Help w/ p5wdh del. e6600 rebooting alot


Sep 8, 2006
I have a revision2 model of the p5w dh deluxe with a e6600 week 28. When ever I overclock myt computer starts rebooting alot randomly. Im not even comming close to the overclocking results that I have seen on the web, im running around 3.2 or so and expiriencing alot of rebooting. My v-core is 1.5 and my vmch is 1.65 . Is this normal behavior or do I have somthign wrong here? i have replaced my week 24 e6600 and my revision 1 p5w with this new revision 2 p5w, along with trying some ram from the local store down the street. Can any one please help me out, im a lil confused on what im doing wrong.

P.S. After I got a lil fed up with my results I changed the bios cpu settings to auto and the system was still rebooting randomly on its own.
what are your temps and what are you using for cooling the cpu.

and that vcore is very high for long term operation, you are probally killing your cpu.
Well first off we need complete system specs. Everything that is in there needs to be listed. This way we can get an idea how much power you are pulling. Or someone with similar hardware might have had the same problem and fixed it.

Additionally you might want to bump your memory voltage up to 2.1v if you haven't already. That seems to be the cure all for many ram modules that aren't stable at stock speeds.

You want to try and stay under 1.5v on your CPU if you can.
for 3.2 ghz, I'm guessing 9 X 356 FSB, you shouldn't be touching the VCMH or any other voltages for that matter.

Just disable all the CPU power options, C1E, EIST, and anything "Throttle" related as well.

Set the correct Voltage for your RAM (read your manual, or even will have it listed at their site's description for that RAM)

Last, set your CPU's Voltage. For 3.2ghz, you might be able to do it with 1.35 or a maximum or 1.4. (1.5 for 3.2ghz is overkill, unless you have the worst E6600 ever made)
I have a coolmaster 450 watt real power psu, thermal take big typhoon vx (faster fan) corsair cmx10246400 c3 ( 2 gigs) dell 7800 gtx (256) I think that is all that is needed. At the moment Im running unstable at 3.37 mhz v-core 1.48, ram 2.1 volts (780 mhz close to that) vmch 1.65 and everything eles is stock/auto. current temps: 36c on the cpu 50c motherboard.
1407 bios. Im also geting the blue screen overclocked and not overclocked.
It says


ndis.sys - adress f7973128 at f795a000
I think I got the most important stuff off the error code
any guess on what that is?
I think it is a bad mobo. I got the same error once on my laptop and had the mobo replaced. It was fine afterwards.
buzzard1 said:
1407 bios. Im also geting the blue screen overclocked and not overclocked.
It says


ndis.sys - adress f7973128 at f795a000
I think I got the most important stuff off the error code
any guess on what that is?

This problem does NOT always indicate a hardware failure. This could be due to memory configuration issues or any number of other things. This is especially true if you have two boards and they are doing the same thing. There error "codes" are memory addresses. ndis.sys shouldn't have failed and likely did so due to a memory error or some other kind of data corruption while in memory.

You might want to flash back to the 1305 BIOS. That really seems to be the most stable and problem free BIOS for the P5W DH so far. Also, find out how much voltage your memory needs and try setting that. It seems that many DDR2 800 modules need 2.1v or around there to be stable on some of the P965 and i975x boards.
Well im gonna run some more tests but I cant seem to figure out how to make prime95 run wioth 2 open at the same tiome cuase 1 isnt really toturing my machine.