HD69XX @ newegg

available at MSRP, beautiful :)

note the fake discounts though, HIS 399->369$ and XFX 389->379$


It's only been like 5 minutes
So which brand would be the best one to get, the Gigabyte with the 3 years warranty, or the XFX at $10 more with lifetime?
I think I should of held of on my 6870 and waited for the 6950. Oh well, im happy either way, only thing I might on wanted was the extra GB vram since I eyefinity and like AA, but honestly the 6870 is handling it quite well
OP should edit his post. The 6970s are $370.

So which brand would be the best one to get, the Gigabyte with the 3 years warranty, or the XFX at $10 more with lifetime?
I was planning on going with ASUS since they usually have a better design (even reference). The 6870's cooler springs to mind. But, without ASUS listed, I'll be buying XFX I guess.
Fuckin tax will add almost $40, hope others out of state will have them up soon with same prices.
So which brand would be the best one to get, the Gigabyte with the 3 years warranty, or the XFX at $10 more with lifetime?

Will you be using the card in 3 years? How old is the card you are replacing?
Ok, someone give me a AMD crash course real quick.. I haven't owned AMD in a while.

What is the most reputable brand, best RMA support, tolerance for aftermarket heat sinks and overclocking without voiding warranty, etc.? e.g. for Nvidia many would arguably say EVGA.
Just bought a Sapphire, since XFX cards don't appear to be packaged with a DP adapter.
Ok, someone give me a AMD crash course real quick.. I haven't owned AMD in a while.

What is the most reputable brand, best RMA support, tolerance for custom heat sinks and overclocking without voiding warranty, etc.? e.g. for Nvidia many would arguably say EVGA.

XFX, double lifetime warranty, Not void if heatsink is removed/replaced and not void if overclocking

RMA, cant tell you. I buy sapphire honestly because its cheaper, I wont own it for more then 2 years, I wont remove the heatsink and I might overclock a little
Sapphire isn't exactly known for great service.
They seem to randomly charge people $15 RMA fees.

XFX is probably hands down the best for customer service + lifetime warranty.
I'm questionable about buying XFX though, I remember hearing a lot of bad things about their quality. I can't cite any sources on that, I might be full of shit.

wtf you bought a card before it was even benched?
How late were they on the 6870's? I think they were available at launch.
I'm sad.

Checking other e-tailers hoping to see them show up soon.
The night is young!

The 6870 was there when I bought one then, the 6850 weren't.

I have one in my cart waiting for numbers, replacing a 5970 for eyefinity.

What if people just bought em all without the numbers. There's a lot of cash in people hands right now.
Don't click buy because I said so, but I'm just sayin'.;)
So which brand would be the best one to get, the Gigabyte with the 3 years warranty, or the XFX at $10 more with lifetime?

right now since they are all reference cards XFX for 10 dollars more. in 3 months when XFX switches to the cheaper custom PCB's then gigabyte or Asus are the better choice. but hopefully now that they arent producing nvidia cards xfx will pick up their game and release some bad ass AMD/ATI cards.
Prices are telling me to buy now, logic is telling me to wait for the [H]ard|OCP review at 12:01 PST. Damn you logic!
In for an Xfx...ill hold off on a second 6970 until I see the reviews for crossfire performance vs microstutter, and when they finally support 5x1 portrait setups.
Only the Sapphire card gives a Mini-DP to DP adapter. It was frustrating not to get one when I bought the 6870.
Prices are telling me to buy now, logic is telling me to wait for the [H]ard|OCP review at 12:01 PST. Damn you logic!

You know you're going to buy one anyway so why wait?

I think I'll wait and read up on it, and then order. I don't want to be too hasty. :)
Only the Sapphire card gives a Mini-DP to DP adapter. It was frustrating not to get one when I bought the 6870.

That's why I pulled the trigger on a Sapphire initially. I have no doubt that these cards will be 409 by next week, so hoping to read about some CFX scaling in Eyefinity sooner rather than later.
Sapphire isn't exactly known for great service.
They seem to randomly charge people $15 RMA fees.

XFX is probably hands down the best for customer service + lifetime warranty.
I'm questionable about buying XFX though, I remember hearing a lot of bad things about their quality. I can't cite any sources on that, I might be full of shit.

wtf you bought a card before it was even benched?

I have a 5870 pushing my eyefinity setup right now and I know the 6970 is better. Twas all the bench I needed....for now.

I dont think this is going to be the same gouge situation as last year with the 5870s. Last year there was no other competition, supply was limited and the $380 5870s promptly went up to $500! Since there are 580gtx, 570gtx, and old 480gtxs out there I can't see anybody gouging the 69xx series this year. The price ceiling has already been established, so you can probably wait the reviews out for these before buying.
With less stream processors on the 6970 then the 5870 it looks like AMD must have made some huge architectural changes. The other option is that the cards are not priced super competitively like we are all assuming and instead the HD 6870 is about equal in performance to the GTX 570 but with 2GB of ram for high res stuff.
Not doing anything till I see some reputable reviews..
My luck they will be gone by then..
With less stream processors on the 6970 then the 5870 it looks like AMD must have made some huge architectural changes..

They moved from 5D ALUs to 4D. That means less total ALUs, but actually more SIMDs.

5870 - 320 SIMDs
6970 - 384 SIMDs.

The old 5 way architecture was a beast on paper, but very few game could ever take full advantage of them. This move means more SIMDs in less area since each one is a bit smaller but with very close performance.
In for a Sapphire 6970. Not much to lose ordering now since you can easily cancel before newegg can ship it out.
Not doing anything till I see some reputable reviews..
My luck they will be gone by then..

All I need is to see the bars on the 2560x1600 benchmarks to be higher or just as high as the GTX 580 and I will click BUY. :D

Also, does PCIe 2.1 amount to anything? Notice all Nvidia cards are 2.0.
Looks like the brands are still being added. I saw only three 6970s earlier. There are five now. I'm gonna wait for a review as well before deciding. Mang 2GB 6950CF for $600 sounds so nice.