Halo: Reach

Feb 6, 2006
Just got my copy of Halo: Reach in the mail from NewEgg, and I'm friggin loving it. I played the beta and I dug it, but I was still a lil worried that it wasn't going to turn out great, but now, after getting the full version and playing for a couple hours, I am convinced that this is the best halo so far ! and it looks beautiful on my 46" LCD HDTV ! So far my favorite thing about the new halo is being able to have a Jet Pack ! Who doesn't love jet packs lol seriously, there awesome :D
Been playing it day one , its pretty fantastic. I think the MP is mostly balanced well except for a the personal shield you can spam for a very overpowered form of quick save. I think the ranking system is better but rewards people who don't really play well just often (since its all credit based vs skill based like Halo 3).

I do love that Bungie is banning people even more often now and there is a penalty for quiting more than 5 games which puts you into a cool down period of 15 mins until you can start match making again. This is a great feature , I hate people that just leave mid match .. its extremely lame and during team games (which are the primary kind) you fuck the entire team doing so.

The single player is pretty great , I've read the books and Reach is one of the better. It doesn't follow Reach word for word and takes a few liberties but nothing horrible. The covenant are far smarter than they use to be (even on Heroic) and don't feel as cheap as they do in Halo 3 SP. The elite are the stars now and are pretty intelligent , a real challenge in Legendary. Its the best single player Halo experience so far (minus the first which is just classic) but its short .. very short. You can do Heroic in about 6-8 hours and considering that Halo 3s singe player was at least 20 hours this is a let down , also this is the last game from the Bungie team in the Halo universe (all future Halo titles will be handled by an internal MS studio 434 studios) so I expected it to be somewhat ..longer. The MP and fire fight mode makes up from it.

For 60 bucks you'll get possibly hundreds if not thousands of hours of game play if you enjoyed any previous Halo game.
For 60 bucks you'll get possibly hundreds if not thousands of hours of game play if you enjoyed any previous Halo game.

Actually if you order of newegg its only 50$ and it has free shipping. It's just 10$ savings but thats still better then no discount !

But yea, I totally agree. And adding class was a great idea. I love all of them especially the jet pack class, like I said. That kinda saddens me knowing that the SP is only 6-8hours. You'd would think that bungie would want to make their last Halo game super epic and long but i guess not. Im worried about how the other Halo's will turn out, without having bungie to work on it. Just like I'm worried about the new Call of Duty. Infinity Ward should he making it. Activision are bastards for what they did. But I will still end up playing it I'm sure.
I think Bungie spent more effort on multiplayer, specifically the new forge.
Halo's biggest draw is the multiplayer, so it makes sense that Bungie would focus on that the most. The people who want the game solely for the story are probably so invested in the Halo canon that they've already read the books and knows what happens to Reach anyway...

...I'm worried about the new Call of Duty. Infinity Ward should he making it. Activision are bastards for what they did. But I will still end up playing it I'm sure.

The Call of Duty games have been shared between IW and Treyarch for a while now, structured so there's a new COD every November (IW releases one, then Treyarch the next year, then IW the year after, etc). I would be much more worried about the game if IW was making it, because it would mean that they only had a year to create, make and polish it. Treyarch has reportedly been working on Black Ops since WaW launched.
Halo's biggest draw is the multiplayer, so it makes sense that Bungie would focus on that the most. The people who want the game solely for the story are probably so invested in the Halo canon that they've already read the books and knows what happens to Reach anyway...

The Call of Duty games have been shared between IW and Treyarch for a while now, structured so there's a new COD every November (IW releases one, then Treyarch the next year, then IW the year after, etc). I would be much more worried about the game if IW was making it, because it would mean that they only had a year to create, make and polish it. Treyarch has reportedly been working on Black Ops since WaW launched.

This and all of this...

Plus, I prefer Treyarch's CoD series more, I thoroughly enjoyed WaW (didnt like 3 though)....

And halo: reach is worth every penny I spent on it so far, day 1 purchase!
This and all of this...

Plus, I prefer Treyarch's CoD series more, I thoroughly enjoyed WaW (didnt like 3 though)....

And halo: reach is worth every penny I spent on it so far, day 1 purchase!

You are the first person I have ever heard say they prefered treyarch's CoD over infinity ward's. I enjoyed WaW as well but the orignal CoD and both the Modern Warfare games are mu favorites.
. You can do Heroic in about 6-8 hours and considering that Halo 3s singe player was at least 20 hours this is a let down

Halo 3's single player was no where near 20 hours long.

My only complaints about Reach is the flat out terrible mutliplayer ranking/rating system. When your own team finishes you off to boost their own rating, something is broken.
Halo 3's single player was no where near 20 hours long.

My only complaints about Reach is the flat out terrible mutliplayer ranking/rating system. When your own team finishes you off to boost their own rating, something is broken.

Took me about 20 hours doing Legendary. I don't judge play time based on what some reviewer scores it , I judge based on how long it takes me. I don't bother with heroic or normal modes.

The ranking system is still despite the point hording a much better system than Halo 3's Lone Wolf games played mix. The higher ranks are around 20 million credits so if you wanted that rank in a year you would have to average 55,000 credits earned per day for 365 days straight to get that ranking around which is insane and if you can play that long and sustain a good amount of points per game you deserve the rank. You can't boost the score in SP either (short of normal achievements) , they removed all that.

I think with some tweaking the ranking system could be better.

Also to the person that asked about Halo books yes there are. And they sold quite well , good read as well if you are remotely interested in the Halo universe.
Awesome game. I know we are all elitist pc gamers here, but there is something to be said for playing a game with your other non-pc gaming friends. I've had a blast playing with full parties for the past week with a lot of my old college friends that I hadn't talked to in ages. It brought me back to dorm room halo 2 days. Split screen is also a ton of fun -- I wish more console games supported split screen multiplayer.
Awesome game? Maybe for a console...

They're standards are lower.


The mods here really need to start moderating trolls. This whole shit talking entire platforms needs to be a ban offense. I mean whats the point in having a general open or console forum if mods are going to let people troll console gamers?

Many of us here at [H] game on multiple platforms, including both PC and console. Keep your insecure and elitist troll attempts to some other forum where people are respected less.
Awesome game? Maybe for a console...

They're standards are lower.

With an attitude like that, I bet you're not so hot at PC Gaming either. Reach is a fantastic game and anyone who is too fucking stubborn or "above" consoles to play it is just fucking themselves in the ass without a condom cause it's one of the best console experiences and/or mutliplayer games period that I've played in a long while.

Anyway, so far the SP campaign is fun, I just wish I could use a mouse and keyboard.
I find it interesting that posters would come to a hardware enthusiast site and yet slam certain platforms based on some illogical attachment to a specific hardware platform. You aren't very [H]ard if you are choosing to limit yourself to certain platforms, and you are most certainly missing out.
(all future Halo titles will be handled by an internal MS studio 434 studios)

Close, it's 343 industries.

Been playing since day one as well. Cannot stand the armor "powers". Only play the swat/slayer pro gametypes now.

I usually play from ~8-10pm central. Gamertag is my username N3mi5is. Feel free to add me.
reach is awesome, and bungie is keeping up with the gamers well so far. 15000 reset for exploits, new playlists moving swat out of team slayer matchmaking, the daily and weekly challenges that span all playmodes not just multiplayer (so that single player enthusiasts still get bonuses from challenges, etc)

the matchmaking is fine, generally. I mostly get stuck with people who are about my level. it gets strange when i'm in a party of three and we go hunting for matches. I think what happens is often we get stuck with another team of 2 or three that sucks, and then it balances it by sticking someone who's crazy good on their team who wrecks us
The problem with the rating system is mainly in Arena. It rewards you for kills, punishes for deaths. Sounds good, right? Wrong. There is virtually no penalty for loosing, and the top 4 go up in rating, bottom 4 go down. The problem arises with teammates that will finish you off after you fight an enemy. That way you die and it improves their rating.
It'll be a good while before I can play Reach but how was the single player campaign in the game?
I've seen the ending cutscenes on youtube. It gave me the chills but now I kinda regret watching them as I have yet to purchase my own copy. :(

I wouldn't mind it coming to the PC. Probably a chance in hell though. :(

Seriously. Weren't the first two games ported ~3 years after their console launch? We're almost overdue for a Halo 3 PC edition. If MS ever decides to port H3 to PC then don't expect Reach to follow until at least 2013.
I've seen the ending cutscenes on youtube. It gave me the chills but now I kinda regret watching them as I have yet to purchase my own copy. :(

Seriously. Weren't the first two games ported ~3 years after their console launch? We're almost overdue for a Halo 3 PC edition. If MS ever decides to port H3 to PC then don't expect Reach to follow until at least 2013.

I doubt Halo 3 will come to PC, especially since Halo 2 for PC did so poorly. (Vista only launch was silly)
Gotta hand it to them, the amount of customization is pretty neat. Throw in the challenges and you've got an addicting formula. I'm on just about every day to complete the easy challenges; it's almost routine now.
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It'll be a good while before I can play Reach but how was the single player campaign in the game?

I know the game is praised over multiplayer but I'm not really a huge fan of that. I'm lovign the single player. Really good challenge on Legendary.
I finished the game on heroic, and I am now playing on legendary.

Something just doesn't feel right about hitting an elite 3 times in the head, with the sniper rifle, and that only takes down his shield. Legendary is tough.
I finished the game on heroic, and I am now playing on legendary.

Something just doesn't feel right about hitting an elite 3 times in the head, with the sniper rifle, and that only takes down his shield. Legendary is tough.

Sounds like maybe a Zealot class thru Field Marshal Elites, those assholes are waste of sniper rounds. On Legendary, you'll be lucky to get off a couple consecutive shots before they dive away and recharge their shields. I was better off blasting them with a plasma pistol then hitting them with the DMR/Needler Rifle.

Infantry class (blue), Spec Ops (jump pack/active camo), and officer (orange) elites should still go down with 1 headshot, iirc.
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I finished the game on Legendary last night, though I had already beat the game on normal the week the game had come out. I've been also playing the multiplayer, which is a blast, but I hadn't played online in a while, since I was focussing on the campaign for the last week and a half. It's time to get back into it though!
finished the SP first few days it was out didnt do much MP, but i just picked it back up to play some MP and im having a blast so far.
Yeah, I loved this game. Sp story was great, but did seem short. Going to do some co-op with a couple friends on a second play through on legendary.
I've also spent days in forge getting ready for some old school LAN, this sat, the 16th.. Thats one thing Halo always does, Pulls my nerdy friends together for some old school lan. My one friend is throwing his 46" in his van, I have my 56" while others are getting their tv's... 10 in all.
Other than aim-assist being bit too strong (there by making it bit harder to differentiate between skilled players and stick-mashers), it's hard to fault this game Stronger aim-assist does make barrier of entry lower for newer players so it's really hard to fault Bungie for this selection.
Other than aim-assist being bit too strong (there by making it bit harder to differentiate between skilled players and stick-mashers), it's hard to fault this game Stronger aim-assist does make barrier of entry lower for newer players so it's really hard to fault Bungie for this selection.

At least it's not as bad as Halo 2.
It would be kinda nice if they somehow decreased the aim assist at the higher levels of play. I say this because I very much dislike aim assist/mouse smoothing in games, but I know it's not going away because it makes the game a more enjoyable casual experience.
Bungie could lower/remove it for the more hardcore modes if there was enough demand for it.

Hit the official forums and start a campaign for it maybe?