Help me find a display: IPS/PVA 16:9 or 16:10 that letterboxes 16:9


Jan 6, 2008
Hi everyone,

I'm searching for a new IPS or PVA display that will be hooked up to both a computer and a PS3. Since the PS3 outputs 16:9 resolutions, the display needs to either be 16:9 or a 16:10 that supports 16:9 by adding black borders at top and bottom (i.e. no stretching).

My candidates so far:
  • Dell 2209WA (16:10) - it's only flaw is that it stretches 16:9 input :( Bonus: it supports components signals (e.g. PS2) over VGA
  • Samsung F2080/F2380 (16:9) - main concern here is that the reported ghosting would be noticeable in desktop use, e.g. mouse cursor movement or web browser scrolling.
  • NEC EA231WMi (16:9) - main issue is price and how well it is suited for PS3 use (lag). EDIT: Lag doesn't seem to be an issue.
  • Viewsonic VP2365wb (16:9) - same panel as EA231WMi but cheaper (not released yet)

The F2380 and EA231WMi are currently exceeding my budget, so my question is:

Should I wait for these to come down in price, go for the 2209WA or the F2080, or is there some other display or solution I'm missing?
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You may want to wait for the Viewsonic VP2365WB. It seems to be cheaper than the NEC from the pricing I've seen and is the same panel. Albeit there may be other differences like lacking a Displayport connector, it should be visually pretty close.
You may want to wait for the Viewsonic VP2365WB. It seems to be cheaper than the NEC from the pricing I've seen and is the same panel. Albeit there may be other differences like lacking a Displayport connector, it should be visually pretty close.

Thanks for the suggestion 10e! The lack of DisplayPort doesn't bother me that much if it's cheaper. Hopefully it will be released pretty soon (Sweden).

Keep suggestions coming! :D