[H] Box / Child's Play Donation Giveaway


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
For those of you not aware, I am raffling off my own PC and we will be giving the money to Child's Play. Check out the information here.

Some of you have had some questions. Please post them here so I can answer.

The raffle will go on till just before Christmas, and it will not be limited in the number of entries.
Paying as I post this. First post/ First ticket?

There is no mention of a drawing date.

Paypal said:
You made a Payment

Merry Christmas Kyle! And God bless people who come up with creative ways to help others and make it fun.
Is there an option to pay extra for FedEx shipping?
upriverpaddler said:
Paying as I post this. First post/ First ticket?

There is no mention of a drawing date.

First ticket was sold this morning.

Dunno on the drawing date exactly yet. Sometime before Christmas. Just got word from the Child's Play guys that we could donate up till Christmas, so we will likely do it the 21st or so. Certainly before Christmas eve.
Are there slots like your previous Hypothermia giveaways? Or will it be 1 chance in 253,976? ;)
Tiny said:
Is there an option to pay extra for FedEx shipping?

As long as it is economical in comparison, I see no reason why I could not ship with either FedEx or UPS.
Eärendil said:
Are there slots like your previous Hypothermia giveaways? Or will it be 1 chance in 253,976? ;)

This is not a Hypothermia giveaway, it is a HardOCP Raffle. We will sell as many tickets as we can in order to help out Child's Play.
Do you put the shipping info in with the payment, or wait until after the winner is drawn?
Tiny said:
Do you put the shipping info in with the payment, or wait until after the winner is drawn?

We will worry about all of that when we get a winner.
It looks like from (from the large pic) that your exos unit does not sit flat on top of the case...are my slanty asian eyes deceiving me? And up till how long will you still be using this computer?
kuyaglen said:
It looks like from (from the large pic) that your exos unit does not sit flat on top of the case...are my slanty asian eyes deceiving me? And up till how long will you still be using this computer?

No it does not sit level, but a quick cut would fix the issue, just never have done it, mostly because I dont see it under the desk.

Right now I am using that very box to type this message. Starting to build my new one out tonight.
Will you post a counter of how many people entered? Would really like to see what my odds are. :D
oh.. my... god.. :eek:

*looks at checking account*

I'll throw down for a few tickets... most likely later this week, if not next week after I register for my class.

That PC is gonna be bad-ass :eek:

My question: you mention the SLI 7800 GTX OC vid cards... are those the new 512MB Video cards?
Also, will a monitor be supplied?? Or is it just the box?
Merry Christmas and God bless you Kyle. I just sent in for an entry. The main thing that matters is that you guys are sending the money you get from this to charity; the rig is just a bonus to one of us who entered.
This is a really great thing you are doing here guys. You will have at least a couple ticket purchases coming your way this week.
ezkill said:
Will you post a counter of how many people entered? Would really like to see what my odds are. :D

Just go with 1 in a million then think about the kids you will make happy. :)
JSClark said:
My question: you mention the SLI 7800 GTX OC vid cards... are those the new 512MB Video cards?
Also, will a monitor be supplied?? Or is it just the box?

No monitor. No keyboard etc. No OS. Just the box. And actually a break out box with the old sound card...that I still love by the way (Hercules Game Theater XP 7.1).

As for the video cards, they will be 512MB if the inventory is there, 256MB if not. 512MB are in short supply now. That is why I linked the 256MB cards.
Snobok said:
Merry Christmas and God bless you Kyle. I just sent in for an entry. The main thing that matters is that you guys are sending the money you get from this to charity; the rig is just a bonus to one of us who entered.

That is how I see it. :) Thanks for hammering that point home. I need to find the video of those guys handing out the toys in the hospitals. It will tear you down.....
upriverpaddler said:
Holy Moly!! An upgrade from that box will be pretty baddass!!

Well, actually I am keeping the current 4800+ and mismatched 7800 GTX video cards. The person that gets my "old" box will be getting a faster system than the one I am left with!!! :eek:
A kid spending Christmas in a hospital deserves the best of the best toys! I'll gladly make my small contribution.
trying to get my parents to let me fork over 25 bucks. my brother spent two weeks in a hospital bed once... he hated it, he had nothign to do... so i think they deserve something to do :)
it would be an honor to have a Kyle Bennet machine under the desk. Am I wrong?
spez said:
it would be an honor to have a Kyle Bennet machine under the desk. Am I wrong?

Either that or a huge support issue when it breaks on you at 3am. ;)
Take it easy on that machine Kyle. Don't want you to use it too [H]ard and break it before it makes it out the door :D
God bless ya for the good cause!
I really appreciate the work that [H] does for charity, but I have a few questions.

Can you post any links regarding the tax obligations of the winner and the tax benefits of the participants? Since this is open to all 50 states (i'm guessing), I guess the tax issues will be federal & not state?

What are the terms/conditions of the contest? It's my understanding that they should be posted along with the contest announcement, but I could be wrong.

Thanks in advance.
Its for a good benefit...

... but I am up in Canada.. is this raffle open to us up in the Great White North?

Thanks :)
This is awesome guys! I missed the PA dinner in Seattle :( so I guess i have to donate 2 dinner tickets worth here!

Big pat on the back for helping out this christmas season, I've always been a fan of childrens charties and now that I can combine that with my sense of geek, I'm even happier.

Merry Xmas and Happy Holidays to all, and good luck!
(both on winning and keeping that thing running! :p )
Well, as a MD here in Portugal, and a hardware fanatic guy, as well as avid [H]ard reader, I can only say it is a pleasure to contribute for children in wathever country they are in. If the children are happy, there will be a better tomorrow. The dramatic experience of being in a hospital can be, this way, a litle better.
As for the rig, nice idea!

Thank's for all the good reading! :cool:
Best 10 bucks Ive spent in ages. Good to see y'all giving back to the kids.
This is a great charity and well worth the money without the drawing. I have been planing on donating to the Childs play when I had some extra cash but now im gonna have to donate twice. Your a good man Kyle!!!!

Awesome as always... Entered and thankful that this community will step up once again. Good Job KB and all the fine sponsors!
Ive donated to every charity drive and other drive you guys have had in the past 2 years and will continue to do so when the extra cash is there. I had a cousin get badly burned in a fire at age 13 and die so I have some idea of what these kids go thru. So any thing I can do is a small price to pay. And like someone else said, the PC is just a bonus. Ive never won and probably never will but who cares. :)
Hmm... I went to enter my information, and Paypal gave me this message:

We were unable to verify this credit card through our card validation process. To proceed with checkout, please verify the information you entered is correct or try a different card.

I double-checked that I entered my information correctly, and I'm pretty certain that my card is good. Does Paypal not work with debit / check cards? It's a Visa check card with my bank's logo on it, so I see no reason why it shouldn't work.
DanK said:
Hmm... I went to enter my information, and Paypal gave me this message:

I double-checked that I entered my information correctly, and I'm pretty certain that my card is good. Does Paypal not work with debit / check cards? It's a Visa check card with my bank's logo on it, so I see no reason why it shouldn't work.
I use my DCU Check Card all the time with PayPal services, and don't have a problem. Could be your bank?
+1 Ticket

You guys should changed the text in the [H] banner on the main page to read "Yup, still doin' it for the kids." :)