[H]OT! X800XTPE AGP $206.10

Just followed up on my order ATI is still quoting 3-4 weeks. Same thing I was told on 7/30/05. Keeping the finger crossed, but if they don't come through I need let the finger go. ;)
LMAO apall :p
hmm get the in stock x800 pro or the pre order x800xt, decisions decisions :p
I have a feeling this is just ATI planning on getting a lot of x800xt pes back through the trade up program once the r520 comes out. Given that timeline, it might be a while before anyone sees an x800 xt pe.
Do rich people that buy top end graphics actually think $50 is a good enough fee for their XT-PE (minus shipping costs!)? When I did the trade-up, I sent in a several year old PCI card... In conclusion, I doubt this is what they are thinking. Still, I have to wonder where "a bunch" of these cards could come from... maybe their retailers are reporting some RMAs and expect to ship the cards to ATI once they get them.
$25 OFF $250 Coupon*

All-In-Wonder Radeon® X800XT, 256mb AGP

Page says X850XT but it's a lying bee-yatch.

Total comes to $318.90 (free shipping)

So you'd spend close to $100 more, and this isn't *quite* as fast... but if you like All-In-Wonder, this might be the way to go... I'm very tempted to cancel the PE and get this.

*Orders must be placed on or before 8/10/2005 11:59:00 PM PT.
Apallohadas said:
And what exactly do we have to lose? Nothing. They don't even authorize the charge to your card until they have one for you.
Plus, there's still a 3-year warranty, 4 years with most good credit cards. There's more than enough about this deal to assuage any fear. I think most detractors are either upset that they didn't get it early, or don't like the fact that other people are getting the same/better cards for less that they paid. ;)

I'm in no rush. I don't know how well this'll work on my old 1.4 T-bird, so the delay will give me time to upgrade. Ha.
Arkham said:
I think most detractors are either upset that they didn't get it early, or don't like the fact that other people are getting the same/better cards for less that they paid. ;)

I paid $215 for my 6800gt.

I'll bow out of the thread because it seems rather pointless to continue. When you all get your x800xt's for $229 you can throw it back in my face. I would bet the farm that won't be happening anytime soon though.
pigpen said:
I paid $215 for my 6800gt.

I'll bow out of the thread because it seems rather pointless to continue. When you all get your x800xt's for $229 you can throw it back in my face. I would bet the farm that won't be happening anytime soon though.
Oh blah. I was just poking fun at the whole thing, don't knot up. -> ;) <- I'll post a dozen smilies next time.
Well everyone behind me got bumped up a spot :)

I cancelled because I really wanted the AIW but didn't think I'd find a good enough deal... and then I did. (Also I'm an impulse buyer, and I can't wait out this pre-order thing.)

As for the $215 GT... so you found a great deal... or bought it used off ebay? Again, the people biting on this deal are just going for a relatively risk free deal. Buying off ebay is at least a little riskier, I think, and the XT-PE carries a nice stigma if we actually get it... I don't know anyone that's paid over $400 for a GT, but I do know people that (stupidly?) paid $600 for an XT-PE... so to get one for just over $200 would be gloriously fulfilling (for silly reasons, but reasons many of us hardware enthusiasts can appreciate nonetheless...)
How much were the rebates last time they did pre-orders like this, I am wondering if the price would go up if they started to ship in any quantities.
buy the card at retail open it and return it and get it cheap rinse and repeat hehehe
xxaaqq said:
$25 OFF $250 Coupon*

All-In-Wonder Radeon® X800XT, 256mb AGP

Total comes to $318.90 (free shipping)

So you'd spend close to $100 more, and this isn't *quite* as fast... but if you like All-In-Wonder, this might be the way to go... I'm very tempted to cancel the PE and get this.

actually, I had an X800 XT AIW (back when I was using AGP) and it O/Ced just as high as my X800 XT PE card did.

I'll tell ya. the X800 XT AIW is a very nice AGP card if you can pick one up at a good price.
pxc said:
That's $38 more, not $20 more: $249 + $10 shipping vs $221 shipped from ATI. Who would have thought were weren't done squatting all over this thread? :rolleyes:

Yeah, but one is acually available for purchase :D .

And i get $15.67 for shipping on the ATI deal.
Now your speaking some sense pigpen. This is a very good deal and the performance gains of a PE over this card are very small. Is it worth another $30 bucks to get the card now? I don't know. They say patience is a virtue.

Can you guys give me a reason for not canceling my pre-order and getting the 800 xt from tiger direct?
jwlam said:
Now your speaking some sense pigpen. This is a very good deal and the performance gains of a PE over this card are very small. Is it worth another $30 bucks to get the card now? I don't know. They say patience is a virtue.

Can you guys give me a reason for not canceling my pre-order and getting the 800 xt from tiger direct?

I can only think about saving about $50, but you get a new card and now so makes sense to me.
i bit and ordered one on the 29th. got impatient and got a great deal on a 6800GT OC for 264 shipping included. if ATI ever ships this card though, ill just sell the 6800GT OC on ebay for a bit more than $264 bucks and come out on top with an excellent card to boot. patience is a virtue, unless you have a back up plan...
jwlam said:
Now your speaking some sense pigpen. This is a very good deal and the performance gains of a PE over this card are very small. Is it worth another $30 bucks to get the card now? I don't know. They say patience is a virtue.

Can you guys give me a reason for not canceling my pre-order and getting the 800 xt from tiger direct?
Nope. Cancel your order so we get our's sooner.

Called ATI the other day and they said there was no actual timetable set up for these, even though the invoices say 3-4 weeks.

Anyone else have any more info yet?
This is one of the things that its awesome if you get it, no ose if you don't. It will still be at least a year before we can even see it close to this price.
They probably decided that they had more pre-orders than they would ever have refurb XTPE's.
You're right... I'm not seeing it there either. I'd already cancelled my order... but I wonder if anyone that pre-ordered will get their order cancelled if maybe they don't expect to get these in after all... the whole thing could have been a mistake, or a ruse to attract people to the page and sell off X800 Pros.
My pre-order 4a X800XTPE still has yet to be canceled.

I'm an impatient bloke, but I'm also a cheapass. It seems that my cheapassness has won out over my impatience. I'm still willing to wait as long as it takes. Its no skin off my sack. If I get it, its gonna be a nice upgrade from the 9800SE I got now. If I dont, well, my 9800SE still plays BF2 nicely. ;)
Should be interesting to see if they actually ship any of our PE's. I would hope so, but if nothing else, it will be funny to see what ATI does next! :D
They will have hurt there name if they don't. I passed up an 800XL @ 206 BB BM. to ride out this deal.
The X800 XT PE for $229 at ZipZoomFly is out of stock but they have a retail and non-retail X800 XT for $219. I'm cancelling my ATI order and waiting to until I get back from vacation. It looks like were in major Price Drop Country. Wahoo!