Holy Crap!! Phenom II 6 GHz+ OVERCLOCK

I myself am exited buy this news. I have been wanting to build a new AMD rig for a while. The Phenom turned me off because it looked like a headache just to get a 10% performance improvement through OCing. It reminded me too much of my socket 754 rigs that had minimal HT overclocking room until the NForce 3 came out. I still have 2 rigs built around that chipset.

What I would love to see AMD do with the current or future chipset for Phenom II is enable powerplay through the IGP and an HD4800 series graphics card. Great performance per $$$ and low power draw, less heat , less noise when your just surfing or working sounds like a winning combination to me.

I have everything for a new build in my Newegg basket waiting for January 9th. Oh PLZ let rumors be true of upto 4GHZ on air and low heat output. These should make for fun times.
I'm not holding my breathe for 4Ghz on air with this puppy

i am though the phenom II main competitor will be the core2 the i7 is out of reach for most peoples pocketbooks and will be till next year when the mainstream parts hit
Good maybe my AMD stock will rebound out of the toliet if they make something close to competeing with Intel.
Damn. 6GHz boots? I can't even post at anything higher than 3.8. This should be very interesting!
Would rather wait for the product to hit market. With the position AMD is in, I'm not hyping myself up for nothing from them until users here have it in there hands & put up there own experiences & benchmarks.
Would rather wait for the product to hit market. With the position AMD is in, I'm not hyping myself up for nothing from them until users here have it in there hands & put up there own experiences & benchmarks.
Yeah, I agree with you.
WTF? How the hell am I even "not lightened" up. I asked some questions on Why and suddenly I'm fucking full of it? Well now I'm fucking worked up since I just got accused.
When last I looked the sign on the door said AMD Processors. If you wish to discuss the virtues of Intel, do it in that forum.
Rofl okay, and then if I post over there I'll just get Intel fanboy replies which will say the obvious. Seems like I won't be able to get a clearheaded answer either way in either place. I just seriously truthfully wanted to know why and somehow I'm trolling. Whatever.
Funny how there's no evidence of these clocks anywhere in those images. Not even a CPUZ or screenshot!

Sounds incredibly fishy if you ask me but i don't doubt AMD's will to be top. 6GHz is incredible for booting windows on a quad core and i think that only a few people, if not only Kingpin, have been able to reach that.
Has someone called Guiness yet? Deneb must have got some of that magic 6GHz pixie dust IBM uses on Power 6. The alliance is finally paying off! :p

This quote from last week summed it up nicely:
another board said:
LN2 cooled CMOS runs at twice its normal operating frequency?

Wow, who would have ever suspected that. Well other than the guys who founded ETA* a quarter century ago.

* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ETA_Systems

I don't understand why people fall for the hype again. A hand picked CPU running briefly at suicide voltage on LN2 or dry ice is not representative of what you will buy. AMD was "demonstrating" a 3GHz Agena last year and it never became a product (missed by 400MHz). Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...
AMD was "demonstrating" a 3GHz Agena last year and it never became a product (missed by 400MHz). Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...

However, if AMD maintains consistency and misses this overclock by 400mhz...well, I guess I could live with 5.6ghz :D.

Seriously, the fact that the suicide LN2 run got to such a higher clock than Agena is compelling. Not that I expect production cpus anywhere near those frequencies, but that we might have more headroom overall.
I think some people are missing the point of this. Sure its has to be cherry picked CPUs, who would invite the press to LN2 cool a CPU to 3.7 Ghz when default is 3 Ghz.

I think we need to look at it for what it is, it acually could do it. Could an Agena come close to this? Google Agena on Ln2 and found this http://www.xcpus.com/GetNews.aspx?id=56&page=1 . Not very Impressive.

I also remeber a cherry picked Intel CPU and DFI board doing 660+FSB, and we know not everyone will achieve those kind of numbers.

For the record I am no fanboi. I am just a consumer, competition = lower prices. You may not like the 4800 series but it sure made the 280 and 260 cheaper.
now remember folks am2+ will work in your am2 boards so if it > intels 45nm core2 :O
while AMD isnt gonna purposly make themselves look bad in a demo i think if they were really cherry picking the air and water setups would have hit higher clocks.

The sheer fact the core can boot at 6ghz even with extreme cooling is interesting. Hopefully a pleasent surprise is coming.. while it probaly wont regain the speed crown.. much like AMD did with its 3000 line of vid cards it will become competetive again and then hopefully its next refresh can move quickly and become a true threat for the crown again this time next year.

AMD just needs to make some money they are a victim of some bad timing much like a few other puiblicly traed companies i can think of.. sscc for one damn paper products sell damn u!

this market is a joke its not for real its got alot of companies trading at below liquididty levels which is silly. gotta fix the short sale issues put the rules back in place.
However, if AMD maintains consistency and misses this overclock by 400mhz...well, I guess I could live with 5.6ghz :D.
I'm going to guess a miss of at least 2GHz over the lifespan of Deneb. :D Deneb has a space on the roadmap (at least) 2 years long until the desktop version of Bulldozer comes out in 2011.

I also remeber a cherry picked Intel CPU and DFI board doing 660+FSB, and we know not everyone will achieve those kind of numbers.
I'm not singling out AMD alone. *All* cherry picked, LN2 suicide shots are worthless as far as what is capable of being mass produced, Intel included. High speed "demos" like the Agena 3GHz last year are also worthless.
If they do indeed do 4ghz off of air at less than the cost of a Q6600, I'll stay with AMD. Otherwise I'm hopping on the Intel train for the first time in 8 years.
yea whatever. pay attention. youll never get 6ghz out of that processor even if you did have the liquid nitrogen setup to cool the cpu they had. it ships at 2.8 with alot of headroom, so youre probly looking at 3.6 realistically, 4 at the outside. and thats with a new am3 socket, which means new board, new ram and whatever else they sneek in there, with a crapload of tech guys standing behind you telling you how to adjust your settings. i just hope AMD gets ther head outta ther ass and go back to producing good cpus instead of limping along trying to be competitive.quad cores are virtually useless in the real world. how many programs and games are programmed to even run properly on 2 cores? not alot.
yea whatever. pay attention. youll never get 6ghz out of that processor even if you did have the liquid nitrogen setup to cool the cpu they had. it ships at 2.8 with alot of headroom, so youre probly looking at 3.6 realistically, 4 at the outside. and thats with a new am3 socket, which means new board, new ram and whatever else they sneek in there, with a crapload of tech guys standing behind you telling you how to adjust your settings. i just hope AMD gets ther head outta ther ass and go back to producing good cpus instead of limping along trying to be competitive.quad cores are virtually useless in the real world. how many programs and games are programmed to even run properly on 2 cores? not alot.

Rather close to the biggest pile of dung I've read in half a year.
I was slightly in agreement with you until I read this gem:
quad cores are virtually useless in the real world. how many programs and games are programmed to even run properly on 2 cores? not alot.

Multi-core CPUs are the future of computing, no doubt about that. Bashing AMD for producing quads is a pretty stupid and ignorant argument. The trend of increasing clockspeed and performance per clock indefinitely is not sustainable. There are limits to how far those kinds of architectural changes can go, which is why both Intel and AMD are focusing heavily on more scalable architectures for the future. Read up about what little info there is on Bulldozer, and especially read up on how the Nehalem architecture is specifically designed to be scalable up to many-core implementations as well as being modularised so it can be easily converted into specialised designs for specific applications.
Rogue71 is right! Quad-cores are virtually useless in the real world that his kind lives in. But for the rest of us that doesn't live in their real world...the more the better especially if it reduces your render jobs that takes all-night to just a couple of hours or even minutes.
I'm pretty sure AMD would have been well placed if they'd put a dual core 45nm Phenom on sale in January - there is still quite a market for them you know and when you have a thermally sensetive design like the Phenom II you could potentially give them some tantalising clocks.
it ships at 2.8 with alot of headroom, so youre probly looking at 3.6 realistically, 4 at the outside. and thats with a new am3 socket, which means new board, new ram and whatever else they sneek in there

Both the new Phenom2 chips work with both AM2+ and AM3 MB. So no new MB, no new RAM. To me it looks like the logical setup for the $$ right now. Your choice is a dead end socket775, a $$burner i7(go price out 12BGig i7 compatible RAM & MB) or an AM2+ system with cheap RAM, and future upgrade ability to AM3 CPU's.
Why is everyone so hissy there might be some competition?
Absolutely correct I should have worded it more precise(there are two new Phenom2 CPU's both AM2+ and AM3). But thanks for the heads up and backing my up my main point.
I have always been an AMD guy. They just always seemed as the underdogs. They always had a lower clock speed, but with the benchmark testing, they have almost always been on par with intel. With cheaper prices!
This amuses me. "Back in the day" it was Intel chips going for sky-high frequencies (4GHz, 5GHz, 6GHz etc). How things have changed.
No, these runs are usless other than to point out the advances in AMD's design process.......which is exactly what the demo was intended to do. Agena, with all its warts, could only strain to ~4ghz on gas. Deneb gets to 6+ghz. 2+ghz more headroom= a whole lot more rockin' and rollin'!:D

Waiting for benchies........[sigh]:(
yea whatever. pay attention. youll never get 6ghz out of that processor even if you did have the liquid nitrogen setup to cool the cpu they had. it ships at 2.8 with alot of headroom, so youre probly looking at 3.6 realistically, 4 at the outside. and thats with a new am3 socket, which means new board, new ram and whatever else they sneek in there, with a crapload of tech guys standing behind you telling you how to adjust your settings. i just hope AMD gets ther head outta ther ass and go back to producing good cpus instead of limping along trying to be competitive.quad cores are virtually useless in the real world. how many programs and games are programmed to even run properly on 2 cores? not alot.

well there is one hot game called LEFT 4 DEAD that uses all 4 cores based on the SOURCE engine
No, these runs are usless other than to point out the advances in AMD's design process.......which is exactly what the demo was intended to do. Agena, with all its warts, could only strain to ~4ghz on gas. Deneb gets to 6+ghz. 2+ghz more headroom= a whole lot more rockin' and rollin'!:D

Waiting for benchies........[sigh]:(

who says that 6ghz on LN2 is the cieling...next stepping may hit 7GHZ on LN2

now matter how you look it ...a 4ghz quad on air will be impressive. and u can still use your cheap DDR2
oh that looks delicious, am waiting anxiously to get a deneb. Like a lot of you, im probably going to stick with DDR2 for a while longer till the DDR3 comes down in price and get better latencies.
who says that 6ghz on LN2 is the cieling...next stepping may hit 7GHZ on LN2

now matter how you look it ...a 4ghz quad on air will be impressive. and u can still use your cheap DDR2

I'm planning just that......on one of the three SB750 boards I've got sitting here!:D
I was slightly in agreement with you until I read this gem:

Multi-core CPUs are the future of computing, no doubt about that. Bashing AMD for producing quads is a pretty stupid and ignorant argument. The trend of increasing clockspeed and performance per clock indefinitely is not sustainable. There are limits to how far those kinds of architectural changes can go, which is why both Intel and AMD are focusing heavily on more scalable architectures for the future. Read up about what little info there is on Bulldozer, and especially read up on how the Nehalem architecture is specifically designed to be scalable up to many-core implementations as well as being modularised so it can be easily converted into specialised designs for specific applications.

yep i totally agree that they might be the future of computing unless they develop some new form of "processor". i wasnt really bashing amd for producing the quads, i was bashing them for the way they have implemented the last few generation of processors which were pretty much sub-par performance wise.
my point about the quads being useless...im talking about today. and for a while yet. i know they do offload multitasking and thats great if youre doing 10 things at once. understand that programs have to be written to take advantage of multicores. the vast majority of high-end hardware junkies are either benchmark hounds or gamers or both. "specialized design implementations" need to be written according to the hardware they will be run on to fully take advantage of the technology. you can quote whatever tech specs you want and blabber on about "future applications". point is i dont care about 2 years down the road. and anyone that knows anything about computers knows that "futureproofing" is pretty much a load of crap. its only "proof" until the next socket generation. like those people that thought they could jam a phenom on an old am2 board and thought they would get the full performance out of it....