Has The Internet Killed The Loch Ness Monster?

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Good job internet, you've killed the Loch Ness monster. :(

Now, thanks to YouTube – where there is a new cryptozoological sensation every day, from mammoths filmed wandering in the Siberian tundra, to Sasquatch loping through the Canadian backwoods – we're attuned to duplicity. Our innocence is gone, along with an era that was trusting, gullible, even.
Nah ... that's just what the Secret Alien Overlords want us to believe so we won't pay any attention to their periodic sightings :D
My Facebook feed reminds me on a daily basis that people are still very much gullible.
That leaves more space to fill with nothings like the Kardashians and other talentless hacks.
Some people don't realize how fragile the emotional ecosystem of Loch Ness is... maybe he joined FB and got no friend requests and decided to call it quits... poor lil guy :'(
I think the success of shows like Ghost Hunters and Finding Bigfoot shows that people still want to believe there are mysteries out there ,they just aren't going to be fooled by every hoax that comes around.
where there is a new cryptozoological sensation
Man that writer was really trying to bank up the scrabble points, triple word score, and all that for something that could have easily been replaced with the word 'hoax' (the x gets you good points too!)
Our innocence is gone, along with an era that was trusting, gullible, even.

sooooo...... you are upset that people are smarter and there are fewer dupes and rubes running around that you can take advantage of?
Our innocence is gone, along with an era that was trusting, gullible, even.

sooooo...... you are upset that people are smarter and there are fewer dupes and rubes running around that you can take advantage of?

Don't worry ... according to some folks here we still have plenty of those people ... they just shop at the Apple or Microsoft stores :p
I think the success of shows like Ghost Hunters and Finding Bigfoot shows that people still want to believe there are mysteries out there ,they just aren't going to be fooled by every hoax that comes around.

"Smell that?" sniff.. sniff.... "Smells like Squatch."
You only have to peruse some of the conspiracy websites to realize that there are plenty of gullible people out there, demonstrating an incredible lack of basic science knowledge and critical thinking as they take in every loony idea that someone claims is true.

Some examples include "chemtrails", "Niburu", and the Mayan calendar predicting the end of the world in 2012. A fair amount of money was foolishly spent on the last one.
But how boring would the world be if everyone were logical, rational, critical thinkers?

I'm pretty sure at least 80% of my entertainment is derived from illogical, irrational, nutjobs...with a camera.
But how boring would the world be if everyone were logical, rational, critical thinkers?

I'm pretty sure at least 80% of my entertainment is derived from illogical, irrational, nutjobs...with a camera.

Now that is no way to talk about the mainstream media :p

Didnt the guy that first reported the sighting say it was a hoax on his death bed?
I was thinking about something along these lines recently. I use to read books about Spontanous Human Combustion when I was a kid back in the 80's & 90's. But I have not heard of any story about it probably 10+ years. And I'm a daily ATS & GLP visitor ;)
I was thinking about something along these lines recently. I use to read books about Spontanous Human Combustion when I was a kid back in the 80's & 90's. But I have not heard of any story about it probably 10+ years. And I'm a daily ATS & GLP visitor ;)

Actually that is because the stress of not having the Internet caused people to spontaneously combust ... now that we have Facebook and Twitter and blogs and such where people can vomit out every evil thought that is troubling them, their stress levels are much lower and they do not combust anymore ... I am sure there is a scientific study backing this theory ... make sure to check Wikipedia in about 10 minutes :D

Didnt the guy that first reported the sighting say it was a hoax on his death bed?

The one who took the most famous picture back in the early 1900's that looks like a dinosaur admitted it was a hoax,but Nessie sightings go much farther back.