Having a hard time deciding on a graphics card


Dec 7, 2009
Alright guys heres my problem. Im building my first PC and I decided to wait it out for the new intel line up. Im 99% on a 2500k processor and most likely the new asus sabertooth (pending reviews) I cant decide on a graphics card.
I already have:
Storm Scout case
700 Watt silent pro psu
Samsung Spinpoint F3 1TB
OCZ Vertex 2 OCZSSD2-2VTXE60G 2.5" 60GB SATA II (SSD)
Windows 7 pro

I still need to get a optical drive but i dont think that hinders you from helping me decide on a graphics card. (It will be a blu ray drive)
I'll be running the pc on a 22" - 24" 1080 monitor
As far as games go i would like to be able to pllay Fall Out NV with no problem and Diablo 3 when thats available.

I have heard good things about the gtx 570 but i think its a bit too far out of my budget the other card i had my eye on was a sapphire 5870 or an asus 6870. Any help would be great
Your already waiting a little while, maybe you should wait and see if the gtx 560 comes to light. My guess is it would be in that price range.
Why is the 6870 a better choice than the 5870? Doesn't the 5870 perform better (and because it's older and we've seen several sales, for less money)?

I'm currently debating between the $200 Sapphire 5870 on Newegg and an XFX 6950 to drive a 5040x1050 setup, but this makes me wonder.
Why is the 6870 a better choice than the 5870? Doesn't the 5870 perform better (and because it's older and we've seen several sales, for less money)?

Because I simply did not see that the HD 5870 has that $60 promo code for it. In that case, go with the HD 5870 if you can get the card before the 5th.
If I am not mistaken the 6870 is cooler running and has a lower power requirement. In most games the 5870 does a little better fps wise (bfbc2 1920 4xaa 16xaf; 5870 50 fps, 6870 44fps) Which is basically the same, but the 6870 runs really quiet, not hot(mine is 73c after 2 hrs codbo) The Sapphire 6870 is $219.99 after mir. the 5870 is $239 after mir.

I guess after the mir the price is about the same on a $ per fps scale. I chose the 6870 because it is newer and more efficient and needed less power.