Hell freezes over: Duke Nukem Forever @ PAX

I'll never understand the cult following for this game. Every single last one of the duke nukem games had shitty graphics, non-exist storyline, and horrible gameplay. They threw in a few catch phrases and some macho though guy stuff and everyone's like, "BEST FPS SERIES EVAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!"

Oh well I'm sure it'll be lucky to sell a million copies anyways.
Regenerating health, and the ability to only hold 2 weapons at once. Not to mention this is gearbox. I played a little borderlands on pc, and the mouse control was awful. If that entire package is wrapped up into duke nukem forever; they may as well have just left it as vaporware.

I can't stand fps games with shoddy mouse controls, and im definitely not a fan of the call of duty game design that's in every fps now a days.
I'll never understand the cult following for this game. Every single last one of the duke nukem games had shitty graphics, non-exist storyline, and horrible gameplay. They threw in a few catch phrases and some macho though guy stuff and everyone's like, "BEST FPS SERIES EVAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!"

Oh well I'm sure it'll be lucky to sell a million copies anyways.

Uh you are comparing a game from 15 years ago to current standards? The pcs at that time couldn't run anything better, and for the time it was a good game. In 15 years people are going to say crysis looks like shit and has terrible game play compared to the ultra super HD 3D crap they will have then.
Gearbox have a huge mountain to climb in meeting the expectations for this game, its been way too long with too much publicity

I'll be glad if they can do a decent job with it.
Actually there are. My cousin's new X360 Slim just red ringed. He's pretty pissed.

Actually you're wrong, there are no 'rings' on the Slims. If you mean red 'light' sure but there are no rings. MS designed the rings out of the new Slims, but you knew that? And the red light does not indicate the same as 3 red rings, the light blinks in sequences indicating several issues, including serious issues all the way to not having a cable plugged in all the way. The dreaded 3 red rings are a thing of the past. Did your cousin read the manual to indicate his problem? The lights will tell you exactly whats wrong (a la post check beeps on a PC) Also, since April 2008, the failure rate on 360s has been tracked below industry averages for consumer electronics @ 3%. Most hardware rates average 4%.

Also, anyone thinking Gearbox 'made' this game has got it all wrong. 3DR made the game and it was nearly done when they went belly up. Gearbox hired many of the 3DR team members and then worked with the existing assets to work to complete the game. Its likely that Gearbox will have the final say in how it controls and plays out but one thing they are NOT going to do is scratch the entire game and start over lol.

When DNF is done Gearbox will get the credit but 99% of the game was built by 3DR.
I'll never understand the cult following for this game. Every single last one of the duke nukem games had shitty graphics, non-exist storyline, and horrible gameplay. They threw in a few catch phrases and some macho though guy stuff and everyone's like, "BEST FPS SERIES EVAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!"

Oh well I'm sure it'll be lucky to sell a million copies anyways.

Thing is Duke never needed any of those things you mentioned, it was all about killing aliens watching strippers and being a bad ass while doing it.

12 years later and people still get excited over its release, thats saying something weather you understand it or not.
Actually you're wrong, there are no 'rings' on the Slims. If you mean red 'light' sure but there are no rings. MS designed the rings out of the new Slims, but you knew that? And the red light does not indicate the same as 3 red rings, the light blinks in sequences indicating several issues, including serious issues all the way to not having a cable plugged in all the way. The dreaded 3 red rings are a thing of the past. Did your cousin read the manual to indicate his problem? The lights will tell you exactly whats wrong (a la post check beeps on a PC) Also, since April 2008, the failure rate on 360s has been tracked below industry averages for consumer electronics @ 3%. Most hardware rates average 4%.

Also, anyone thinking Gearbox 'made' this game has got it all wrong. 3DR made the game and it was nearly done when they went belly up. Gearbox hired many of the 3DR team members and then worked with the existing assets to work to complete the game. Its likely that Gearbox will have the final say in how it controls and plays out but one thing they are NOT going to do is scratch the entire game and start over lol.

When DNF is done Gearbox will get the credit but 99% of the game was built by 3DR.

I was just "quoting" what he had said on his facebook. Something along the lines of "my new X360 Slim just red ringed and isn't working anymore, so pissed".
Gearbox have a huge mountain to climb in meeting the expectations for this game, its been way too long with too much publicity

I'll be glad if they can do a decent job with it.

Gearbox is polishing the game with a lot of help from ex 3D Realms team members. Especially as CEO and Vice President of 3D Realms were on the original Duke Nukem team.

I have written an article and others about it at www.intensegamingtv.com/pax

http://www.intensegamingtv.com/pax/?p=57 The link the exact article.
When you take a step back from all of this you can see the most important thing is that Gearbox now has rights to future Duke Nukem titles. Sure, this one may ship with out of date graphics and not match the hype (what hype btw?) but they will be able to make future games with better graphics, etc.
Thing is Duke never needed any of those things you mentioned, it was all about killing aliens watching strippers and being a bad ass while doing it.

12 years later and people still get excited over its release, thats saying something weather you understand it or not.

Clearly I do "get it". Hence my remarks about one liners and macho guy bs. Hardly impressed me as a kid all those years ago and its hardly impressive now. Might "revolutionary" way back in the early '90's but its not bringing anything new to the table in terms, of gameplay, graphics, language, culture, anything.

The only selling point DNF even has is that its a running joke in the industry for the past 12 or so years. The nostalgia will wear off and all that you'll be left with is a turd. I mean seriously, DNF is a big balloon thats built up on hype and nostalgia of a game series that was never good, or even sold good, to begin with.

But to each their own. I'm sure you'll get it and love it. I just personally dont think its going to sell well outside of small niche market.
Also, anyone thinking Gearbox 'made' this game has got it all wrong. 3DR made the game and it was nearly done when they went belly up. Gearbox hired many of the 3DR team members and then worked with the existing assets to work to complete the game. Its likely that Gearbox will have the final say in how it controls and plays out but one thing they are NOT going to do is scratch the entire game and start over lol.

When DNF is done Gearbox will get the credit but 99% of the game was built by 3DR.

Gearbox may get the credit but they aren't taking it.. Over the last three days they have not once taken credit for creating this game. The CEO of and Vice President of Gearbox are both ex 3D Realms employee's and helped build the franchise. But left in 97 before DNF. I believe they will help polish the game and the demo I played was fun.. Everyone does have there opinions and such and I personally think its fun and will be a good time for a long time. Gearbox is a great team and worked close with 3D Realms around other things as well. Its good to see Veteran Duke Nukem creators get there hands on a game they thought they would never see again.
Gearbox Acquires Duke Nukem IP:
Looks like Gearbox is going full-on with the DN namesake.

"Though Friday's revelation that Gearbox would be finishing up 3D Realms' Duke Nukem Forever was perhaps the biggest news out of the Penny Arcade Expo, the studio followed it up with another headline-worthy announcement. Namely, Pitchford revealed in front of the PAX 2010 collective that Gearbox has acquired the Duke Nukem intellectual property, including Duke Nukem Forever and all future developments in the franchise, from 3D Realms. Terms of the acquisition were not disclosed."


"The game that is happening is 3D Realms' game," [George Broussard] said. In an emotional moment, Pitchford went on to say that, "I didn't buy [Duke Nukem] from them, they sold it to me," emphasizing how protective 3D Realms has been of its quintessential action hero.

"Gearbox was the only home appropriate for the Duke Nukem brand," Broussard said as part of a statement. "They are very talented and possess the perfect perspective and understanding of the brand. Their vision for its future direction is exciting and unbelievable. I personally cannot wait for fans to see their unique take on the franchise."
I'll never understand the cult following for this game. Every single last one of the duke nukem games had shitty graphics, non-exist storyline, and horrible gameplay. They threw in a few catch phrases and some macho though guy stuff and everyone's like, "BEST FPS SERIES EVAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!"

Oh well I'm sure it'll be lucky to sell a million copies anyways.

Duke is a sensation for the same reason Arnie is in the Terminator films, any red blooded male should understand that :D
Clearly I do "get it". Hence my remarks about one liners and macho guy bs. Hardly impressed me as a kid all those years ago and its hardly impressive now. Might "revolutionary" way back in the early '90's but its not bringing anything new to the table in terms, of gameplay, graphics, language, culture, anything.

The only selling point DNF even has is that its a running joke in the industry for the past 12 or so years. The nostalgia will wear off and all that you'll be left with is a turd. I mean seriously, DNF is a big balloon thats built up on hype and nostalgia of a game series that was never good, or even sold good, to begin with.

But to each their own. I'm sure you'll get it and love it. I just personally dont think its going to sell well outside of small niche market.

Clearly I do "get it". Hence my remarks about one liners and macho guy bs. Hardly impressed me as a kid all those years ago and its hardly impressive now. Might "revolutionary" way back in the early '90's but its not bringing anything new to the table in terms, of gameplay, graphics, language, culture, anything.

The only selling point DNF even has is that its a running joke in the industry for the past 12 or so years. The nostalgia will wear off and all that you'll be left with is a turd. I mean seriously, DNF is a big balloon thats built up on hype and nostalgia of a game series that was never good, or even sold good, to begin with.

But to each their own. I'm sure you'll get it and love it. I just personally dont think its going to sell well outside of small niche market.

Well since no one knows anything about the game yet, I don't even see how you can comment on it. Unless you are comparing it to the 15+ year old original, which was released for how long before you played it as a kid? Im guessing not when it was released and you were comparing it to current stuff then. At the time it was released its competition was Doom, which was just as crappy graphics and story, but for the time they were both awesome games and were at the beginning of FPS. So you hate the original old ass game, big deal. Now how about waiting for maybe a trailer or something with substance before you start bashing this game.
wow briefly played they must know everything there is to know about the game now...
wow briefly played they must know everything there is to know about the game now...
Clearly I didn't say that. I guess children today have it quite tough, with the dismantling of the educational institutions and such. Must be hard to correctly meter out the hyperbole, but I digress.

It was suggested the NO ONE knows ANYTHING. This is blatantly false. Clearly, many people know a whole lot about the game at this point.
I'll never understand the cult following for this game. Every single last one of the duke nukem games had shitty graphics, non-exist storyline, and horrible gameplay. They threw in a few catch phrases and some macho though guy stuff and everyone's like, "BEST FPS SERIES EVAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!"

Oh well I'm sure it'll be lucky to sell a million copies anyways.

Wide variety of weapons and weird stuff like shrink rays, trip mines, etc. Duke Nukem 3D was a good and innovative game for its time. It wasn't a Half-Life or anything but still good.
Clearly I do "get it". Hence my remarks about one liners and macho guy bs. Hardly impressed me as a kid all those years ago and its hardly impressive now. Might "revolutionary" way back in the early '90's but its not bringing anything new to the table in terms, of gameplay, graphics, language, culture, anything.

The only selling point DNF even has is that its a running joke in the industry for the past 12 or so years. The nostalgia will wear off and all that you'll be left with is a turd. I mean seriously, DNF is a big balloon thats built up on hype and nostalgia of a game series that was never good, or even sold good, to begin with.

But to each their own. I'm sure you'll get it and love it. I just personally dont think its going to sell well outside of small niche market.

Clearly,you don't get it. You don't like Duke,fine,but don't rewrite history to support your opinion. DN3D was revolutionary for it's time,and that's the only fair way to judge it. The graphics matched or beat similar games of it's time,and the type of humor it had was unique. As for the series not selling good,nonsense. How do you think 3D REALMS financed all those years of development? That they were guilty of mismanagement and bad decisions can't be argued,but that Gearbox is willing to gamble on the title after all those years of bad publicity shows the selling potential it has. I'm a bit skeptical myself that the game will be able to live up to the hype,but I'm not going to condemn it before it's even finished.
It's been thirteen St. Nicks and counting, but it looks like Duke is now ready to ROCK!

DN3D was revolutionary for it's time,and that's the only fair way to judge it.
I think that, for the most part, the levels were just incredibly well-designed and there was enough variation to the gameplay that anyone could easily find themselves hooked. Given that there was nothing at all disappointing about the feel of the shooting, the game ended up being a critical and commercial success. I don't think it was particularly revolutionary, just particularly well-executed.
I think that, for the most part, the levels were just incredibly well-designed and there was enough variation to the gameplay that anyone could easily find themselves hooked. Given that there was nothing at all disappointing about the feel of the shooting, the game ended up being a critical and commercial success. I don't think it was particularly revolutionary, just particularly well-executed.

For its time it changed everything. The levels were urban and realistic to what you would see in real life. No more mars/random sci fi place/hell/whatever, the levels were you back yard.
Flushable toilets CONFIRMED.

heheh, the important stuff. :D

But yeah, assuming this won't be a bug ridden/rushed up mess, the thing that will make this game a major success will be the atmosphere and non-repetitiveness. Hit those well, and this game will be a big winner. I don't care what any metrosexual says.
There was a question asked at the Q&A. "Why can't we aim when we are taking a piss in the beginning?" Well they don't know why and that might be added ;). Hopefully lol.
I have to say I am super stoked to soon™ be able to play a hyped up game featuring old technology where I run around and shoot stuff. I am particularly excited by the numerous innovations this game will bring to the FPS genre and hereby pledge that I will pay the full asking price as soon as it hits $5 on Steam.
Just when you thought it was safe to talk about DNF being released along comes Gearbox and buys them out, this should delay its release for another 10 years!
Just when you thought it was safe to talk about DNF being released along comes Gearbox and buys them out, this should delay its release for another 10 years!

I don't think you understand what exactly you are talking about. Did you not read anything but the title of this thread?

DNF is being polished by Gearbox + 90% of the 3D Realms team. They ARE NOT remaking the game. They did purchase the DNF name, but only because 3D Realms wouldn't sell to anyone else, period.

CEO of Gearbox worked on DN3D before leaving to start gearbox. He stated "I feel like owe Duke Nukem my life" because its what got him started in the business. I think Gearbox is taking nothing but care with this game because they all understand what its about.

Nobody realizes the relationship between Gearbox and 3D Realms and that is perfectly understandable. But read some of the articles, they will open your eyes.
Does this have to be revolutionary?

What I liked about Duke 3D was how much fun it was. Extremely fun would be what I want most out of this.
Duke's level design and unique weapons at the time were what made DN3D. The humor and graphics at the time were a nice touch too. It was just a fun game. Clearly some people don't understand the game. I like the too many metrosexual's theory.
Wide variety of weapons and weird stuff like shrink rays, trip mines, etc. Duke Nukem 3D was a good and innovative game for its time. It wasn't a Half-Life or anything but still good.

Duke 3d definately better than half life......