*HOT* 37" Refurbished Phillips HDTV LCD $549.99

I have been frequenting this section for almost 5 years now..............and I must say amongst all the companies that offer up refurbs. Phillips are the most frequent and no matter what time of the year they always have plenty of refurbs to off load. Should this be a sign of shotty products?
Doesn't the Philips Electronics Outlet have horrible customer reviews or something? I remember seeing deals similar to this one and every time it has been difficult not to bite, but seeing online customer reviews I had to stay away.
Philips tv's are complete shit. Not only that the customer service is even worse. Case in point .. I purchased a 30inch LCD tv in Feb of 2005. 2 years later to the month I was watching and the screen went black. Dead.

Called up customer service, took it to a shop, 4k to replace the lcd. I pleaded with them for a month to give me some sort of credit towards a new philips tv. I would have taken anything .. 100 bucks even. Nope ... wouldn't do it.

So, I spent 2k for a top of the line lcd panel back in 2005 and 2 years later it's dead.

Don't buy crap from philips.
I bought a refurb DVD player from them for like $40 last year.

It died on Monday. Funny how I have a POS no-name one I got for $30 that's lasted 3 years so far.

Maybe the Philips depot is worth rolling the dice on for some things, but I would never do it for a TV since you'd have to pay to ship it back if there's a problem with it.
I like my 20" Philips flat CRT TV. No problems with it since I bought it a few years ago. The outlet looks toxic though. :(
I think that philips TV's are shite, bought one 2 years ago and certain channels were a red colour and the scart sockets, if I connected anything to them I would get interference, so if I was watching tv, I would hear another channel in the background, and the A/V channles were a red tone compared to the rest of the channels.

I told them to take the tv back, they replaced it, same exact shit with the replacement, i got it replaced again and although the red toned channels were fixed on the third one, the scart socket problem wasnt, it was still their and also the menu's didnt show up onscreen in the 3rd set.

Needless to say, I got my money back and willl never even think about buying a philips tv again, as it took about 1 month in total to get my cash back due to the fact that every time I got a tv from them i had to get one of their engineers to sign off on it before the shop would take it back and send a replacement, their engineers took a week after i called them to show up on every occassion and I had to see 3 of them.
I have been frequenting this section for almost 5 years now..............and I must say amongst all the companies that offer up refurbs. Phillips are the most frequent and no matter what time of the year they always have plenty of refurbs to off load. Should this be a sign of shotty products?

Guess its safe to say that my original post was correct :D