Has anyone played Stalker:Call of Pripyat. Please post !!!

I have my setting at 60hz and v sync turned on. But in the game its still going over 60fps. Is there a fps cap.
im asking if there is a way to cap it cause i still see image tearing. My fps are going over 60fps with v sync enabled.
While I would hardly call this one of the best looking games today (particularly after playing MW2 and ME2), I've never bought Stalker games for their graphics. The graphics are sufficient, but the gameplay is wonderful! Sucks me in every time. As a fan of Both SoC and BS I am eagerly awaiting my Amazon.com shipment this week. :D
While I would hardly call this one of the best looking games today (particularly after playing MW2 and ME2), I've never bought Stalker games for their graphics. The graphics are sufficient, but the gameplay is wonderful! Sucks me in every time. As a fan of Both SoC and BS I am eagerly awaiting my Amazon.com shipment this week. :D

Overall these games just kick ass on immersion. The graphics certainly look great for the kind of world this is on my rig. DX10, eye candy maxed out...the usual amazing sound design...it's great. :)
im asking if there is a way to cap it cause i still see image tearing. My fps are going over 60fps with v sync enabled.
you dont have to go over 60fps to get tearing. plus I doubt you are getting 60fps too often with a 4870 unless you are running some reduced settings. anyway you should be able to force it on from something like Rivatuner or ATI tray tools. I have an Nvidia card so forcing it on from the control panel works just fine.
While I would hardly call this one of the best looking games today (particularly after playing MW2 and ME2), I've never bought Stalker games for their graphics. The graphics are sufficient, but the gameplay is wonderful! Sucks me in every time. As a fan of Both SoC and BS I am eagerly awaiting my Amazon.com shipment this week. :D

Stalker CoP isn't perfect either, the foliage looks dated back to the HL2 era. But most of the textures look great and the lighting is incredible. One of the few games that made me say "wow" while playing. I think it looks much better than either MW2 and ME2, but that's just me.

ME2 had the potential to blow people away but was held back by consoles. If you look past the stunning character models, surrounding textures are low res and not very detailed - even HL2: EP2 looks better in that respect. I still loved the game, but graphically, it wasn't on the level of Stalker.
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Stalker CoP isn't perfect either, the foliage looks dated back to the HL2 era. But most of the textures look great and the lighting is incredible. One of the few games that made me say "wow" while playing. I think it looks much better than either MW2 and ME2, but that's just me.

ME2 had the potential to blow people away but was held back by consoles. If you look past the stunning character models, surrounding textures are low res and not very detailed - even HL2: EP2 looks better in that respect. I still loved the game, but graphically, it wasn't on the level of Stalker.

Agreed. Although Stalker: SoC with the "Complete" mod looks pretty amazing. Trying to do Eyefinity at 7860x1600 proved too taxing so I had to stick with a single monitor.

Agreed on ME2 as well. I am pleased with the models (at least their faces, bodies are a lower LOD), and the enviroments are better then ME1, but still not what they could be. The overall consolization compared to the PC version of ME1 was disappointing. Still a fun game.
I have absolutely no clue as to what you guys are talking about - Mass Effect 2 is one of the best looking games I've ever seen?
I think the developer of the L.U.R.K. mod on SoC said he was going to work on pripyat at some point, if so..... AWESOME.
I just started playing last night, and they seem to have taken the best features out of both games and added more on top. I loved the customization of the guns in CS, and I'm glad they kept it. I just got the scoped NATO assault rifle, so I'll prob dump all my spare cash into that again.

I like how the inventory shows you what guns use what rounds, and vice-versa. Not that it was hard to read before, but it just makes it easier. The sight and sound indicators are new too I believe, but I haven't seen a lot of use for them yet. I don't mind that you can't sell guns that are damaged (below 70%?), it just saves carting a bunch of stuff around like I used to. There's a mod though I believe if you want to.
I didnt mean dull as in no vibrant colors. I meant dull as in it looks very flat and has no real detail or depth to it. to me CoP looks like a step backwards from Clear Sky.

IMHO The textures on the buildings for example look like they are made of perfectly flat surfaces. The textures added do not seem to give it a tangible feeling of bumps and such.
my two complaints of the other games are still here now.

The weight allowed and the movement speed/sprint duration

Both are still abysmal and walking normally is just to slow. 2 hours in, haven't done much and I'm already lugging around 48kg worth of mainly ammo and medkits and 2 guns + food, anomalys, quest items.

Already had to mod the game to give me more.

I am liking how you feel more as a part of the story as just a nobody doing stuff for everybody. I am liking it just like the other 2 so far.
my two complaints of the other games are still here now.

The weight allowed and the movement speed/sprint duration

Both are still abysmal and walking normally is just to slow. 2 hours in, haven't done much and I'm already lugging around 48kg worth of mainly ammo and medkits and 2 guns + food, anomalys, quest items.

Already had to mod the game to give me more.

I am liking how you feel more as a part of the story as just a nobody doing stuff for everybody. I am liking it just like the other 2 so far.

Use your personal stash (located in each sector). Finding artifacts such as the Goldfish help a ton, along with consuming energy drinks. I carry about 38kg for my basics - two main guns, grenades, health, food, pistol, armor, helmet, extra artifacts, ammo, etc - and I can run nearly non-stop.
Anyone seen this graphical mod for CoP?


Looks pretty good and is a fairly small download. I'm going to try it later in the week when my copy shows up. For the bigger overhaul folks, there's a mod floating around called SMRTER Pripyat that changes and adds a bunch of stuff. I'm not going to use it until I play a second time.
I understand what you guys are saying about the graphics, they have dated a little. Particularly character models they look a little amateurish.

However the game is simply great, don't let the graphics put you off. So involving and atmospheric
Anyone seen this graphical mod for CoP?


Looks pretty good and is a fairly small download. I'm going to try it later in the week when my copy shows up. For the bigger overhaul folks, there's a mod floating around called SMRTER Pripyat that changes and adds a bunch of stuff. I'm not going to use it until I play a second time.

I wonder how the addition of extra anomalies is balanced in SMRTER Pripyat. That is assuming the anomalies have the possibility to spawn artifacts.
I can barely play the game at its default fov, which I believe is set at 55 which is pretty stupid.

Feels like in looking through a binoculars or something.
has anyone found tools yet for the upgrade guys? I am searching every where.
Use your personal stash (located in each sector). Finding artifacts such as the Goldfish help a ton, along with consuming energy drinks. I carry about 38kg for my basics - two main guns, grenades, health, food, pistol, armor, helmet, extra artifacts, ammo, etc - and I can run nearly non-stop.

I bought the game from newegg over the weekend and I'm waiting for it to ship. So the developers put in a stash just for you in each sector? If so, that will make storing things much easier than having to put stuff in a random stash.
I bought the game from newegg over the weekend and I'm waiting for it to ship. So the developers put in a stash just for you in each sector? If so, that will make storing things much easier than having to put stuff in a random stash.

Yes. Each stash is not shared, which adds extra strategy for the player since it costs ~1,000 gold to move between sectors.
Ok, getting into the game.

However, I'm dealing with a huge problem. Not with the game itself, but the graphics. No matter what vision distance I choose, the foliage (bushes and grass in front of me) seem to popup as I walk. This is freaking irritating. Is there any way to increase the view distance properly so that this is rendered before I see it?
Yes. Each stash is not shared, which adds extra strategy for the player since it costs ~1,000 gold to move between sectors.

So I'm guessing what you mean is that you have a separate stash in each sector. For example you couldn't access "Item A", which you put in "Stash A", from "Stash B". And then if you want to move stuff from one stash to another you have to pay. Is that right? Or am I still missing it?
So I'm guessing what you mean is that you have a separate stash in each sector. For example you couldn't access "Item A", which you put in "Stash A", from "Stash B". And then if you want to move stuff from one stash to another you have to pay. Is that right? Or am I still missing it?

Correct up to the point of paying (my mistake for being unclear). To move Item A from Stash A to Stash B, you add the item back into your inventory from the stash and then travel to the sector where Stash B is. The 1000 gold is payment for the player to move between sectors, unlike SoC where the player could move freely between them. I think the game has a total of three sectors and once you beat most of the side missions in one sector, there isn't much reason to travel back. Unless you want to pick up more artifacts or sell items for the best price or if the main mission requires it.
Ah, okay then. The game split up into three large sectors and it costs 1000 gold to move between each one. So how big are these sectors anyway? Is the game space at least as big as SOC/CS, especially since SOC and CS had multiple sectors?
What's the game like as far as weapon accuracy and number of hits required to take down an enemy goes? SoC was demanding in this in the early going,but improved greatly as you got better weapons. Clear Sky,however,seems very poor in this regard,even with a good sniper rifle I found myself scoring multiple headshots on an opponent with no apparent effect. I got so frustrated that I had to apply a mod to correct this,something I didn't need for SoC.
What's the game like as far as weapon accuracy and number of hits required to take down an enemy goes? SoC was demanding in this in the early going,but improved greatly as you got better weapons. Clear Sky,however,seems very poor in this regard,even with a good sniper rifle I found myself scoring multiple headshots on an opponent with no apparent effect. I got so frustrated that I had to apply a mod to correct this,something I didn't need for SoC.

I think it's very easy to drop enemies. You start out in this game with a stalker suit and ak74u, so there's no problem with stopping power from the get-go. Also, once you put some upgrades on a rifle, bad guys drop like flies if you're a decent shot. Mutants, on the other hand, seem to be a little beefed up in terms of hp (but it's not a bad thing at all since mutants are supposed to be scary and tough). Overall, I think this game is nicely balanced compared to the last 2.
What's the game like as far as weapon accuracy and number of hits required to take down an enemy goes? SoC was demanding in this in the early going,but improved greatly as you got better weapons. Clear Sky,however,seems very poor in this regard,even with a good sniper rifle I found myself scoring multiple headshots on an opponent with no apparent effect. I got so frustrated that I had to apply a mod to correct this,something I didn't need for SoC.

In Clear Sky, near the beginning, I literally unloaded an entire clip on an NPC at point blank range - and all he did was stumble back. Then he shot me dead while I was re-loading.

Couldn't believe it. Just couldn't believe it.

And then people said: That never happened to me in this game. I re-loaded a save-game from just before that 'event', and I was able to duplicate it every single time. I have no idea how anybody could defend that crap.

I pretty much just gave up on Clear Sky.
In Clear Sky, near the beginning, I literally unloaded an entire clip on an NPC at point blank range - and all he did was stumble back. Then he shot me dead while I was re-loading.

Couldn't believe it. Just couldn't believe it.

And then people said: That never happened to me in this game. I re-loaded a save-game from just before that 'event', and I was able to duplicate it every single time. I have no idea how anybody could defend that crap.

I pretty much just gave up on Clear Sky.

I neve had such situation in CS :)
Ok, I have 2 questions now.

Firstly, you guys who posted screenshots before, it's clear that you are using AA. I cannot force AA; I tried every which way, and it just doesn't seem to work. I'm using an nVidia Geforce 260 216 GTX with the latest nVidia drivers. Forcing it in the control panel doesn't work, and within the game menus make no difference anyway.

And still have an issue with the foliage popup.
I neve had such situation in CS :)

I did,many times. Even the mangy dogs seemed to be armor plated! I found a mod called STALKER:CS Reality that made the game playable. You still have to score a headshot to take down an enemy quickly,but at least they go down with one good shot.
Me, too.
I found the imbalence in CS so frustrating I gave up.

I was always being killed in simple fashion and the bad guys took a ton more damage.

I think I got 3/4 through CS and quit.

I'm not so sure I'll ever try this edition, maybe when it's 10 bucks on Steam or the bargain bin.
Ok, I have 2 questions now.

Firstly, you guys who posted screenshots before, it's clear that you are using AA. I cannot force AA; I tried every which way, and it just doesn't seem to work. I'm using an nVidia Geforce 260 216 GTX with the latest nVidia drivers. Forcing it in the control panel doesn't work, and within the game menus make no difference anyway.

And still have an issue with the foliage popup.

Force AA ?

There is an in-game AA slider - up to 4xAA. I don't think you can force AA - the stalker games use some kind of defered renderer engine IIRC.

I don't see any jagged edge in-game, really. I am assuming the 4xAA setting is doing something.

Force AA ?

There is an in-game AA slider - up to 4xAA. I don't think you can force AA - the stalker games use some kind of defered renderer engine IIRC.

I don't see any jagged edge in-game, really. I am assuming the 4xAA setting is doing something.

Well, either it's JPG compression I'm seeing, or something is really working, because the jaggies in your screenshots are almost indiscernible. I can't get mine looking anywhere near that. I definitely have 4xAA enabled, and still doesn't look as good as that.
I have read some really unfortunate news about CoP. Apparently it won't see a release in Canada. This is quite frustrating, as I have supported the franchise since the first one. This really only leaves me with one way to acquire the game.
I have read some really unfortunate news about CoP. Apparently it won't see a release in Canada. This is quite frustrating, as I have supported the franchise since the first one. This really only leaves me with one way to acquire the game.
surely someone can buy it for you. also when it comes out on Steam just pay someone and have them gift it to you.