[H]ard|Folding [Please HELP]


[H]ard|DCer of the Year 2007
Jan 9, 2000
Over the past few weeks the [H]ard|Folding Folding@Home stats have been completely re-written from the bottom up and then re-written again when stanford changed their stats setup, every section, page, function has been re-vamped.

New sections, pages, and code have been added almost daily since the re-write, in example, just over the past 3 days(to name a few).

1] Overall Member Tracking section

This section unlike the Team Members section (which is limited to just the team rankings), expands outword to cover the project wide rankings, basically allows you to check your overall progress in the project.

2] Attack / Threat List [Team / Member Markers]

The Member marker was added as a convenience, this function marks your team or member listing, making it easier to find.

3] Overall Project Tracking Section

This section contains information for the entire project, it will give you a glimpse at how well the project is doing in general(from a stats point of view).

4] Overall Project Contribution Percentages

This shows the team / member overall contribuition percentage.

Since the initial re-write, I have posted bug tracking threads in hopes of squashing any bugs I may have missed. There is no such thing as bug-free code, every operating system, game, utility, and php driven web site is created by a human and *no* human is perfect. Unfortunetly there have been very few bugs reported, I'm not sure if this is a good thing or bad.

Bug tracking is a very important to the overall progress of the site and stats in general, currently the amount of coding [H]ard|Folding contains is extreme, it is impossible for 1 man(me) to handle everything on a site this size. This is the reason for the news and guides being member driven, it is also the reason that I turn to the members of this team for help in tracking bugs, without such help, my job as Site Admin gets a lot tougher.

Please keep in mind also that I do not use a web-design program such as Front Page or Dreamweaver, the site is coded 100% by hand using a standard text editor.

Please remember that in the last 7 years I have not earned 1 cent for any of the work I do here(nor have I ever expected to), I have not and will not add advertisements, and I do not ask for donations. I ask for very little help, in fact the only thing I have asked for in the last 7 years, is that members use what I provide, news articles, project guides, and bug-reporting.

The more help I get the better the site will get, please consider helping in the 3 areas I have listed I need help in.

1] News: Articles can be sent to duster, wraith28k, or me.
2] Guides: Can be updated or added, as needed, these get sent directly to me, (please contact me before hand to make sure the changes are needed).
3] Bug Tracking: All bug-tracking can either be sent to me or posted in the bug-tracking threads provided.

Note: I do not accept coding help,

The biggest reason for this is, translation, every coder has a different style, these styles tend to differ as much as foreign languages do. It's easier and less time consuming for me to code everything then try to translate and or work with someone else's code.

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Site Admin: [H]ard|Folding
Lurker Extraordinaire
That was said very well King. I think sometimes we all forget that 1 man is behind the whole show pretty much as most of us just go there and look at stats. I haven't noticed any bugs yet. I think the amount of info that you have the stats showing is amazing. It's true hardfolding.com has the NICEST stats around. I wish you put up a donation box so the ones that want to help out could. I think with wraith28k helping out with the news it will stay more up to date as Duster has been busy with Family & Life. I will keep an eye out for anything that I feel I can help or contribute with. Thanks again to King, wraith28k, & the whole entire [H]ard Folding crew. Everyone adds something to the [H]orde

I 2nd the donation box. I'd be more than willing to send some money your way for all the [H]ard work you put in on the site.

As for the bugs, the only time I ever see an issue with hf.com is either when Stanford is down or the Big [H] is having server issues.

As for guides, I think I might be doing some Mac tutorials to throw into the mix soon.

I have one donation/suggestion. I'll send you a damn Xanex so you can get some damn sleep. :p

I don't think I've every run into any trouble with hardfolding as far as bugs are concerned. It's probably been the site with the least trouble I've ever been to in regards to what you have control over.

People, I'd stop with the donation box idea. Trust me, the closest thing to a donation he wants to see is just everyone using hardfolding.com and keeping it current. The appreciation he's looking for is just the use of the site and help to make it better, more user friendly or to add or change things to make it more useful.

First let me say thank you to those that replied, I really appreciate your comments. When making changes of this magnatude to the site and then not hearing anything it gets rather disheartning to say the least.

It is always good to hear that people are using and enjoying the site, these messages also help me gauge what is needed and what is not.

This site started out simply as an HTML guide site for the team, nothing more, nothing less, the server was setup as HTML only so advanced coding was not possible.


Back then everything had to be entered by hand manually, members had to register via a thread, that thread had to be tracked and manually entered into the HTML pages. This was also the time when I was starting to code the original stats functions.

It has come a very long way since then, I have tried to expand that simple little site into a 1 stop shop for all the team's needs.

One thing that hasn't changed though is the need for members to help, I can't stress this enough. I can handle the coding, but news, guides, and bug tracking are important as well.

The much needed and much appreciated news help from wraith and duster, should alleviate some of the tension from that area, guides and bug tracking continue to be a problem area.

The simple fact is I need the help in those areas.

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Site Admin: [H]ard|Folding
Lurker Extraordinaire