HD6970 vs gtx580 benchmarks

Dan doesn't test video cards, he tests Motherboards, and he has almost ALWAYS had a 2/3x sli setup.

He's an [H] editor though. I would assume if he was planning on making a video card purchase right now, he would ask Kyle and Brent about the 6970s and what to buy. Dan also used to have a 5970, so he's not exclusively NVIDIA.
He's an [H] editor though. I would assume if he was planning on making a video card purchase right now, he would ask Kyle and Brent about the 6970s and what to buy. Dan also used to have a 5970, so he's not exclusively NVIDIA.

He says this in the link I provided above:

I'm not usually kept in the loop with regard to what's going on with the video card editors and their experiences or their testing results and articles. I do not have the information you are seeking, but even if I did, I wouldn't break NDA. If I did something like that, I'm certain I wouldn't be writing reviews for Kyle anymore.
Well, you can't expect him to actually say "yes I bought the 580 because I know it's faster than the 6970".
If you ask him to reply to the posts in here about it, that's pretty much the only response you'd expect to get.

If you look at the timing of his purchase... Why did he wait a MONTH to buy the 580's? And why does it fall right within the window when Hard would be testing the 6900's?
Actions speak louder than words, and all that. In this situation, the 'words' are even being blocked by an NDA. There's no other way of looking at it.
Well, you can't expect him to actually say "yes I bought the 580 because I know it's faster than the 6970".
If you ask him to reply to the posts in here about it, that's pretty much the only response you'd expect to get.

If you look at the timing of his purchase... Why did he wait a MONTH to buy the 580's? And why does it fall right within the window when Hard would be testing the 6900's?
Actions speak louder than words, and all that. In this situation, the 'words' are even being blocked by an NDA. There's no other way of looking at it.

He doesn't review videocards. And in another place he said he did it based on an educated guess and that he wouldn't break NDA even if he did have inside info. It seems growingly apparent though that 6970 will not best the 580. It might come in slightly slower but a lot cheaper at the projected $399 price point.
Well, you can't expect him to actually say "yes I bought the 580 because I know it's faster than the 6970".
If you ask him to reply to the posts in here about it, that's pretty much the only response you'd expect to get.

If you look at the timing of his purchase... Why did he wait a MONTH to buy the 580's? And why does it fall right within the window when Hard would be testing the 6900's?
Actions speak louder than words, and all that. In this situation, the 'words' are even being blocked by an NDA. There's no other way of looking at it.

Well, again, it doesn't really say all that much. Except that the 6970 won't be significantly faster than the GTX580. Like he said, he prefers SLI and one card won't be enough for him either way. So for all we know, the 6970 is beating the GTX580 by 10% or so, but he needs more performance and would rather have 2x580's than 2x6970's. Or it could simply be slower. No way of knowing just based on that fact alone.
And in another place he said he did it based on an educated guess
He could have said a lot of things.
The one thing he can't say is "The 580 is faster than the 6970, so I bought it". If you ask him about the speculation, that's what you're trying to confirm.
Why attempt to confirm something that he can't confirm?! His response proves nothing.
Well, you can't expect him to actually say "yes I bought the 580 because I know it's faster than the 6970".
If you ask him to reply to the posts in here about it, that's pretty much the only response you'd expect to get.

If you look at the timing of his purchase... Why did he wait a MONTH to buy the 580's? And why does it fall right within the window when Hard would be testing the 6900's?
Actions speak louder than words, and all that. In this situation, the 'words' are even being blocked by an NDA. There's no other way of looking at it.

Seems like a lot of effort went into his response for it to be a simple "lie." He could have just said "you'll see tomorrow." Wouldn't that have made more sense, particularly if what he said was untruthful?
the ATI fans want to believe so badly...let them keep believing...they'll see for themselves in a few hours
the ATI fans want to believe so badly...let them keep believing...they'll see for themselves in a few hours

And the Nvidia fans don't? *Everyone* would benefit from ATI releasing a faster card than the GTX580 at a much cheaper price. Even the people who would refuse to go with ATI regardless, since it would mean the GTX580 would have to come down in price.
the ATI fans want to believe so badly...let them keep believing...they'll see for themselves in a few hours

Funny, since the person who assumed that Dan bought a 580, because it's faster, owns a Nvidia card......:rolleyes: Should I assume he's a Nvidia fan?

And the Nvidia fans don't? *Everyone* would benefit from ATI releasing a faster card than the GTX580 at a much cheaper price. Even the people who would refuse to go with ATI regardless, since it would mean the GTX580 would have to come down.

People, apparently, enjoy paying premium price. To hell with having competitive products! :D
lol just because one biased game like lost planet 2 people start thinking that 6970 isn't that fast ? i bet you'll be suprised tomorrow ......
the ATI fans want to believe so badly...let them keep believing...they'll see for themselves in a few hours

believe what exactly? I think a lot of us are expecting the 6970 to be a bit slower than the 580 but at a much cheaper price point.
I'm more interested in the 6950 vs 570 matchup... too much conflicting info. [H] review can't get here soon enough.
Funny, since the person who assumed that Dan bought a 580, because it's faster, owns a Nvidia card......:rolleyes: Should I assume he's a Nvidia fan?

do you really believe he bought a 580 a few days before the 6970 comes out by accident?...coincidence?...an [H] mod who even if he hasn't tested out the 6970 himself I'm sure he can ask Brent or whoever has what their opinion of the card is...the NDA prevents him from explicitly saying that the 580 is better or faster then the 6970 but you can read between the lines
And the Nvidia fans don't? *Everyone* would benefit from ATI releasing a faster card than the GTX580 at a much cheaper price. Even the people who would refuse to go with ATI regardless, since it would mean the GTX580 would have to come down in price.

True and they probably easily could if 32nm wasn't killed by TSMC. Why would they chop their profits off by making a super big ass die just to be 40% faster then nvidia and price it at 550. AMD walked away from making big chips and thier plan was to put this on 32nm but you can thank TSMC for killing the 32nm process. GTX 580 are very limited in quantities while the gtx 570's are readily available. I think nvidia themselves want you to buy 570 thats why its priced at 349 instead of 400.
do you really believe he bought a 580 a few days before the 6970 comes out by accident?...coincidence?...an [H] mod who even if he hasn't tested out the 580 himself I'm sure he can ask Brent or whoever has what their opinion of the card is...the NDA prevents him from explicitly saying that the 580 is better or faster then the 6970 but you can read between the lines

Great, you guys think Dan is a liar. I could care less, since it doesn't prove my point wrong, or bezant's point right. I'm glad you guys are determined to believe that the 580 is the best. Honestly, I don't care.

Now.......Can we get back on topic?

Didn't you hear? The 6970 will compete with the 570.

Not if this is true. It might compete with it in price.
Actually, it's more accurate to say "no conclusions can be drawn" from his response.
I would assume he's legally obliged to not tell the truth.

Then, like I said, he's a big liar.......Particularly if he wasted time writing all that to indicate otherwise. You guys believe what you will. It doesn't matter to me.
Then, like I said, he's a big liar.......Particularly if he wasted time writing all that to indicate otherwise. You guys believe what you will. It doesn't matter to me.

do you know what an NDA is?...and how someone could get into legal or financial trouble if they break it?...or at the very least stop getting advanced review samples
Then, like I said, he's a big liar.
No, he said he made an educated guess, which could be true.
Or, it could also be true that he knows the 580 is faster. If the 580 is faster, and you asked him why he bought the 580, he has to lie to you.

He could be lying or telling the truth.
We have no way of knowing.
Particularly if he wasted time writing all that to indicate otherwise. You guys believe what you will. It doesn't matter to me.

did you even read what he wrote?...he's pretty much saying that Crossfire scaling sucks...plus even if both cards perform at similar levels then he would still rather go with Nvidia
did you even read what he wrote?...he's pretty much saying that Crossfire scaling sucks...plus even if both cards perform at similar levels then he would still rather go with Nvidia

Everyone knows AMD has been behind in the multi GPU department, but, crossfire scaling seems to be greatly improved in the 6xxx series. It's pretty close to Nvidia now if not on par in certain games.
Everyone knows AMD has been behind in the multi GPU department, but, crossfire scaling seems to be greatly improved in the 6xxx series. It's pretty close to Nvidia now if not on par in certain games.

they said the exact same thing when the 5000 series came out...even if it is true this time we've all been burnt too many times by these types of claims from AMD
plus even if both cards perform at similar levels then he would still rather go with Nvidia
Logically, any personal opinions (non-factual) he has about 580 vs 6970 could be a lie, or the truth.
So you, logically, cannot draw any conclusions from his personal opinions. Preferring SLi is a personal opinion, and could be either true or false. You can't use it to prove anything one way or the other.
or maybe he knew that we would think that he could be lying and used reverse psychology on all of us and somehow threw in a freudian slip and ... and ... and...

With less than 12 hrs till the release no point in trying to figure it out now.

The only thing that could make this whole escapade even more awesome if they tell us tomorrow its just a paper launch and that the retail cards wont be ready till 2011.
So the only real conclusion must be, as I said before, that the 6970 can't be *significantly* faster than the 580, or he would have gone that route instead( that's with making the assumption that he actually knows/has been told).

Pretty much all other options are open. So do we really need to discuss this anymore?
did you even read what he wrote?...he's pretty much saying that Crossfire scaling sucks...plus even if both cards perform at similar levels then he would still rather go with Nvidia

You obviously seem determined to prove something. What it is, I haven't the slightest. The original argument presented in this topic, in case you missed it, was, and I quote (pay particularly close attention to the bolded part):

It looks like Dan (who I bet by now has tested the Radeon cards) has just bought two GTX 580!! I guess the staff here voted with their money for the best card, and to me that looks like the best indication of performance.see his post here

Dan, on the other hand, says he hasn't tested the card, doesn't know their performance, and bought the cards because of the recurring success of NV surround and SLI scaling in recent tests. I'm sure you'll ignore this, and go out of your way to point out some other fallacy.

And I'll be simply.....:confused:
Dan, on the other hand, says he hasn't tested the card, doesn't know their performance, and bought the cards because of the recurring success recent of NV surround and SLI scaling. I'm sure you'll ignore this, and go out of your way to point out some other fallacy.

And I'll be simply.....:confused:

so instead of waiting a few days to test the Crossfire scaling of the 6970 he went ahead and bought 2 GTX 580 cards...either he must be incredibly impatient, incredibly stupid or is great at predicting the performance of unreleased cards through tarot cards or crystal balls...I must get him to buy a few lottery tickets for me and place a few wagers on next weeks NFL games
so instead of waiting a few days to test the Crossfire scaling of the 6970 he went ahead and bought 2 GTX 580 cards...either he must be incredibly impatient, incredibly stupid or is great at predicting the performance of unreleased cards through tarot cards or crystal balls...I must get him to buy a few lottery tickets for me and place a few wagers on next weeks NFL games

Like I said......Have fun.:)
How big a correlation is there between 3DMark performance and gaming performance? (In this case)

There is never any correlation between gaming performance and 3D Mark performance. 3D Mark is entirely synthetic and the factors which influence it's performance numbers do not effect actual gaming performance in the same way. It's numbers are arbitrary and often lead to misleading conclusions about card A's performance compared to card B's. You can run 3D Mark and compare a GeForce GTX 480 to a GTX 580 and see which one is faster, but it doesn't tell you anything more than "card A is a lot faster than card B in specific tests." It's hard to draw real world conclusions like that. All you can know from that is that a GTX 580 beats a GTX 480. I could have told you that with more specifics by examining actual gaming performance results. At least I could put the data in terms you can understand. Just taking 3D Mark results, I can say card A scores 8000 3D Marks whereas card B scores 11,000 3D Marks. When you think about it, more sounds better but what the hell does that actually mean? When you distill that even further down to CPU clock speed making massive impacts in 3D Mark scores and not so much in actual games past a certain point, you have to wonder how the hell 3D Mark comparisons work internally. I can tell you they don't work like actual games do. 3D Mark is not, and has not used an actual game engine in years. Comparing an NVIDIA card to an ATI / AMD card is even less useful because there are times where one or the other scores significantly better tha the other while actual gaming performance tells a different story.

You can't rely on synthetic benchmarks to give you the whole picture, or even part of it. Synthetic benchmarks like 3D Mark really only have one usage as far as I can tell and that's stability testing. Still I'd argue that there are better ways of doing that.
275 euro is not less than 570 in usd...
Don't even bother attempting the USD conversion.
After seeing his numbers for the 6900 prices, I immediately scanned the article for a relative 580/570 price.

while the cheapest Geforce GTX 580 on the EU market sells for 480 euro, and in most cases for well over €500
500 Euro for the 580, 275 euro for the 6970?
What the hell, that's like half the price.

As for the UK, it puts the 6970 a little cheaper than the 570.