Holy HD5870 E6 200usd!!!

Keep in mind the extra 1GB of VRam won't really come into play for most games unless the resolution is above 2560x1600 (exceptions of Crysis and Metro 2033).
it took me a lot to hold back from going crossfire, just have too much cash out atm
Published: Wed 24th Mar, 2010 Almost a year worth of driver revisions between that and now. /shrug
April 4, 2010. Again 10 months worth of driver revisions. Even if it doesn't benefit much from the extra GB of memory at $180 and free shipping this card is an awesome deal.

So what? As I said, this card right now is cheaper than all the 1GB 5870s currently on newegg and I bet in every other online retailer as well. You can go ahead and pay more for a 1GB 5870 if you want though.

Lol thanks for quoting the dates and providing no data of your own.

You can easily get a used xfx 5870 for 160 or 180.

So while this is a hot deal for this card, performance wise it's not that hot.
Thank god it is over. I was so close to doing it. I just don't need it though. Seriously, 90% of my gaming time is team fortress 2, which seriously does not need a 5870.
Lol thanks for quoting the dates and providing no data of your own.

You can easily get a used xfx 5870 for 160 or 180.

So while this is a hot deal for this card, performance wise it's not that hot.

Again, the extra 1GB of VRam won't become more apparent until you run higher resolutions (2560x1600 or greater) with large amounts of AA/AF. Theoretically, as the name of the card exhibits, the card is more for Eyefinity resolutions.

My order shipped already though! Newegg is quick!
Yes that is my point. As I said for a single monitor situation (less than 2560x1600, as I'd venture to say average resolution is 1920x1080 or 1900x1200) this is no better than a 5870, which can be found at the same price or less.

Furthermore if you do run Eyefinity on this, your monitor must have DP as this can only support two passive adapters and will require you to purchase active adapters for more non DP monitors.
is this really that great? they have 6800 series cards for like 200$ on newegg
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so basically you are saying all 1GB 5870s are more expensive than this 2GB 5870 and there is no reason to get this 2GB 5870? What? :D
Anyone using a single monitor gaming at or below 2560x1600

5870 1gb = 5870 2gb

If you're in that boat, this is warm as it is the standard sale price for a 5870
Anyone using a single monitor gaming at or below 2560x1600

5870 1gb = 5870 2gb

If you're in that boat, this is warm as it is the standard sale price for a 5870

Or, since reference HD5870 designs are rare as hell nowadays, HD5870 2GB E6 > HD5870 1GB :D


Though this is just personal opinion of build quality, and the fact that this has a full slot in the bracket for heat exhaust, and a backplate :)
Anyone using a single monitor gaming at or below 2560x1600

5870 1gb = 5870 2gb

If you're in that boat, this is warm as it is the standard sale price for a 5870

...but getting more video memory for effectively no money is always a good idea. That's like saying "All I'm going to do is play Team Fortress 2 on my computer, I could get a 4GB kit of DDR3-1333 or a 8GB kit of DDR3-1600 on crazy sale for the same price. I will never use more than 2GB given my intended use of the machine. I better not buy that extra 6GB of RAM for the same price."
There is still no reason to NOT get this over a regular 1GB version when there isn't a single 1GB card you can buy from a retailer that's cheaper than this. I am really confused as to the point of your earlier post. If it's up to you to pick a 1GB and 2GB card at the same price, would you pick the 1GB over the 2GB?
There were 3 sales for a 5870 at $200 in January alone. This is old technology, which will not increase in price, so for those who said I'm building a computer in 2 months, should I buy this now?

No you shouldn't as it will only continue to decrease in price.
There were 3 sales for a 5870 at $200 in January alone. This is old technology, which will not increase in price, so for those who said I'm building a computer in 2 months, should I buy this now?

No you shouldn't as it will only continue to decrease in price.

what does "2 months" from now have to do with a deal that will expire before the night is out? lol :p

not jabbing, just curious and slightly amused...
...but getting more video memory for effectively no money is always a good idea. That's like saying "All I'm going to do is play Team Fortress 2 on my computer, I could get a 4GB kit of DDR3-1333 or a 8GB kit of DDR3-1600 on crazy sale for the same price. I will never use more than 2GB given my intended use of the machine. I better not buy that extra 6GB of RAM for the same price."

Not quite the same. I could buy a 64 bit OS or download a free one to use that memory.

The only way you will see the value from this card versus a standard 5870, is if you use Eyefinity with DP port monitors. Which allow you to game past 2560x1600 .

So i guess if in the near future you plan to buy a bunch of monitors, then buy this quick.
what does "2 months" from now have to do with a deal that will expire before the night is out? lol :p

not jabbing, just curious and slightly amused...

As said previously if this is already the standard sale price. In 2 months the sale price will be the same or less.

So there is no advantage to buy now if you're not going to use the card for 2 months. In 2 months the card will still be equal to 200 or lesser.
As said previously if this is already the standard sale price. In 2 months the sale price will be the same or less.

So there is no advantage to buy now if you're not going to use the card for 2 months. In 2 months the card will still be equal to 200 or lesser.

OK, OK, OK. We got it about ~99 posts ago from you, you don't think this is a good deal. It is to other people, so let them (us) buy it if we want to. There is enough thread crapping in this thread to fill a 55 gallon drum.
Not quite the same. I could buy a 64 bit OS or download a free one to use that memory.

The only way you will see the value from this card versus a standard 5870, is if you use Eyefinity with DP port monitors. Which allow you to game past 2560x1600 .

So i guess if in the near future you plan to buy a bunch of monitors, then buy this quick.

depends on the game. Some will max out 1.5GB at 1920x1200 (GTA4). Some texture mods will push crysis over the edge. Since DX allows leeching of system memory for GPU VRAM overflow, the user won't even know it's happening beyond some stuttering and low framerates, which some will promptly blame on the GPU not being powerful enough, instead of simply memory starved...
This is a great price. It's just a shame that for a card like this which could receive lots of use it only has a 2 year warranty from Sapphire of all manufacturers. Still a great deal.

Guys, also don't forget that cooling wise this thing has a full-size exhaust, it will probably be dumping a lot more air out than the 1GB reference design.
This is a great price. It's just a shame that for a card like this which could receive lots of use it only has a 2 year warranty from Sapphire of all manufacturers. Still a great deal.

yeah, XFX didn't have a lot of E6 cards before they thought their 900usd "HD5870 X2" was some uber card...
OK, OK, OK. We got it about ~99 posts ago from you, you don't think this is a good deal. It is to other people, so let them (us) buy it if we want to. There is enough thread crapping in this thread to fill a 55 gallon drum.

I believe I was participating in a dialectic. This is a forum about the value of the deal. I was expressing the value of the deal for those on the fence. Applying a scenario they could ask themselves to see if the value of the deal applied to them.
There is absolutely no reason to get the 1GB version of this card over the 2GB version if they are the same price. Simple as that.
There is absolutely no reason to get the 1GB version of this card over the 2GB version if they are the same price. Simple as that.
What about getting 2 of these to replace 2 1GB versions? I am running eyefinity @ 6048x1200.
What about getting 2 of these to replace 2 1GB versions? I am running eyefinity @ 6048x1200.

The extra 1GB VRam will definitely make a difference at that resolution, especially when you crank up the AA. If you can afford the upgrade at a very minimal net loss (less than $50, which shouldn't be that hard) then I'd say go for it.
I am a little worried about the Sapphire brand and the 2 year warranty. I have XFX cards now I really don't know much about Sapphire. Anyone have any issues with them?
I am a little worried about the Sapphire brand and the 2 year warranty. I have XFX cards now I really don't know much about Sapphire. Anyone have any issues with them?

I've personally never had to deal with RMA'ing any of my Sapphire cards because they still work (9800 Pro, 4870, 5870), but their cards are still just as good as any others in my opinion.
Got 1, thanks op!

Apparently it comes with 2x mini dp to displayport cables, anyone know of a good brand or whatever so I can buy a third?
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What is an "E6"; i.e, how does a hd5870 compare to a hd5870 E6. Not sure if I should bite on this as i just picked up the HD6950 for $230; seems both have similar perf.
Got one also...Think it's due to arrive tomorrow.

For any of you Video Card guys that are knowledgeable. Since I am running 4 Monitors with DVI, I can use the two included Mini-DP to DVI adapters and just pick up two Active Adapters and I should be good for Eyefinity correct?
^ Yes

What is an "E6"; i.e, how does a hd5870 compare to a hd5870 E6. Not sure if I should bite on this as i just picked up the HD6950 for $230; seems both have similar perf.

E6 is eyefinity 6, it basically has 6 mini-display port outs for 6 displays.