HD 4850 Problems

Jul 11, 2008
It seems that occasionally when I'm playing games, especially in WoW for instance, my video card fan will ramp up to 100% fan speed and read as temperature 99-100 degrees Celsius. Is this normal behavior or should I be worried?

Normally my fan speed is set to be 50%, but as soon as I start playing I'll hear the fan just suddenly get loud and the temperatures will just skyrocket.

Running a:

E7200 @ 3.0GHz
2GB Ram
Windows XP
WoW settings are at max with 24-bit depth 1x multisampling, res: 1680x1050

Any help would be appreciated
Video card section exists for a reason.

If your ambient temp is high and/or your case does not have adequate airflow then those temps are to be expected. If you are overclocking the card regardless of the above factors, those temps are to be expected.
well I mean this section is General Hardware but that's neither here nor there... back to the problem...

I am not overclocking the card and the ambient temperature of the case is around 30 degrees Celsius...

Could this be a driver/hardware problem?
- Which HD4850 do you have?
- What app are you using to monitor GPU temps?
- What case do you have and how do you have the fans setup?
Here is my card on idle with some other various temparatures.

sorry I forgot that WaffleImages only lets image hotlinking on SomethingAwful..

Here's another upload:

Ahh a Goon. LOL!

Anyway AFAIK, 100C is actually normal for the HD4850. SO yeah, nothing to worry about. However, I recommend attaching a 120mm fan on the Sonata III's HDD cage to get some air on that video card.
Yes I'm a goon, guilty as charged...

Hmm, I guess I could definitely put that 120mm fan they gave me for free when I bought the case, it's just that the HD4850 is so long it doesn't really fit...

I'll see what I can do.

Thanks again.. running over 100C is just annoying, the fan becomes so loud and it gets me worried.
Your case airflow is horrible to get those temps. Since you said you only have an exhaust fan, well... that's to be expected. 100c at 100% fan temp is worrisome, but this seems to be user fault not hardware. Verdict: add intake fans.
if you have an ok level of technical aptitude you could add an aftermarket cooler to the card. I added this to my 4850 and couldnt be happier,

ARCTIC COOLING ACCELS1 Rev 2 VGA Cooler I put a single 120mm arctic cooling fan on it. Its very quiet no more than 20bd, and the idle temps are around 35c and max load is 45c. Mind you I also have a case with good airflow but your temps improvements would still be worth the $30-35 expense.