*HOT* NAS Storage Drive Case $30 Shipped AR + GC

It's not really a NAS.

You still need a computer on at all times to access this thing, and a driver has to be installed on every computer to access it. Windows only, BTW.

More of a Windows SAN than anything else.
Kwincy said:
It's not really a NAS.
You still need a computer on at all times to access this thing, and a driver has to be installed on every computer to access it. Windows only, BTW.
More of a Windows SAN than anything else.
Yeah, I was excited about this till I read the reviews. Still, it's cheaper than two separate usb/firewire enclosures, and I could see it being useful if you've run out of drive bays in your main box.
ehhhh really tempted :( wonder about the proprietary file system though. 2x ide isn't bad
Thanks OP, I picked one up. I have enough usb drives hanging off my shuttles. This is nice for backing up on the network nightly with a couple 40gb drives I have laying around. May not be that fast, but it will do the trick for a simple backup of the mydocs folders on all my pcs and free up some space on my file server :)
If I hadn't already spent so much on a new system, I would have picked one up. But seeing how it doesn't come near even maxing out the 100mbit ethernet, I decided to hold off. Definitely doesn't look like a bad choice for some form of stable cheap SAN.
Horrible, horrible NAS device. I've used 2, both were incredibly slow (100Mbit my a$$, more like 10) and there's no fan. Firmware issues, software issues, driver issues...ugh.
I'd stay away from "NAS" for at least another year, I tried the ADS Tech drives, they were horrid, max transfer speed over FTP was 12Mbits/sec and like 6Mbits/sec over SAMBA (connecting through your workgroup)... yes bits not bytes. I had been planning on storing movies on the drives and playing them through my media PC .. yeah at 0.75 bytes per second that didn't work out too well.

Wound up giving one of the drives away to my GF's dad for back-up, and throwing the other in the closet. I used USB enclosures instead.
I really do have to stop coming bye this forum, it's too darn expensive.

Thanx to the OP.

Bought one a couple weeks ago for $27 after rebate and GCO.

Not bad for what you pay, but not a "great device"

Proprietary format, poor software, but it does work
Doesn't appear to get too hot.
LAn speeds are good. Copied my eq2 folder over for a test (~10gb) and my network card stayed about 54% speed (100mb). Not too bad.

All in all, worth the money, as long as you realise what it was designed for.

No web interface, ftp, and other admin options sucks. As well as no linux support.

But, good for the MRS to back up her files and pictures on, as it just looks like a drive letter to her.

Yes, I've got 2 200gb drives mirrored on it.

just my opinions.
flash0222 said:
Doesn't appear to get too hot.
The few I had were hot enough to melt the drives inside them. I ended up having to put clip-on 6" desk fans on them to keep them running.
So can computers on your wireless LAN access these SAN drives connected via Ethernet to the router?
Varmint said:
So can computers on your wireless LAN access these SAN drives connected via Ethernet to the router?
I don't see why not. Still have to install the software though
I have had one since release and it is not what I expected. It is kind of slow and it did get super hot before one of the later firmware upgrades. If you get it make sure you are running the latest firmware and do not use it as a backup device. I lost data on one of my drives and have not been able to recover it yet. It is also very picky about drive models. They have a drive compatibility matrix on the netgear site.
Anyone know anything about this:

True SANs provide block-level data transfers, delivering sustained performance much faster than low-cost NAS devices. And, only NETGEAR Storage Central is True SAN, delivering advanced data center echnology in an affordable, easy-to-use package. **IDE drives sold separately

Marketing bull-pucky?
dennpett said:
...If you get it make sure you are running the latest firmware and do not use it as a backup device...
Combined with the whole "not really a true NAS" device...just buyer beware, ok?

All the comments about the "toaster" look = pure comedy as it's quite toasty in there. :D
I read enough review I chickened out today, but order shipped 2 hours before I called. Looks like I will get to try it out anyway.
If it doesn't crash during a large file xfer, it can run all night as far as I'm concerned. It will work for what I need.
Got mine today, can't beat $30 and free shipping. While I agree this is nothing special it works perfect for simple backups and makes good use of some of my old drives.

As far as heat goes this is no worse than my USB enclosures and personally I don't want the noise of fans. Drives can take more heat than most people think, not worried about it at all.
Got mine too. I'll post tomorrow after I have a chance to mess with it some more. So far so good.
LOL Jodiuh. If it cooks two old Tivo drives that have been sitting in my closet for over a year I wont really care :cool: Then I will sell the thing to some chump on eBay for about what I paid for it, if not more :p

Openfiler looks cool, I may have to try that out.