HD4870x2 price revealed?

May 8, 2008
The Europeans always get the proverbial shaft when it comes to pricing.

I wouldn't use the Euro price as any sort of barometer to gauge the US price by, it would only make the converted price appear more inflated than what it will actually be.
Yeah, European prices are almost always higher than North American prices, many times significantly so.
He's guessing that the price will be 449. I too have also noticed.the USD price of cards carry a near numerical value to our friends over seas.
Anyone here from the EU, aren't you guys paying a premium on almost everything over there? Or is it just gas (more so than us yanks)?
Anyone here from the EU, aren't you guys paying a premium on almost everything over there? Or is it just gas (more so than us yanks)?

Well I'm in sunny old New Zealand, and we pay a premium on technologyt 5-12% over the U.S. (though here that seems largely due to the very small size of the market and the resulting lack of competition). A GTX 280 is about $US 80 more here than you guys get.

Petrol prices in Europe are largely a result of much higher Government tax there.
Well I'm in sunny old New Zealand, and we pay a premium on technologyt 5-12% over the U.S. (though here that seems largely due to the very small size of the market and the resulting lack of competition). A GTX 280 is about $US 80 more here than you guys get.

Petrol prices in Europe are largely a result of much higher Government tax there.

Ah, that's no too bad though. It must be pretty bad in UK. Whenever I sell something, I always have a limey begging me to change my shipping policies to include non-continental US buyers. :(

Is it true to "never call a Kiwi an Aussie?" :D
Ah, that's no too bad though. It must be pretty bad in UK. Whenever I sell something, I always have a limey begging me to change my shipping policies to include non-continental US buyers. :(

Is it true to "never call a Kiwi an Aussie?" :D

It's somewhat like calling a Canadian an American. But secretly we tend to just be happy when someone know roughly which corner of the globe we come from ;) The price difference is somewhat more important when you take into account that we earn on average six tenths what an American does gross, and have higher taxes to boot.

AFAIK it's no worse in the UK than here, but Brits are awakening more quickly to the way they're being shafted than we are. It used to be much more expensive there, but I guess more demanding consumers ====> lower prices.
Anyone here from the EU, aren't you guys paying a premium on almost everything over there? Or is it just gas (more so than us yanks)?

In Sweden I think it's mostly gas, consumer electronics/computers and of course beer/spirits that carry a premium. I mean food stuffs, rent, electricity, broadband access..those prices are pretty reasonable where I live, and the healthcare is cheap (but unless you're dying or something, you have to wait a long time for an appointment..). Overall, I don't think it's that much more expensive living in Sweden than in the US unless you own a big car and drink lots of beer :)

I think SharpieFiend's done a pretty good estimate - for example the 4850 is about €170 in Sweden, and $170 in the US. The prices in $'s and €'s tend to be comparable.
Just as a comparison.
As I understand it you pay about $270 for a HD 4870 in US, we pay about $370 in EU.
I would take a purple mushroom stamp if the 4870X2 came out $400-$450.
It will start at about 450 and probably see 400 after MIR the 2nd week. It would make 0 sense for a 600 dollar price. You could xfire for same preformance ( of the 4870 i mean). From what I have seen the x2 of any brand/model is usually a little bit cheaper than buying the regular version twice. So no way this will be above 500 bucks. 400-450.
Well ATI could do the bastard-ish thing and release it at $700 for all the people who must have the latest and greatest no matter the cost, then a few weeks later drop it to $450-500 to compete with the GTX280. :p
Heh I doubt they'd release a card that is $100 more then TWICE the cost of their original card, if anything $600 or less should be their asking price.
$450 would be awesome - the GTX 280 would fall below $400 and its 55nm refresh could be no higher than $500!
429.50 EUR probably is about $449 USD.
Not anymore since the dollar lost mutch of its value towards Euro.
"GB of DDR5 has it price to compared to the low 512MB the regular 4870 has.
The price looks to be right, not to mention the card "has no competition" by the way ATI-people sees it so ATI will raise the price later to be like GTX280TriSl as that is where the competion is.