HOT: sata Barracuda 7200.10 250GB $79.99 free shipping!

uh i think the barracuda 7200.10 is the brand new perpendicular recording shit, speeds are supposed to be up, most ppl that buy this will buy 2 or more so storage isnt an issue, i would take a seagate over maxtor any day, good deal imo
bigger is obviously better...

isnt the cache size the amount of data it can easily access? or is it the amount of data it can write continuisly?
Nice price for that Seagate drive. On the whole, though, HDDs are still more expensive than they aught to be for mid 2006. :( Here we have 750GB drives and something 1/3 its size still costs upwards of $100. I bought a 250GB Hitachi Deskstar in July of 05 for $55 at Best Buy. It's true this drive beats the old Hitachi's performance by a lot (and it's SATA vs IDE), but I'd expect to be able to buy a 500GB drive for about the same price right now, maybe ~$100.
jesusfr3ak4evr said:
Nice price for that Seagate drive. On the whole, though, HDDs are still more expensive than they aught to be for mid 2006. :( Here we have 750GB drives and something 1/3 its size still costs upwards of $100. I bought a 250GB Hitachi Deskstar in July of 05 for $55 at Best Buy. It's true this drive beats the old Hitachi's performance by a lot (and it's SATA vs IDE), but I'd expect to be able to buy a 500GB drive for about the same price right now, maybe ~$100.

$55.00 for a 250gb drive was unusually [H]ot. THat was not the average selling price for a 250gb drive. As I recall, they were going for around $100.00 a year ago.

A bit less than 2 years ago I paid around 120 for a 250gb drive. theres only so low that drives are going to go. 500GB drives are not that old. OTOH, the high end drives of last year (300-400gb) are frequently in the 100-140 dollar range.

If you want a 500gb drive for that price, wait 6 month to a year..

IMO, this is smoking.
I bought 2 of the 320gb versions for $99.99 each with free shipping a week ago. Let me say, they are worth every penny. These drives are nearly as fast as 74GB raptors and are still a cost much less per gigabit. The thing that made me fall in love with them is that they are silent. Much quiter than my 250gb 7200.8 drives. The only thing that can match them is my Samsung Spinpoint drive, but that drive is much slower.

If you want some super quiet, fast drives, these are the only way to go. I would definately get the 320gb versions, they are a slightly better deal.

jesusfr3ak4evr said:
Nice price for that Seagate drive. On the whole, though, HDDs are still more expensive than they aught to be for mid 2006. Here we have 750GB drives and something 1/3 its size still costs upwards of $100. I bought a 250GB Hitachi Deskstar in July of 05 for $55 at Best Buy. It's true this drive beats the old Hitachi's performance by a lot (and it's SATA vs IDE), but I'd expect to be able to buy a 500GB drive for about the same price right now, maybe ~$100.

What are you talking about? The 250 and 320 gb drives are still a much better deal than the 750gb drive.

Here is the math:

$79.99 for the 250gb = $.32/GB (7200.10)
$99.99 for the 320gb = $.31/GB (7200.10)
$289.99 for the 500gb = $.58/GB (7200.9)
$419.99 for the 750gb = $.56/GB (7200.10)

I got a 250gb Maxtor SATA drive from ZZF for $50. Even SATA to SATA the Seagate drives kill the Maxtor when it comes to performance. You are not just paying for size, you are paying for performance.