HD3870 vs 8800gt


Oct 24, 2006
Ok i have a situation like others may but mine is kinda weird. I want to buy the bfg 8800gt at bestbuy cus its the cheapest one, and i have reward zone points(30 bucks) and then i have a 12% off for this weekend(33. something off) Making the price come to like 220. Should i buy that or a HD3870 from newegg for 220?
Oh thank you, and even better, its going on sale for 250 on sunday, im so jumping on this!! Thanks man!
According to my calculations, the 8800GT would have to be $238.71 to match the 3870 in price/performance. I would still get the GT though even at $259.
According to my calculations, the 8800GT would have to be $238.71 to match the 3870 in price/performance. I would still get the GT though even at $259.

Not if you put in the other factors, single-slot, noise, temperature, power.
you can not feel the 3~8 frames difference, but your ear can hear louder noise, your case would feel the temperature, you can feel the missing pci slot.
In my opinion, 8800GT would have to be $179.99 to be competitive, and 8600GTS would have to be $89.99.
Ummm... My 8800GT setup is not that loud at all... It's already a steal as it is.. It's not that much hotter either.. It may run hotter but thats just the cooler so the amount of actual thermal energy put into the case is ~ 3870 levels and the missing PCI slot is against ATi.
OP, Definitely go 8800GT
Not if you put in the other factors, single-slot, noise, temperature, power.
you can not feel the 3~8 frames difference, but your ear can hear louder noise, your case would feel the temperature, you can feel the missing pci slot.
In my opinion, 8800GT would have to be $179.99 to be competitive, and 8600GTS would have to be $89.99.

I'm pretty sure its the 38x0 series that takes up the pci slot... and again... its about a 15% speed increase. Don't generalize with 3-8 frames... yeah maybe in Crysis when you're only getting 30 frames to begin with.
Ok i have a situation like others may but mine is kinda weird. I want to buy the bfg 8800gt at bestbuy cus its the cheapest one, and i have reward zone points(30 bucks) and then i have a 12% off for this weekend(33. something off) Making the price come to like 220. Should i buy that or a HD3870 from newegg for 220?

Even @ MSRP, the 8800 GT is overall better, considering the GTX like performance it offers. At that price, there's really no question though. Get the 8800 GT. The stock cooler may prove to be a bit noisy for some, but you can easily replace it for a better one, for no more than $20 and still be within the original MSRP.
Not if you put in the other factors, single-slot, noise, temperature, power.
you can not feel the 3~8 frames difference, but your ear can hear louder noise, your case would feel the temperature, you can feel the missing pci slot.
In my opinion, 8800GT would have to be $179.99 to be competitive, and 8600GTS would have to be $89.99.

When you are in Crysis pulling 25FPS on a 3870 that extra 15% on the GT is going to matter a fair bit.

But seriously, your post is flame bait and you know it. The GT will always win out around the same price, in fact up to about $40 more. Not flaming the 3870 its a dam nice card, but the GT is a little better as per ALL the reviews.
Not if you put in the other factors, single-slot, noise, temperature, power.
you can not feel the 3~8 frames difference, but your ear can hear louder noise, your case would feel the temperature, you can feel the missing pci slot.
In my opinion, 8800GT would have to be $179.99 to be competitive, and 8600GTS would have to be $89.99.

Umm...the 3870 is the dual slot, where as the 8800gt is single slot, so that point is moot. So if you think that a hotter card and potentially louder card is only worth it if it's 70 dollars cheaper, then you're wasting 70 dollars my friend :) And none of those other factors matter if you want a FASTER card. If you want a faster card, buy the faster card and pay more. If you dont want to pay more, dont buy the 8800gt, get the 3870. Its a good card too, its just not as fast. That's what really matters here.

If the two were the same price, you'd just be picky; Those who want speed are the majority, and would buy the faster card.
Thanks for all the input, and i thought the gt got like almost 10-20 fps gain in some games, thats what got me, and the price too, like said before the almost gtx experience. So the gt is the winner. Now I need a better mobo. Yay! Just ordered a new seagate 500bg 32mb hdd, hope it will do well, comes in the 20th. What else should i buy? Also another problem before i buy, if i can get early christmas money from the parents, then you think i should snatch up the 32inch dynex tv for 450, i also have the reward zone points, and will see i the circuicity coupon price match will work for 40 bucks off anything over 200 bucks, Or just buy the gt, and wait to buy a big tv?
Umm...the 3870 is the dual slot, where as the 8800gt is single slot, so that point is moot. So if you think that a hotter card and potentially louder card is only worth it if it's 70 dollars cheaper, then you're wasting 70 dollars my friend :) And none of those other factors matter if you want a FASTER card. If you want a faster card, buy the faster card and pay more. If you dont want to pay more, dont buy the 8800gt, get the 3870. Its a good card too, its just not as fast. That's what really matters here.

If the two were the same price, you'd just be picky; Those who want speed are the majority, and would buy the faster card.
The only reason i am asking for help is because with my coupons and reward zone points it pulls the gt price down to the HD3870 price.
The only reason i am asking for help is because with my coupons and reward zone points it pulls the gt price down to the HD3870 price.

At the same price, the GT is even better of a buy! Can't go wrong for a faster card at the same price!
GT is obviously better for games. I don't think either are "awesome" though. We need cards at least twice as powerful to have some margin with games like Crysis.
i vote for gt as well.
a friend is a bb employee so his discount, with coupon. i walk out of the store with a 8800gt for around 210 :)
8800GT baby, alll the way without hesitation, ATI/AMD is going down, has been going down.
8800GT baby, alll the way without hesitation, ATI/AMD is going down, has been going down.

its comments like this one that just beg to start a flame war. everything thats in bold was not necessary.

if there was no AMD/ATI, Nvidia would have no completion and would charge whatever they wanted for their products and that would suck for consumers.

To the OP, since you can get either one for the same price, get the 8800GT.
Definitely the 8800gt. I was on the fence for a long time and was anticipating the 3870 release, but overall the gt is a much better value especially at the same price. As said by many others... single slot, faster, etc.

I ended up going for the gt myself even though I had to pay a bit more. Much more worth it IMO.

BTW, seems no one has brought it up, but 10.1 support seems unnecessary at this point.
Just got my BFG 8800GT OC @ local Best Buy for 251.99+tax with 10% discount... ;)
8800GT baby, alll the way without hesitation, ATI/AMD is going down, has been going down.

Man how stupid are you? It is because we have ATI and AMD that you can buy your Intel and Nvidia goodies at an affordable price. When you recommend something or provide input, please do so with facts and leave it as that.

Now back to the topic... if you can get them at the same price, get the 8800GT. The 8800GT is faster and uses a single slot cooling system. Until ATI/AMD drops the price considerably, not too many people will buy one given that the 8800GT is very affordable and very fast.
It's interesting how availability hasn't been that great on the 8800GT, yet there are stories that Nvidia has shipped "hundreds of thousands" of G92 based cards. Either the OEMs are getting the lion's share or we're going to see much improved availability (and therefore lower prices) soon.

The HD 3870 is a nice card and at it's lower price compared to current 8800GT street prices might be a tempting buy for some. It has lower power draw at idle for those who game only occasionally and / or want to put this in a HTPC. For a true gamer, the 8800GT is well worth it. I agree that DX10.1 is not going to be an issue for a while, if ever.
8800GT baby, alll the way without hesitation, ATI/AMD is going down, has been going down.
What a moronic, stupid and retarded flaimbait post.

If it weren't for ATI you'd have nVidia back to their old selves selling crappy products like the FX5900 for $600.
What a moronic, stupid and retarded flaimbait post.

If it weren't for ATI you'd have nVidia back to their old selves selling crappy products like the FX5900 for $600.


ATI disappearing would be really bad for the consumer. My last 3 cards have been nvidia's but before that I had a 9800PRO and it owned. I wouldn't hesitate for a second to buy an ATi product if it was better, just like I didn't hesitate to buy a 6800GT back when I got rid of my 9800PRO.
LOL my unbiased line of cards have been:

NV FX 5200 <- POS nightmare
ATI 9600 XT <- Dog pissed on it while my case door was open. Fried EVERYTHING! :mad:
ATI 9800 Pro <- Quite possibly the greatest card of its time
NV 6800 GT <- Purely unlocked in all regards, what a wonderful card :D
NV 7900 GT <- Killed by volt mod so returned back to newegg
ATI X850 XT PE <- Holdover while finances recover
ATI X1800 XT <- Forced resignation at newfound addiction to Oblivion on 22"
NV 8800 GTS 320MB <- Games got bigger and limited memory just couldn't handle it
NV 8800 GTS 640MB <- 8800 GT was born and I sold it on craigslist for $270
NV 8800 GT 512MB <- Running under 48c on pure sexiness!
According to my calculations, the 8800GT would have to be $238.71 to match the 3870 in price/performance. I would still get the GT though even at $259.

How the heck do you calculate this?

The 8800GT is 15-30% better across the board. Your calculations say it's less than 10% faster.
lol its funny now that i looked back on it, but at the time i was ready to put her to sleep...like permanently....:mad:
not really...it was an xfx card so newegg can get xfx to cover it under warranty. i paid for restocking by telling them i didn't really want another card either
For the same price 8800GT obviously, if your case can handle the extra heat, your ears the extra noise and your wallet the extra electricity bill ;)

But seriously 8800GT is THE card for mid range gaming right now, but even all the things going for it, it does not matter buy the card. 8800GT is out of stock everywhere so 3870 gets my money. Lucky buggers in the "new world", no 8800GT loving for us in the other side of the pond :(
not really...it was an xfx card so newegg can get xfx to cover it under warranty. i paid for restocking by telling them i didn't really want another card either

Again, thanks for making me pay for your mistake
You think your new card was free?
That the graphics-fairy just used magic and created a new card?

Next time, pay for you own errors, my wallet will apriciate it...and you could try how a honest life feels like.
umm excuse me...do you own newegg? where do you get off talking to me like you never did something bad? lay off man.
Ummm... My 8800GT setup is not that loud at all... It's already a steal as it is.. It's not that much hotter either.. It may run hotter but thats just the cooler so the amount of actual thermal energy put into the case is ~ 3870 levels and the missing PCI slot is against ATi.
OP, Definitely go 8800GT

I dont mean to sound offensive but where do you get that from? The fan is a loud one when it revs up to max and even then, the core's hitting 90C.
umm excuse me...do you own newegg? where do you get off talking to me like you never did something bad? lay off man.

The same question to you:
Do you think that the graphics-fairy just used magic and created a new card?

He BROKE the warrenty and LIED about it and sent the bill to NVIDIA, who do you think they will make PAY for that?
The graphics-fairy?
Or anyone buying NVIDIA-hardware?

Those are the facts, no sugar-coating will justify that...it's fraud and the rest of us picks up the tab.