HHow Do I make Flash Work On Win7 Ult. 64-bit?

Dec 28, 2006
I use Firefox , tried changing the compatibility , installed as admin - it just never works! I take that back - it seems to work sporadically. I can surf around here for an hour or so and then all of a sudden I get the "need to install missing plug-ins" error. Are there any fixes yet or am I in the majority of those waiting for a 64-bit version of flashplayer?
Huh? Flash works perfectly fine in XP/Vista/7 x64... has for years.

Use Revo Uninstaller to wipe out Firefox and re-install. Clearly Firefox is at fault.
I'll give it a shot but I have tried the Adobe uninstaller quite a few times. I have also seen numerous issues with Flashplayer in Win7 x64 throughout the net but no real fixes as of yet. Some fixes work for some people , some don't.
Something else seems hosed, as I've never had issues with Firefox and Flash on x64 Vista or 7.
Did the uninstal and reinstall - I guess I'll see what happens. This is starting to get irritating! Worked fine all morning and then i started doing some browsing and then got the plug-in error again.
First see if it works with IE8. If you don't like IE8, try to use portableapps' FF3.5 application.

FF3.6beta seems to have a few issues with Flash, at the moment.
I have the problem where if I use a 64 bit browser, I get prompted to install flash, it installs and I can view flash content but if I go to another page I have to install flash again.
flash does not work in x64 browsers for windows yet becuase adobe has not made a version for them yet. use a 32bit browser and it will work fine.