Hit a Folding (Stanford) milestone? Post it here:

I just passed 100,000pts... but it's so hard to get off the slot 470 :) .... everytime I pass 470, someone else steps over me and push me back :) .....

MDboyz said:
I just passed 100,000pts... but it's so hard to get off the slot 470 :) .... everytime I pass 470, someone else steps over me and push me back :) .....

You need to go find a few old boxen and find an empty closet :D
Got in the top 500 of the [H]orde couple days ago. Almost at the 100k mark. I miss having time for the forums. Really I do.

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

Busted 2k points in one day for the first time...but hardfolding.com didnt pick up the last WU (even though it completed about 7:30pm) so it doesnt show it :mad:
45th on the team, for a few days at least, until william rockets past me. Also hit 850K, and approaching the top 500 in the project. :D

125k points, just shy of 900 WUs, and a donator rank of 6666--the elder brother of the beast perhaps...

Passed 200,000 points while I wasn't looking. :cool:


Little Moose is chugging along as well, having recently passed her first 10,000 points!

Just passed 150k and inching towards the top 300!

I need a few more borgs to give Moose a good run.

Woot! Keep on folding!

Not exactly a benchmark, but the Barton 2500+ has been semi-retired now that my 3800+ X2 is in service. Still working on a max stable overclock but either way, I've now got TWO cores folding with each one faster than the Barton was ;)

The Barton will go back into service (probably running Linux and still folding) once I get some more RAM for the new box.
Next update I'll pass 500,000!!! :D:D:D

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

I have just made the FIRST PAGE!!!! (FAH stats) I am at #100 and It's a LONG way to the top

After taking a big dump today (by my standards) I hit my first 10,000 points!

i read these numbers and think of that IBM comercial where "the servers are taking over..." and i see little borgs appearing like tribbles in the spare room.

I'm feelin' pretty good about breaking 17k :D
Good News /Bad News

I broke 100,000pts.
It didn't get me in to the top 500.

Damn,I thought for sure I'd be in the top 500 this morning.
