Help with 2TB Western Digital Caviar Green HD


Limp Gawd
Feb 2, 2008
Drive has passed all of the diagnostic tests using WD lifeguard (It has failed the write zeros portion but I'm assuming that's because it has yet to be formatted?) Trying to troubleshoot to make sure I'm not missing anything so I dont have to go through the RMA process again as this is my 2nd RMA but this one has passed the diagnostics. My current troubleshooting methods have been, tried every SATA port on my mobo, it has its own power so its not daisy-ed off another, I know the cables work because they were swapped from my other working HDs. Tried formatting several times and it just keeps hanging around 70% to 90% and usually goes for about 11 hours then it just pops up with windows was unable to format the drive. Any help would be much appreciated and I'm sure I left some information out so feel free to ask questions.

Tried formatting several times and it just keeps hanging around 70% to 90% and usually goes for about 11 hours then it just pops up with windows was unable to format the drive.

I'd be sending it back.
That was my intentions to do today but a buddy suggested updating my chipset and, go figure, it works now lol. Thanks for everyone's input. Very appreciative!

I would at least download WDlifegauard tools and test it, before you dump a bunch of stuff on there.