Headphones for Rock Music $250~


Limp Gawd
Dec 2, 2005
I was reading reviews on the Beyerdynamic DT 880s and sadly many of the reviews indicated that the 880s are unable to show agression in music which is primarily what i wish to use these cans for. What other alternatives do you suggest besides them? - or should I just go w/ the 880s and ignore what ppl are saying about these cans? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I'm amazed you haven't looked at Grados yet...

Grados are said to be the best way to listen to rock music from headphones. They are supposed to have the best rendering of electric guitar among all headphones. There is a catch though, these cans are supposedly only good for rock.

I can vouch for the awesomeness rendering classic rock music. I borrowed quite a few CDs just so I could enjoy the awesomeness of the music. I am more of a hip hop head, and the grados still sound great.

For 250, get SR225s used and get an amp to go along with them.
The DT880 is a great all arounder, I'd also reccomend that if you can still afford an amp on top of that.
Check out the DT770's or the DT990's (closed vs. open). Both of those should be better than the 880's for rock. You can get the DT770/Pro 80ohm versions at guitar center for $150-$200, or there is the DT770 non-pro 250ohm model that can be found pretty easily on ebay and is a tad more stylish. You will not be disappointed with either of these cans for rock music.
Grado, my friend.

I agree with the sr225+amp solution. You won't be dissapointed.
grado's are great for rock music from waht i've heard. personally, i ahve no experience with them. however, from what i've heard, grado's are terrible for gaming as their 3d positioning is terrible.
omz said:
grado's are great for rock music from waht i've heard. personally, i ahve no experience with them. however, from what i've heard, grado's are terrible for gaming as their 3d positioning is terrible.

can't disagree... but they still sound incredible for most music.
computergeek22 said:
I was reading reviews on the Beyerdynamic DT 880s and sadly many of the reviews indicated that the 880s are unable to show agression in music which is primarily what i wish to use these cans for. What other alternatives do you suggest besides them? - or should I just go w/ the 880s and ignore what ppl are saying about these cans? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I was really impressed by the 2006 version of the DT880 headphones. They suite my needs.
Bottom line, is you won't know what headphones are best for you until you try them (go figgure).

For me, I would prefer the DT880 over almost any grado, but there are some who sware by the grado midrange. If you can, try and listen to them first hand with your own music. That's the best way to go about it.

m3ta1head said:
Grado, my friend. You won't be dissapointed.
Funny you should say that. The bulk of my music is rock, and I was dissapointed with Grados. WAY too fatiguing for my tastes. Again, this is why it's best to listen to the headphones for yourself, as everyone's preferences are different.
omz said:
from what i've heard, grado's are terrible for gaming as their 3d positioning is terrible.
Oh man, grado's and gaming shouldn't even appear in the same sentence together. They were pretty much as useful as my 12$ Koss KSC75 in terms of positioning in games.
I dunno. Rock isn't the ONLY type of music I listen to. I have an eclectic music taste ranging from Sinatra to Eric Clapton to much more recently Fort Minor. I should have clarified that. So the Dt880s are decent allrounders right? I mean they're not HORRIBLE for rock music is what I was asking.

I have an X-fi xtrememusic. Do you suggest buying cheaper cans and with an amp? Or simply buying the DT880s w/o an amp?

Also please, if you can, include an amp brand name and model if possible. Once again thank you.

Unfortunately, this is my first purchase of high quality headphones (parents screaming everytime I turn up my Onkyo system!) and in my area I can't find a shop where I can go and listen to various headphones.
I actually think that a pair of Audio Technica's would suit your needs for your musical tastes. They excel in acoustical and classical pieces, although rock sounds great too.
At the around 300$us price range, the AKG K701 and Beyer DT880 2006 version are in the same league, although you may be able to find the DT880 for less. Both are quite comfortable (although I prefer the beyers).

If I didn't already have my headphones, plus other headphones on the way...... (yea yea yea), I would spring for the DT880 in a heart beat. It suites my musical tastes. Of course, that doesn't mean you will like them.

But, back to your question: No, I don't think they are horrible with rock music in the slightest. I was quite impressed.

I like to say, that if this is your intro into high end audio, almost anything decent will put a smile on your face. It's just after you try all these different headphones that you start to really discover your personal tastes.

If you want to read up some more about all these headphones, make sure to check out the headphone forum on head-fi.org
There is a lot of info there.

Heck, I'de take the DT880 over almost any audio technica simply for the extra comfort.
Thanks tower. I actually did read the headfi review and the review of the beyer from the headphonereviews.org website. Reviews were positive. However I'm a bit perplexed. Is the 2006 version any diff from the 2005? I'm finding the beyer's at amazon for roughly $250-260 w/ shipping: here

Also would a CMoy amp from ebay do for a novice like myself. Or should I not be a cheap ass and get a decent amp for my 250 dollar cans...?
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Can't speak for the CMOY, because I never had one. But, the DT880 are one of the harder to drive headphones (to loud levels). Still, if money doesn't grow on tree's for you, I would suggest getting the headphones first. Then after you do a ton of research, and gather the funds, spring for a nice amp (if you decide you want one).

As for the DT880, some people call them the 2005 version, some say the 2006 version. They are one in the same (the newest revised version).

Also, on that amazon site you linked to, it *shows* a picture of the new version, but no where in those two descriptions do they specifically say it's the 2005 version.

I've seen them on ebay for about 210$us, and they claim to be new... although I would be cautious.
Best price I've seen from a decent company is from ttvj.com and they sell for 279$us
towert7 said:
I was really impressed by the 2006 version of the DT880 headphones. They suite my needs.
Bottom line, is you won't know what headphones are best for you until you try them (go figgure).

For me, I would prefer the DT880 over almost any grado, but there are some who sware by the grado midrange. If you can, try and listen to them first hand with your own music. That's the best way to go about it.

Funny you should say that. The bulk of my music is rock, and I was dissapointed with Grados. WAY too fatiguing for my tastes. Again, this is why it's best to listen to the headphones for yourself, as everyone's preferences are different.

DT880s have a very nice soundstage and feeling of airiness. Those are its two main strengths. In terms of sound signature and resolution, I think the A900 LTDs do better (sound signature is preference, though). You aren't going to get A900 LTDs for $250 though. $300-$325 would be a better estimate. I don't know how the newer DT880s sound, but if you are sensitive to a certain range of treble (it's not the entire treble that's more peaky, only a very specific part), you might find it a little bright. Even though its bass does not hit as hard as that of the A900 LTD, it has a certain whoosh to it, like you're hitting a beanbag mattress and the sound just spreads where you hit it...it's a bit hard to describe. Overall, it's a good experience.
I just got my Beyer DT770s yesterday; wow. These things are sweet. Currently they are unamped, but since they are 80 ohm my laptop and iPod can drive them. Not well, mind you, but passable. They've got about 10 hours on them at this point, and the only thing negative i can say is that the mids are a bit lacking. They are lighter than they appear, are very comfy, and cool for a closed headphone.
cfull said:
I just got my Beyer DT770s yesterday; wow. These things are sweet. Currently they are unamped, but since they are 80 ohm my laptop and iPod can drive them. Not well, mind you, but passable. They've got about 10 hours on them at this point, and the only thing negative i can say is that the mids are a bit lacking. They are lighter than they appear, are very comfy, and cool for a closed headphone.
Ain't that the truth. For a closed headphone, they do stay surprisingly cool (much better then other closed headphones i've tried).

As for the mids, that's what people say when they say the DT770pro have "recessed mids". Still, you should find them fairly detailed, and it really is a blessing when watching movies with these. Always glad to see someone enjoying the beyer love.

Cyrilix said:
Overall, it's a good experience.
I seriously have to sit down and listen to these someday, they sound interesting in terms of sound quality.
I'd like to throw my recomendation in for Grado's. They sound good with all music... and specifically for rock, they sound incredable! You should check out www.head-fi.com if you have not already. On the FS forums you could probably track down an SR-225 for sub-$150 no problem, and then you can skoot over to the amps fs forum and try to score the best possible amp under $100.