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Ouch, there's alot under policies that I don't like.
Cookies can also enable Streamload to track and target the interests of the Users to enhance their experience on the site. Some of Streamload's business partners use cookies and action tags (also known as single pixel gifs or web beacons) on the site for purposes such as serving ads and measuring advertising effectiveness. Streamload, however, has no access to or control over their use of these cookies and is not responsible for the data collected through these cookies, or how any such collected data is used or shared by Streamload's business partners. Any information that these third parties collect via cookies and action tags is completely anonymous.
The concept is awesome, but way too many strings. The attitude of "we'll collect data on you but are in no way responsible for anything that happens to it or you" is enough to keep me out of most anything. Paranonia ftw.
Kadath said:
I'll wait for the inevitable Google Drive alternative.

I don't see how google could be better (or should I say, "how could AMD be worse"?)?

I have a gmail account, which I've never used (not once), yet when I logged into it a month or so back I had hundreds of ad messages (some spame some presumably from google)...so much for targeted ads. It's so bad, I wouldn't consider using it.
How do you have spam in Google? I've been using it since the beta and I have no spam whatsoever.
Seriously, if you cant use gmail properly just shut your computer off and save yourself the trouble. Ive used it since the beta as well and Ill even sign up for offers that I know will then spam it but Ive never had any trouble with it. I actually find their targetted ads helpful (got some free rilo kiley tickets through there once)
Kadath said:
I'll wait for the inevitable Google Drive alternative.
Another vote to wait for google.

nilepez said:
I have a gmail account, which I've never used (not once), yet when I logged into it a month or so back I had hundreds of ad messages (some spame some presumably from google)...so much for targeted ads. It's so bad, I wouldn't consider using it.
I set up multiple gmail accounts that I never used, and after a year I still only have two e-mails.
One introducing me to gmail and one confirming that I am going to send e-mail using a different gmail account.
I even forwarded a non gmail account that gets lots of spam to my gmail account and gmail moves almost all of the spam to the spam folder without any custom filters.
You must be doing something wrong.
thats odd, my g-mail has been nothing short of perfect... ads just seem to never get through, but it worries me about if either a) there is a hardcore filter that could hit legit stuff or b) theres google reps sorting through my e-mail with access to view my messages and filter for spam by hand.. although the idea and logistics seem impossible, I have no idea how google does it.

Has anyone ever got any spam in their g-mail address? ... and I dont mean shit like new-eg sending you a once-a-month list of coming sales, I mean "enlarge your penis", "enlarge your breasts", "home loans", "mortgage your wife out", "hot sex with 18yo quintuplets in your back yard, right now!", or "we have shit we want to send you form tim-bukt-to but we need your bank account info to deposit 4 billion ruppies and your address to send yout platinum boolean." ... type of shit
The Red said:
thats odd, my g-mail has been nothing short of perfect... ads just seem to never get through, but it worries me about if either a) there is a hardcore filter that could hit legit stuff or b) theres google reps sorting through my e-mail with access to view my messages and filter for spam by hand.. although the idea and logistics seem impossible, I have no idea how google does it.

Has anyone ever got any spam in their g-mail address? ... and I dont mean shit like new-eg sending you a once-a-month list of coming sales, I mean "enlarge your penis", "enlarge your breasts", "home loans", "mortgage your wife out", "hot sex with 18yo quintuplets in your back yard, right now!", or "we have shit we want to send you form tim-bukt-to but we need your bank account info to deposit 4 billion ruppies and your address to send yout platinum boolean." ... type of shit

Yes, I have gotten tons of spam at my Google accounts. I basically got spam since day 1. I have never used or given out my g-mail account because it has always gotten so much spam. I also use my own domain for email, so using the account was never needed.

Here is a screen cap of my account. This is my inbox, my spam folder has 5x as much :eek::

umm... damn... 95% of that looks like its from the same sender. It allso doesnt look like ads but flooding. Turn off your account for 8 days and then after those messages bounce, restart it.
I'm trying to upload my music but it says the following when clicking upload..
"Server Application Unavailable"

Any similar services out there?
The Red said:
umm... damn... 95% of that looks like its from the same sender. It allso doesnt look like ads but flooding. Turn off your account for 8 days and then after those messages bounce, restart it.
I agree. Looks like someone's targetted you specifically. But I guess that's Google's fault.

Sue em?
brom42 said:
Here is a screen cap of my account. This is my inbox, my spam folder has 5x as much :eek::


That's extremely odd...

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Being that I had the exact same SPAM in my SPAM folder, that you have in your inbox.
i have gmail got an invite via these boards... i didnt use it for like 5 months never told anyone about it.. had 6 spam after a few months