Help me choose a monitor (Photography, Gaming, General Use)


Limp Gawd
Jan 1, 2010
While ultimately I would like one of the larger 27in or 30in high resolution displays, I'm waiting until I have more space and the budget for it.

It needs to have displayport, 24in, a 1920x1200 resolution, and <$400 (I am a student so I can take advantage of any student discounts).

Right now I've narrowed it down to the U2412M, but was wondering if there were any other options I should be looking at? I have heard all about the AG coating and was wondering if it is the same of the larger Dells? I have access to those and could use it to help decide if it's an issue for me.

I use Photoshop and Lightroom and have a Spyder 2 Elite IIRC to calibrate it. All of my monitors in the past have been TN panels so while the eIPS in the U2412M isn't as nice as some of the other IPSs I feel like I would still find it suitable.

I play mainly FPSs like BF3 and BC2 so I would like something that works reasonably well for gaming as well.

The U2412M should be great for all of these uses, and the panel is better than most think (in comparison to "higher-end" IPS)

The AG coating is a little less obvious than the older 30" Dell 3008WFP I used to have. This, in addition to the larger pixel pitch makes it less of an issue IMHO.

Color space is basically sRGB which is fine and it can be calibrated to have reasonably accurate color.
The U2412M should be great for all of these uses, and the panel is better than most think (in comparison to "higher-end" IPS)

The AG coating is a little less obvious than the older 30" Dell 3008WFP I used to have. This, in addition to the larger pixel pitch makes it less of an issue IMHO.

Color space is basically sRGB which is fine and it can be calibrated to have reasonably accurate color.

I took a look at some of the 30in Dells (I'm not sure what model they are, but I imagine they are at least a few years old). I definitely noticed the effect of the AG, but I don't really think it will bother me much.

And I mostly work in sRGB, so I don't think I would gain much by going to one of the higher gamut monitors.

Thanks for the response and I think I'm going to order it when I get back home.