How Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg Lost $4 Billion with One Post

Whats interesting/strange/obscene is that facebooks market value is about 500 billion. So the entire United states of america GDP is only 14 times that of facebooks. One company, based on what people feel it should trade at. I dont know where to place this.

You're conflating market cap and gross domestic product.
My point is that it is actually a very small number relatively speaking. The total wealth of US households is somewhere in the 96 trillion-dollar range. And that doesn't take into consideration the value of major US businesses of which Facebook is only one. I don't even understand the point of 7 trillion. But Facebook is a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of things.
This article is a big misdirection. Its Zuckerberg still under the delusion that he can become a candidate in 2020 / 2024 (robot still imitating being human) OR that he wants to make "better" communities so that advertisements can be better directed as groups, instead of sending Whopper Ads to people who liked the Big Mac.
What are you ultimately getting at?
Just the overarching theme of my post that the majority of ultra ultra rich people are not self-made but rather born into money as the ultra ultra rich would like one to believe. Plus, that most people whom perpetuate that myth's networth compare to the ultra ultra rich is about equal to a homeless person's networth compared to the Average American. The Zuckerbergs are rare, far and few inbetween. Of course, when people like Garfield, McKinley, Kennedy or anyone in power start discussing these topics, well...