
I bought one on Friday. The headset has a problem at its base and I also got one "read error" problem. I hasn't done it since, but I am going to take it back none the less and ask the store if they have one that was of more recent manufacture.
This is my third console, E74 error and failing graphics.

Woman on the phone was barely audible, and says that it'll be 200 bucks to fix... to get something which is going to fail me... and which the fucking warranty should have covered.

I'm going to future shop, getting an Xbox 360 Elite, and buying an extended warranty. Seems like the only way I won't get raped up the ass.
9 month old console still works fine, although I have always had a chronic disk read error problem. Planning on getting an elite once they go to 65nm.
I'm on my second, first one died after three weeks. I wouldn't exactly blame the console though, I accidentally left NHL2k7 on pause for 2 hours and I think it burnt out the DVD drive. I would power up fine but wouldn't read any discs. The current one has been going strong for 4 months, no problems after some pretty long gaming sessions and a lot of movie watching.
I'm on my second, first one died after three weeks. I wouldn't exactly blame the console though, I accidentally left NHL2k7 on pause for 2 hours and I think it burnt out the DVD drive. I would power up fine but wouldn't read any discs. The current one has been going strong for 4 months, no problems after some pretty long gaming sessions and a lot of movie watching.

Man I'm sorry to hear that. Thats lame that a system dies after keeping a game on pause for 2 hours... consoles like my DreamCast, PS3, PS2, GC, I have left games on pause for over 48 hours with no problems.... DreamCast and GC are getting quite a bit of age on them now... PS2 is the Slim but I've had that for almost a year now.
I don't think this is worthy of another thread, but I have a separate mini poll to add to this one..

Those of you who have had one or more you keep the 360 vertical or horizontal?

I've had mine 6 months now trouble free and it's been horizontal since day 1.
Mines been fine so far for the most part. I bought mine used knowing that it had a problem with ejecting discs while it was vertical. It already had a warranty on it from the previous owner (who still happens to work at the store where he purchased it), so I decided to exchange mine as soon as I started having problems ejecting the disc tray regardless of the orientation.

I could wait until the 29th to get an Elite, but I really don't think HDMI and a new color would be worth it (I would actually prefer getting another white console). The hard drive makes it tempting though.

The Wii has a pretty good system in place, more steps in the process but also painless.
Simply put, Nintendo was awesome. My Wii started artifacting, so I called their support line, got a replacement shipped, and it arrived at my door three days later. I set the new one up (transfered my saves to a Micro SD card and my Miis on my remote), and put the old one in the box.
My first one was horizontal. The second one started out horizontal, moved to vertical, and back to horizontal. None of the positions seemed to exacerbate the issue one way or another.
I got my X360 in december.. and it's still working just fine.. however i do have a 3 year warranty on it..
first had a dvd drive that died. sent for repairs under warranty. got it back and the problem was even worse. sent THAT one back and got a "new" one today, that's pretty good so least it's effing quiet.
I went through 4. Finally got a working unit back after 6 MONTHS (counting the extra 2 months it took them to send me my hard drive back) and I just couldn't stand the piece of shit anymore so I offed it.
I am still running a launch system. Sure the DVD drives sounds like a jet plane, but it works perfectly.
13 months and still going strong, never had a lockup or disc problems.