has anyone noticed? wii component cables over 130$

GoldenTiger said:
WOW, so since PS3's were going for over $2,000 on eBay, we should lambast it for its $2,000 pricetag instead of its already-ridiculous $600 one? What great logic, resellers on eBay certainly MUST dictate the price structure of official vendors according to you! It's ALL Nintendo's fault for allowing this to happen, oh my gosh!

I got mine for $30 from nintendo's site and have them in my hands already. Resellers/etc. on eBay are NOT prices relevant to a console, their OFFICIAL prices are. So, at $30, these are an excellent value.

hey, relax, the situation was presented by the OP, not me, i am not struggling to find Component cables, my 360 came with them in the box from day one....i was simply commenting on the situation presented by the OP and thought to myself, hey, if Nintendo had included them in the systems, this guy and many others would not be having this problem, so perhaps you guys who are ordering these cables for $30 like this is a non issue should be directing the OP in the right direction instead of blasting me for my comments on the situation presented

at $30 they are an excellent value, seeing the difference they make

i dont know where you are going with the eBay comments.......i think the entire PS3/Wii fanaticism is completely grotesque to begin with, it shows the truly low levels Americans will go to in the name of the almighty dollar, showing their true colors and being the animals they truly are, greedy animals, the $600 pricetag was already too high especially when we see how it is no better in most aspects than what the 360 has to offer for the same $600, BluRay or not, it is just too high, which is why i wont buy one of those either, unless BluRay defeats HD-DVD, in which case a $600 BluRay player + HD gaming system is much much better than a $1000 standalone BluRay player and no gaming system, at least with the 360 i had a choice to add $200 cost to my $400 investment to go HD-DVD.......but that's another discussion altogether
nobody_here said:
hey, relax, the situation was presented by the OP, not me, i am not struggling to find Component cables, my 360 came with them in the box from day one....i was simply commenting on the situation presented by the OP and thought to myself, hey, if Nintendo had included them in the systems, this guy and many others would not be having this problem, so perhaps you guys who are ordering these cables for $30 like this is a non issue should be directing the OP in the right direction instead of blasting me for my comments on the situation presented

at $30 they are an excellent value, seeing the difference they make

i dont know where you are going with the eBay comments.......i think the entire PS3/Wii fanaticism is completely grotesque to begin with, it shows the truly low levels Americans will go to in the name of the almighty dollar, showing their true colors and being the animals they truly are, greedy animals, the $600 pricetag was already too high especially when we see how it is no better in most aspects than what the 360 has to offer for the same $600, BluRay or not, it is just too high, which is why i wont buy one of those either, unless BluRay defeats HD-DVD, in which case a $600 BluRay player + HD gaming system is much much better than a $1000 standalone BluRay player and no gaming system, at least with the 360 i had a choice to add $200 cost to my $400 investment to go HD-DVD.......but that's another discussion altogether

You're the one who tried to turn the "situation" (note I use quotes as it is not really a situation) into a big deal, pretending they could only be gotten from eBay.

It was common knowledge that the component cables provided a great gain in image quality. You should know this considering how much you troll any and all Wii threads ;).

What's wrong with selling things for a profit? It's one of the primary foundations of this country, Capitalism, for our economy to prosper. Calling us "the truly low levels Americans will go to in the name of the almighty dollar, showing their true colors and being the animals they truly are, greedy animals" is *NOT* cool. At least try and not use a pathetic level to stoop to, when you're trying to outright troll/flame people in a video game thread by introducing non-related politics.
GoldenTiger said:
You're the one who tried to turn the "situation" (note I use quotes as it is not really a situation) into a big deal, pretending they could only be gotten from eBay.

here is what i was commenting on, it's called the OP or "Original Post", notice the username? it is nonameo, not me, go bark up another tree

nonameo said:
It looks like wii component cable prices have gone past the stratosphere...

This one just ended.

please save us, pelican and madcatz!!!(LOL)

there were some over 200, but they ended a day or two ago.

GoldenTiger said:
It was common knowledge that the component cables provided a great gain in image quality. You should know this considering how much you troll any and all Wii threads ;).

i will only comment once again, repeating myself, that i have just had the opportunity to see a direct comparison and think the component cables are very much worth $30, now, i have said it like 4 times, i will not feed your flamebait however

GoldenTiger said:
What's wrong with selling things for a profit? It's one of the primary foundations of this country, Capitalism, for our economy to prosper. Calling us "the truly low levels Americans will go to in the name of the almighty dollar, showing their true colors and being the animals they truly are, greedy animals" is *NOT* cool. At least try and not use a pathetic level to stoop to, when you're trying to outright troll/flame people in a video game thread by introducing non-related politics.

nothing, it's called capatilism, but people in general these days are empty, shallow, and greedy, more so than ever before, we have seen how people have been killed over a PS3......we act like a bunch of animals, and again, i will not feed your flamebait, you brought up ebay, actually the OP did, not me, so again, go bark up another tree, your overzealous attempts to silence me are going to get yourself in trouble

for anybody else watching, i hope it is very clear that some posts ago the answer as to whether or not the component cables are worth it or not has been answered, and Golden Tiger in all his wisdom somewhere managed to post a link to where you can easily get them for $30.....didn't you Tiger?

oops, wrong guy

here you go people

the answer to the OP's dilemma, without all the drama


the question has been answered
As an eBay Associate, HardForum may earn from qualifying purchases.
nobody_here said:
wow, makes the $250 pricetag look even worse doesn't it? by the time you buy a set of cables and other necessary accessories, it's not so cheap anymore, and you aren't even getting anything over 480p out of those cables either.....that sucks

Just in case you forgot what you posted. You are clearly bashing the Wii by acting like you have to pay that much for the cables. Are you a journalist? Do you work as the press secretary for a government official? because you sure know how to spin things.
CodeX said:
Just in case you forgot what you posted. You are clearly bashing the Wii by acting like you have to pay that much for the cables. Are you a journalist? Do you work as the press secretary for a government official? because you sure know how to spin things.

you read what you want to into it

i think for the $250 pricetag Nintendo should have bundles a set of component cables with it, since this makes it look it's best, just makes sense, it wasn't bashing, having to spend so much to get so much less doesn't seem wrong to you?

M$ was losing alot of money on each console sold and still included them, Sony didn't, but a $10 HDMI cable is as good as a $60 HDMI cable, so it wasn't that big a deal, and the fact that it used a standard HDMI cable make it even less heinous, it didn't require a special proprietary connector on one end, Nintendo could have easily bundled one with the Wii and then there would not even be an issue, but it's set up like the 360, so any old set of component cables wont work
nobody_here said:
you read what you want to into it

i think for the $250 pricetag Nintendo should have bundles a set of component cables with it, since this makes it look it's best, just makes sense, it wasn't bashing, having to spend so much to get so much less doesn't seem wrong to you?

M$ was losing alot of money on each console sold and still included them, Sony didn't, but a $10 HDMI cable is as good as a $60 HDMI cable, so it wasn't that big a deal, and the fact that it used a standard HDMI cable make it even less heinous, it didn't require a special proprietary connector on one end, Nintendo could have easily bundled one with the Wii and then there would not even be an issue, but it's set up like the 360, so any old set of component cables wont work

Most consoles historically have required "special propietary connectors" on one end for game consoles. They couldn't have easily bundled one with the Wii without bulking the price up a bit, for EVERYONE, and most people using the Wii probably don't have/care about the component cable, so it would be a waste of forced-spending money.

I didn't post a link because that too is common knowledge and has been plastered everywhere, from forum threads to news sites to chat rooms ;).

Nonameo's post was simply saying he wished for third-party cables to come, too. He was hardly going like you are "OMG OMG IT COSTS $250 WHAT A RIPOFF NINTENDO OMG OMG HAHA IT COSTS LIKE A PS3 NOW YOU DUMB PEOPLE WHO LIKE WII!!!".

Anyway, I am out... you obviously don't know how to take responsibility for your previous statements during the course of an argument, nor can you provide any actual substance to debate upon. You also seem to want to stoop to low levels to bash denizens of entire countries in your crusade against the people who enjoy their Nintendo Wii ;).
GoldenTiger said:
Most consoles historically have required "special propietary connectors" on one end for game consoles. They couldn't have easily bundled one with the Wii without bulking the price up a bit, for EVERYONE, and most people using the Wii probably don't have/care about the component cable, so it would be a waste of forced-spending money.

I didn't post a link because that too is common knowledge and has been plastered everywhere, from forum threads to news sites to chat rooms ;).

Nonameo's post was simply saying he wished for third-party cables to come, too. He was hardly going like you are "OMG OMG IT COSTS $250 WHAT A RIPOFF NINTENDO OMG OMG HAHA IT COSTS LIKE A PS3 NOW YOU DUMB PEOPLE WHO LIKE WII!!!".

Anyway, I am out... you obviously don't know how to take responsibility for your previous statements during the course of an argument, nor can you provide any actual substance to debate upon. You also seem to want to stoop to low levels to bash denizens of entire countries in your crusade against the people who enjoy their Nintendo Wii ;).

i'll call the whambulance for you

Nintendo's cost of the component cables they are selling you for $30 is likely $5 +/-, maybe less, because of their purchasing power and sheer quantities, they could have easily bundled the cables and sold it at the same price, instead of making $100 off of the Wii, they would only make $95, whaaaaaa !! at least then the Wii would be able to look as good as possible for it's customers
nobody_here said:
i'll call the whambulance for you

Nintendo's cost of the component cables they are selling you for $30 is likely $5 +/-, maybe less, because of their purchasing power and sheer quantities, they could have easily bundled the cables and sold it at the same price, instead of making $100 off of the Wii, they would only make $95, whaaaaaa !! at least then the Wii would be able to look as good as possible for it's customers

Let me add one point for you to chew on:

If they make, as you claim, $25 on each cable's manufacturing costs, they would be LOSING that $25 *PLUS* the cost of the cable by including it with the console, not just the cost of the cable. People are buying them as quickly as they are stocking them, so we can surely see there is no issue at all with the demand for them in terms of being able to be sold apart from the system itself.
GoldenTiger said:
Let me add one point for you to chew on:

If they make, as you claim, $25 on each cable's manufacturing costs, they would be LOSING that $25 *PLUS* the cost of the cable by including it with the console, not just the cost of the cable. People are buying them as quickly as they are stocking them, so we can surely see there is no issue at all with the demand for them in terms of being able to be sold apart from the system itself.

so you are in favor of Nintendo giving you less for your money and profiting even more by forcing you to buy Component cables to get the best IQ out of the Wii?

i personally saw what M$ did as something they didn't have to, adding the cables to the system, even though they were already losing money, instead of screwing their customers and saying HAH, you bought a HiDef gaming console and now you need to spend $50 on a set of proprietary cables to actually realize the benefit of HiDef

here we have a case where Nintendo is already making money on every console, yet they still decide to force their loyal customers into purchasing component cables if they want the better IQ, lets face it, Nintendo had room to wiggle in terms of profit margins and could have easily dropped these cables into the box for next to nothing in the big picture, M$ did it when they were losing money already, which would you prefer as the consumer?

obviously having more for your money is the better choice
I didn't know that people are looking for the cable and willing to pay $130 bucks for it, when in a few weeks, you can buy them for $30 bucks. Some people...

Did anyone notice the wording of a Nintendo interview in regards to 480p? IIR the person being interviewed said something along the lines of "480p for now". Which sounds like "Yeah, we're doing 480p now, then via software update, it will do higher..".
Lamont said:
I didn't know that people are looking for the cable and willing to pay $130 bucks for it, when in a few weeks, you can buy them for $30 bucks. Some people...

Did anyone notice the wording of a Nintendo interview in regards to 480p? IIR the person being interviewed said something along the lines of "480p for now". Which sounds like "Yeah, we're doing 480p now, then via software update, it will do higher..".

have you seen the specs of the Wii, or even the 360 or PS3 for that matter? the 360 and PS3 are being taxed pretty heavily to do what they are doing now, and the Wii isn't half of what the other two are hardware wise

the Wii is simply not capable of it, it is in essence a Gamecube that has been tweaked and made better, but it is nowhere near able to pull off HD resolution gaming with any degree of quality in gameplay or graphics, it would take an entirely new console to do this
Guys, can we drop this? This thread has taught us two life lessons:

1. Sometimes, eBay sellers can sell things for more than they should reasonably get.
2. Some people seek attention on internet forums by flamebaiting.

Let's just update our ignore lists and move on with our lives, k?
nobody_here said:
wow, makes the $250 pricetag look even worse doesn't it? by the time you buy a set of cables and other necessary accessories, it's not so cheap anymore, and you aren't even getting anything over 480p out of those cables either.....that sucks

I don't have an HDtv.. so that cost means nothing to me...
RancidWAnnaRIot said:
I don't have an HDtv.. so that cost means nothing to me...

you dont get it either

the Wii with component cables does not have anything to do with HDTV, the Wii is not capable of HD resolution output, 480p/component inputs are typically found on your standard TV's that are not cheap or are not too old, it's pretty common on recent SDTV's, has nothing to do with HDTV's

if your TV doesn't even have component inputs, it's an older TV and you are right to not care about component cables, since you have nowhere to hook them up, but you dont need a HDTV to get 480p and component ability
nobody_here said:
Have you seen the specs of the Wii, or even the 360 or PS3 for that matter? the 360 and PS3 are being taxed pretty heavily to do what they are doing now, and the Wii isn't half of what the other two are hardware wise.
I am very much aware of the specs of every machine. I deal with it on a daily basis. ;).
nobody_here said:
The Wii is simply not capable of it, it is in essence a Gamecube that has been tweaked and made better, but it is nowhere near able to pull off HD resolution gaming with any degree of quality in gameplay or graphics, it would take an entirely new console to do this.
Based off specs alone, I feel the Wii can do above 480p. Nintendo is well known for underplaying the power of their machines.

What I want to know is if the resolution is locked in hardware or software...
The Wii is almost certainly capable of doing HD under the right circumstances - a select few original Xbox games were in HD, some people might have forgotten that (Enter the Matrix went up to 1080i, for example). And looking at the specs of the Wii, it is a tad bit better than the original Xbox is. If it's just a matter of upgrading the firmware later to support 720p or better, then that is good for all of us because there is the *possibility* in the future that we can get HD gaming on the Wii.
PWMK2 said:
The Wii is almost certainly capable of doing HD under the right circumstances - a select few original Xbox games were in HD, some people might have forgotten that (Enter the Matrix went up to 1080i, for example). And looking at the specs of the Wii, it is a tad bit better than the original Xbox is. If it's just a matter of upgrading the firmware later to support 720p or better, then that is good for all of us because there is the *possibility* in the future that we can get HD gaming on the Wii.

ok, lets assume the Wii could do 720p, why would you want to blow up those graphics? the Wii just doesn't have what it takes, or they would be doing it right now and you know this, with the systems inside the 360 and PS3 being stressed so much to do what they do, what the hell on earth makes you think the measly "Gamecube2" could pull that off without looking like ass or without ridiculously low framerates?

mark my word, it wont happen, it will take a major hardware upgrade to pull that off
nobody_here said:
ok, lets assume the Wii could do 720p, why would you want to blow up those graphics? the Wii just doesn't have what it takes, or they would be doing it right now and you know this, with the systems inside the 360 and PS3 being stressed so much to do what they do, what the hell on earth makes you think the measly "Gamecube2" could pull that off without looking like ass or without ridiculously low framerates?

mark my word, it wont happen, it will take a major hardware upgrade to pull that off

OK, like I said, the original Xbox, which is a technologically inferior system to the Wii, did it with some games. Just that alone shows that the Wii should be able to do it. And Xbox didn't look "like ass" in the games that did it, nor were the framerates particularily bad.

The 360 and the PS3 aren't being really "stressed" at all any more than previous consoles were, and the resolution they are outputting at certainly isn't stressing them, either. You're forgetting the craploads of shader calculations and large textures that the Xbox 360 and the PS3 have to do. THIS is what is putting the Xbox 360 and PS3 to work. Heck, Xbox 360 could probably do Wii games at like 1080p with 60 FPS.

And why would I want to "blow up" the graphics? To make it look better for those of us with HDTVs, of course. Now, I'm not saying every game should support 720p, that just wouldn't be realistic at all. But I can potentially seeing somewhere down the line Nintendo releasing a firmware upgrade (if resolution isn't hardware locked) to enable HD output for certain games near the end of its life when they have coding for the platform completely mastered.
nobody_here said:
you dont get it either

the Wii with component cables does not have anything to do with HDTV, the Wii is not capable of HD resolution output, 480p/component inputs are typically found on your standard TV's that are not cheap or are not too old, it's pretty common on recent SDTV's, has nothing to do with HDTV's

if your TV doesn't even have component inputs, it's an older TV and you are right to not care about component cables, since you have nowhere to hook them up, but you dont need a HDTV to get 480p and component ability

okay.. I don't have EDTV.. happy?

my TV can't do 480p... so i don't care..

plus.. just becasue nintendo is making money on the console and MS and sony aren't.. doesn't mean Nintendo HAS to throw cables in because they're still making money...

most people won't care that they have to buy cables...

I certainly wouldn't oppose nintedo throwing in cables lol.. but i mean.. nintendo not throwing in the cables ISN'T goign to casue them to lose many customers...
RancidWAnnaRIot said:
okay.. I don't have EDTV.. happy?

my TV can't do 480p... so i don't care..

plus.. just becasue nintendo is making money on the console and MS and sony aren't.. doesn't mean Nintendo HAS to throw cables in because they're still making money...

most people won't care that they have to buy cables...

happy? only when you stop making remarks about HDTV (not EDTV) that are completely false

yeah, you're right, there's only like 5 threads or more floating about on these forums alone from Wiiheads that are wanting those very cables and are upset they have to wait or pay through the nose for them........all because Nintendo in their infinite wisdom decided to squeeze that extra little bit out of their customers who paid $250 for a circa 2001 console
nobody_here said:
happy? only when you stop making remarks about HDTV (not EDTV) that are completely false

whatever man.. stop getting your panties in a bunch :p .. "sowwie" i didn't make the distinction between EDTV and HDTV...

EDTV or HDTV doesn't make a difference to me.. cause my ass doesn't have a TV capable of EDTV or HDTV resolutions...
From what I've read Gears of War extremely taxes the 360 and it has been hinted the 360 ended up having 512mb ram due to the request of the Gears of War developers.

The Xbox was more technologically advanced than the Gamecube and from what I've read the Wii is about on par with the Gamecube. That would make the Wii less technologically advanced than the Xbox. I'd rather assume that the Wii is perhaps equivalent to the Xbox. I mean hell they're not even going to introduce the "revolutionary" concept of DVD playback until well into next year.
cb9fl said:
From what I've read Gears of War extremely taxes the 360 and it has been hinted the 360 ended up having 512mb ram due to the request of the Gears of War developers.

The Xbox was more technologically advanced than the Gamecube and from what I've read the Wii is about on par with the Gamecube. That would make the Wii less technologically advanced than the Xbox. I'd rather assume that the Wii is perhaps equivalent to the Xbox. I mean hell they're not even going to introduce the "revolutionary" concept of DVD playback until well into next year.

've read the wii is significantly stronger than the Xbox... just look at COD3.. it looks WAY better than any Xbox games for sure...
there is so much misinformation flying around in this thread it is making my head spin. I am done arguing with people who know nothing about what they are trying to argue. Also, nobody_here was added to my ignore list, I would encourage others to do the same.
cb9fl said:
From what I've read Gears of War extremely taxes the 360 and it has been hinted the 360 ended up having 512mb ram due to the request of the Gears of War developers.

The Xbox was more technologically advanced than the Gamecube and from what I've read the Wii is about on par with the Gamecube. That would make the Wii less technologically advanced than the Xbox. I'd rather assume that the Wii is perhaps equivalent to the Xbox. I mean hell they're not even going to introduce the "revolutionary" concept of DVD playback until well into next year.

The wii is a lot more advanced than the xbox. :rolleyes:
cb9fl said:
The Xbox was more technologically advanced than the Gamecube and from what I've read the Wii is about on par with the Gamecube. That would make the Wii less technologically advanced than the Xbox. I'd rather assume that the Wii is perhaps equivalent to the Xbox. I mean hell they're not even going to introduce the "revolutionary" concept of DVD playback until well into next year.
Those cables are still easier to get than a PS3 ;) ..

$130 IS insane, but that is how these things go.. Every damn console launch gets people with too little sense and too much money, buying things at 3,4,5 even 10 time what anyone of sound mind would call reasonable.. If you got a have it that bad, go for it.. Otherwise, wait a week or 3 for sanity to return.. A little time is all it usually takes for the market to normalize.... Early adopters always pay a premium..

V V V V V V V V I thought this was about cables..
Devnull said:
The wii is a lot more advanced than the xbox. :rolleyes:

is it really? i would have to say, from looking at the specs of all of them, the Xbox 360 and PS3 look very much alike, or closest to each other than any other two, and the Wii and Xbox look very much alike, with the Gamecube coming in just below the Wii and Xbox

Wii Specs:

Nintendo Wii’s ‘Broadway’ CPU operates at 729MHZ with a maximum bandwith of 1.9gbyte/sec.
- Nintendo Wii’s ‘HollyWood’ GPU is clocked at 243MHZ, the internal memory of it includes 3mb of embedded graphics memory and 24megabytes of high speed main memory.
- 64megabytes of GDDR3 (MEM2) as the external main memory. Just like the internal memory, it can be accessed from the CPU and GPU with a maximum bandwidth of 4gbytes/sec and can also store programs in the MEM2.
- The GPU of the Wii is identical to the GC’s but it is on average 1.5X faster.

Xbox Specs:

CPU: 733 MHz chip crafted by Intel

Graphics Processor: 250MHz custom chip named XGPU, developed by Microsoft and nVIDIA

Total Memory: The RAM in the Xbox will be supplied by Micron, it will be 64 MB running at 200MHz DDR (Double-Data-Rate)

Memory Bandwidth: 6.4 GB/sec

Polygon Performance: 125 M/sec

Sustained Polygon Performance: 100+ M/sec (transformed and lit polygons per second)

Micropolygons/particles per second: 125 M/sec

Particle Performance: 125 M/sec

Simultaneous Textures: 4

Pixel Fill Rate - No Texture: 4.0 G/Sec (anti-aliased)

Pixel Fill Rate - 1 Texture: 4.0 G/Sec (anti-aliased)

Compressed Textures: Yes (6:1)

Full Scene Anti-Alias: Yes

Micro Polygon Support: Yes

Storage Medium: 2-5x DVD, 10GB hard disk, 8MB memory card

I/0: 2-5x DVD, 10GB hard disk, 8MB memory card

Audio Channels:64 (up to 256 stereo voices)

3D Audio Support: Yes

MIDI DLS2 Support: Yes

AC3 Encoded Game Audio: Yes

Broadband Enabled: Yes

Modem Enabled: No

DVD Movie Playback: Remote control package required

Maximum Resolution: 1920x1080

Maximum Resolution (2x32bpp frame buffers +Z): 1920x1080

HDTV Support: Yes

Controller Ports: 4 USB Ports

Gamecube Specs:

#  MPU (Microprocessor Unit): 485 MHz custom IBM PowerPC "Gekko"
# Graphics Processor: 162 MHz custom ATI/Nintendo "Flipper"
# Texture-Read Bandwidth: 10.4 GB per second (peak)
# Main Memory Bandwidth: 2.6 GB per second (peak)
# Pixel Depth: 24-bit color, 24-bit Z buffer
# Sound Processor: 81 MHz custom Macronix 16-bit DSP
# Sound Performance: 64 simultaneous channels, ADPCM encoding
# Polygon Performance: 6 to 12 million polygons per second (peak)
# System Memory: 40 MB
# Main Memory: 24 MB MoSys 1T-SRAM
# Disc Drive: 128 ms CAV (Constant Angular Velocity) system
# Data Transfer Speed: 16 Mbps to 25 Mbps
# Media: 3-inch, 1.5 GB capacity disc
# Controller Ports: Four
# Memory Card Slots: Two
# Audio-Video Output: Analog and digital

Xbox 360 Specs:

Custom IBM PowerPC-based CPU

    * 3 symmetrical cores running at 3.2 GHz each
    * 2 hardware threads per core; 6 hardware threads total
    * 1 VMX-128 vector unit per core; 3 total
    * 128 VMX-128 registers per hardware thread
    * 1 MB L2 cache

CPU Game Math Performance

    * 9 billion dot product operations per second

Custom ATI Graphics Processor

    * 500 MHz
    * 10 MB embedded DRAM
    * 48-way parallel floating-point dynamically-scheduled shader pipelines
    * Unified shader architecture

Polygon Performance

    * 500 million triangles per second

Pixel Fill Rate

    * 16 gigasamples per second fillrate using 4X MSAA

Shader Performance

    * 48 billion shader operations per second


    * 512 MB GDDR3 RAM
    * 700 MHz DDR
    * Unified memory architecture

Memory Bandwidth

    * 22.4 GB/s memory interface bus bandwidth
    * 256 GB/s memory bandwidth to EDRAM
    * 21.6 GB/s front-side bus

Overall System Floating-Point Performance

    * 1 TFLOP


    * Detachable and upgradeable 20 GB hard drive
    * 12X dual-layer DVD-ROM
    * Memory unit support starting at 64 MB


    * Support for up to 4 wireless game controllers
    * 3 USB 2.0 ports
    * 2 memory unit slots

Optimized for Online

    * Instant, out-of-the-box access to Xbox Live features, including Xbox Live Marketplace for downloadable content, Gamer Profile for digital identity and voice chat to talk to friends while playing games, watching movies or listening to music
    * Built in Ethernet Port
    * Wi-Fi Ready: 802.11 A, B and G
    * Video Camera Ready

Digital Media Support

    * Support for DVD-Video, DVD-ROM, DVD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW, CD-DA, CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW, WMA CD, MP3 CD, JPEG Photo CD
    * Stream media from portable music devices, digital cameras, Windows XP PCs
    * Rip music to Xbox 360 hard drive
    * Custom playlists in every game
    * Windows Media Center Extender built in
    * Interactive, full screen 3D visualizers

HD Game Support

    * All games supported at 16:9, 720p and 1080i, anti-aliasing
    * Standard definition and high definition video output supported


    * Multichannel surround sound output
    * Supports 48 KHz 16-bit audio
    * 320 independent decompression channels
    * 32-bit audio processing
    * Over 256 audio channels

PS3 Specs:

 CPU: Cell Processor

    * PowerPC-base Core @3.2GHz
    * 1 VMX vector unit per core
    * 512KB L2 cache
    * 7 x SPE @3.2GHz
    * 7 x 128b 128 SIMD GPRs
    * 7 x 256KB SRAM for SPE
    * * 1 of 8 SPEs reserved for redundancy total floating point performance: 218 GFLOPS

GPU: RSX @550MHz

    * 1.8 TFLOPS floating point performance
    * Full HD (up to 1080p) x 2 channels
    * Multi-way programmable parallel floating point shader pipelines

Sound: Dolby 5.1ch, DTS, LPCM, etc. (Cell-base processing)


    * 256MB XDR Main RAM @3.2GHz
    * 256MB GDDR3 VRAM @700MHz

System Bandwidth:

    * Main RAM: 25.6GB/s
    * VRAM: 22.4GB/s
    * RSX: 20GB/s (write) + 15GB/s (read)
    * SB: 2.5GB/s (write) + 2.5GB/s (read)

System Floating Point Performance: 2 TFLOPS


    * HDD
    * Detachable 2.5” HDD slot x 1


    * USB: Front x 4, Rear x 2 (USB2.0)
    * Memory Stick: standard/Duo, PRO x 1
    * SD: standard/mini x 1
    * CompactFlash: (Type I, II) x 1

Communication: Ethernet (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T) x3 (input x 1 + output x 2)

Wi-Fi: IEEE 802.11 b/g

Bluetooth: Bluetooth 2.0 (EDR)


    * Bluetooth (up to 7)
    * USB2.0 (wired)
    * Wi-Fi (PSP®)
    * Network (over IP)

AV Output:

    * Screen size: 480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p
    * HDMI: HDMI out x 2
    * Analog: AV MULTI OUT x 1
    * Digital audio: DIGITAL OUT (OPTICAL) x 1

CD Disc media (read only):

    * PlayStation CD-ROM
    * PlayStation 2 CD-ROM
    * CD-DA (ROM), CD-R, CD-RW
    * SACD Hybrid (CD layer), SACD HD
    * DualDisc (audio side), DualDisc (DVD side)

DVD Disc media (read only):

    * PlayStation 2 DVD-ROM

Blu-ray Disc media (read only):

    * BD-Video: BD-ROM, BD-R, BD-RE
nobody_here said:
is it really?

Yes, it is really. The clock speeds on a console are like clock speeds on a netburst architecture chip vs. a core2duo one with differences to even bigger extremes. The GAMECUBE was equal basically to the original Xbox, and the Wii is a super-charged version of that chip-and-architecture wise. NICE creative flame-baiting, however.
nobody_here said:
happy? only when you stop making remarks about HDTV (not EDTV) that are completely false

yeah, you're right, there's only like 5 threads or more floating about on these forums alone from Wiiheads that are wanting those very cables and are upset they have to wait or pay through the nose for them........all because Nintendo in their infinite wisdom decided to squeeze that extra little bit out of their customers who paid $250 for a circa 2001 console

Circa 2001? LOL! That's a ludicrous comment.

Calm down bud, there's nothing wrong with people enjoying their Nintendo Wii's. There is no crusade in existence against people who like a certain console, just your oddities ;).
GoldenTiger said:
Yes, it is really. The clock speeds on a console are like clock speeds on a netburst architecture chip vs. a core2duo one with differences to even bigger extremes. The GAMECUBE was equal basically to the original Xbox, and the Wii is a super-charged version of that chip-and-architecture wise. NICE creative flame-baiting, however.

Do you have specs on the wii cpu's architecture? I haven't seen any and was under the impression it was just an overclocked gc chip on a smaller die, possibly with some extra cache or faster fsb thrown in.

GoldenTiger said:
Circa 2001? LOL! That's a ludicrous comment.

Calm down bud, there's nothing wrong with people enjoying their Nintendo Wii's. There is no crusade in existence against people who like a certain console, just your oddities .

His point is the double standard being presented, and he's completely right. There was immediately a 10 page thread on "OMG NO HDMI CABLE WITH PS3" even though you could use a $5 one and all ps2 cables are compatible as well. Yet with the wii we have nintendo unnecessarily creating scarcity of these cables and jacked up prices on ebay. When that happened with the ps3 people went nuts, but here its totally ok?

The wii isn't circa 2001, he was exaggerating, but its immensely overpriced based on the hardware specs.
Spaceman_Spiff said:
Do you have specs on the wii cpu's architecture? I haven't seen any and was under the impression it was just an overclocked gc chip on a smaller die, possibly with some extra cache or faster fsb thrown in.

His point is the double standard being presented, and he's completely right. There was immediately a 10 page thread on "OMG NO HDMI CABLE WITH PS3" even though you could use a $5 one and all ps2 cables are compatible as well. Yet with the wii we have nintendo unnecessarily creating scarcity of these cables and jacked up prices on ebay. When that happened with the ps3 people went nuts, but here its totally ok?

The wii isn't circa 2001, he was exaggerating, but its immensely overpriced based on the hardware specs.

PS3 is $600.
Wii is $250.

Which would MOST people expect to be a premium package based on price and include EVERYTHING? All normal consumers would answer that they expect that the PS3 would come with everything you could want inside the box itself. It is not a double standard, it is consumer logic. No one went nuts about the PS3's eBaying, it is expected, just as this is. People were talking about how awesome it was, actually, that they could make such a nice profit :D.

As far as the specs, I can find them, but the Wii off the top of my head is about 70% higher clock speeds with an improved architecture over the GameCube chip (figures I heard in developer interviews were twice as powerful). It also sports a healthier amount of RAM, and the new interface, online, and controller features, making it a new system entirely.

EDIT: Nobody_here's post has the specs in it...

Wii Broadway’ CPU operates at 729MHZ
Wii HollyWood’ GPU is clocked at 243MHZ, the internal memory of it includes 3mb of embedded graphics memory and 24megabytes of high speed main memory. 64megabytes of GDDR3 as the external main memory, shared. (64MB + 3MB embedded + 24MB)

GameCube 485 MHz custom IBM PowerPC "Gekko" (weaker architecture/less IPC (instructions per clock-cycle)
GameCube GPU 162 MHz custom ATI/Nintendo "Flipper"
GameCube RAM (Memory): 40 MB + 24 MB

Quite an upgrade ;)!
GoldenTiger said:
No one went nuts about the PS3's eBaying, it is expected, just as this is. People were talking about how awesome it was, actually, that they could make such a nice profit :D

Agree to disagree I guess, I remember things differently.

About the specs, those don't speak to architecture at all. The clock speed is 50% higher and it has more ram- thats all we know. Being extremely generous (just for the sake of argument, no facts here cause we don't have any), lets say that significant cache and fsb increases create a chip that at this clock speed is twice as fast as the original gc chip. In my opinion, which I share with a lot of other people, that doesn't necessitate a $250 price tag. Look at that alongside the technology in the 360 (both the cpu and the gpu) and its clear that the hardware in the wii is worth 5/6 or even 5/8 the price.

I know, gameplay blah blah blah, but thats a compeltely separate argument from the one in discussion here.
Nintendo should have sold it for $200. It needs a price drop before I'll consider it.
1.5 times the power of gamecube seems accurate.
Stereophile said:
Nintendo should have sold it for $200. It needs a price drop before I'll consider it.
1.5 times the power of gamecube seems accurate.

Compared to other systems' premium packages (the most comparable to the Wii since it has online, built-in storage, wifi, etc. and a bundled game), $250 is significantly cheaper than the $400 360 (a great system in its own right) and the $600 PS3 (an overpriced Bluray-forced 360 with worse games/support for it without rumble in the controller). Also, the games are $50 instead of $60 like on the 360/PS3. Why would they do a pricedrop in this situation for quite awhile, barring the 360 dropping down to $250-300 for its Premium pack?