GT300 Release?

I'm not a fanboy of either side. But this conference is the most boring sh*t ever. I know nVidia wants to go beyond 3D graphics. But seriously, stick to what you're good at and stop trying to be an Intel or AMD.
If these specs are anyplace near acurate I dont think they intend this card to compete at all with the5870. This appears to be more of a shot at intel and laurabee than anything else.
Well now this has me thinking. I might step-up now, I have 70 days left, and it sounds like 300 will be next year. I just went to EVGA and the only step-up available is the 295 CO-OP edition, is there any specific reason for this?
No, it's not. It has double THEORETICAL performance, but not double REAL performance.

And your error is to assume that the HD 4870 X2 is double the performance of a HD 4870, which is not.

No, I realize that 4870x2 is not "real world double performance" of a 4870, but it seems to me that when people say "double the performance", generally speaking, they mean the x2 counterpart or in sli/cf setup. Semantics I guess...

In any case, because of this, I don't see AMD's statement as "bogus". Also this statement has nothing to do with their speculation (whether right or wrong) about when their competitor is coming out with a DX11 video card...
No, I realize that 4870x2 is not "real world double performance" of a 4870, but it seems to me that when people say "double the performance", generally speaking, they mean the x2 counterpart or in sli/cf setup. Semantics I guess...

It's not semantics. It's very simple math. double the performance of previous generation, means 2x the performance of previous generation. And the HD 5870 is NOT doubling the performance of the HD 4870. Not even close.

JYH said:
In any case, because of this, I don't see AMD's statement as "bogus". Also this statement has nothing to do with their speculation (whether right or wrong) about when their competitor is coming out with a DX11 video card...

Of course it's not. Whatever AMD says, it's never bogus. It's not a lie. It's just a "challenged truth". Oh I forgot...semantics....:rolleyes:

As for their "speculation", AMD putting down their competitors ? Say it isn't so...
It's not semantics. It's very simple math. double the performance of previous generation, means 2x the performance of previous generation. And the HD 5870 is NOT doubling the performance of the HD 4870. Not even close.

Of course it's not. Whatever AMD says, it's never bogus. It's not a lie. It's just a "challenged truth". Oh I forgot...semantics....:rolleyes:

As for their "speculation", AMD putting down their competitors ? Say it isn't so...

You got to be kidding! YOU are complaining about negative marketing? Isn't that what your primary posting is all about?

Defend Nvidia in every thread you can and poo on ATI as much as you can? Its beyond being entusiastic about a product from a company or not entusiastic about a product from a company.

Its like "Comical Ali" gone guerrilla marketing for Nvidia. :rolleyes: Doesn't matter what the topic is, all that counts is how Nvidia as a company looks.

Seriously, tone it down a bit at least. This post topped it for me. I don't give a crap of how ATI or Nvidia looks in the forums as a company, but constant negative ATI positive Nvidia marketing is ruining my reading pleaseure. If I want PR from either company, I'd prefer to download them as a pdf.

I'm interested in reading about the product gt300/GF100/Fermi or whatever you wish to call it. Thats interesting. Nvidia/ATI public relations campains ruins threads all over the forum. Please stop crapping all over the threads with Nvidia marketing.
You got to be kidding! YOU are complaining about negative marketing? Isn't that what your primary posting is all about?

Defend Nvidia in every thread you can and poo on ATI as much as you can? Its beyond being entusiastic about a product from a company or not entusiastic about a product from a company.

Its like "Comical Ali" gone guerrilla marketing for Nvidia. :rolleyes: Doesn't matter what the topic is, all that counts is how Nvidia as a company looks.

Seriously, tone it down a bit at least. This post topped it for me. I don't give a crap of how ATI or Nvidia looks in the forums as a company, but constant negative ATI positive Nvidia marketing is ruining my reading pleaseure. If I want PR from either company, I'd prefer to download them as a pdf.

I'm interested in reading about the product gt300/GF100/Fermi or whatever you wish to call it. Thats interesting. Nvidia/ATI public relations campains ruins threads all over the forum. Please stop crapping all over the threads with Nvidia marketing.
You are a much more diplomatic person than I, well said :).
You are a much more diplomatic person than I, well said :).

Thanks. :) I just want him to tone down a bit. I want to read about the new cards as a consumer and listening to someone constantly working on Nvidia's company profile is really destroying my read. Don't mind fanboyism so much, its all the marketeering that gets on my nerves.

Here's a link about 3 Fermi cards coming:
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Wow you are the most defensive poster that have yet to encounter...(which begs the question why?)

It's not semantics. It's very simple math. double the performance of previous generation, means 2x the performance of previous generation. And the HD 5870 is NOT doubling the performance of the HD 4870. Not even close.

You completely ignored what I said...

Of course it's not. Whatever AMD says, it's never bogus. It's not a lie. It's just a "challenged truth". Oh I forgot...semantics....:rolleyes:

As for their "speculation", AMD putting down their competitors ? Say it isn't so...

Again it is in my opinion that THIS statment by AMD about doubling performance isn't "bogus" because of the reason that I gave. I'm not sure how you can conclude that I ever said or even implied that whatever AMD says is "not a lie" or "never bogus."

As for AMD's prediction about when Nvidia will come out with a DX11 graphics card (which is looking more and more accurate) interpreting as putting down their competitors, well fair enough, everyone does it and never did I said or imply that it was otherwise...

Anyways this is my last reponse on this topic, because its ruining the thread...
Thanks. :) I just want him to tone down a bit. I want to read about the new cards as a consumer and listening to someone constantly working on Nvidia's company profile is really destroying my read. Don't mind fanboyism so much, its all the marketeering that gets on my nerves.

Here's a link about 3 Fermi cards coming:

You are truly hilarious! But I'm sure you know I don't care what you want me to do right ? Especially when you do exactly what you accuse me of doing. But oh well, what can we do about that ? Absolutely nothing...

And what exactly in the post that "topped it" for you, is wrong ? Does the HD 5870 double the performance of the previous generation ? I'll be waiting to see how you prove that one, since every single review out there certainly won't help you with that.

Or was it the bit about the "challenged truth" which was related to the fact that the doubling of performance was a bogus claim ? What's wrong with that ? If it's not doubling the performance, which is confirmed by every review, saying that it does double the performance is a lie, is it not ?
Wow you are the most defensive poster that have yet to encounter...(which begs the question why?)

Where was I being defensive ? You said something with which I disagreed and I replied to. Or do you prefer that your posts go unanswered ?

JYH said:
You completely ignored what I said...

No I didn't. You said "but it seems to me that when people say "double the performance", generally speaking, they mean the x2 counterpart or in sli/cf setup. Semantics I guess..."

Which is incorrect. Doubling the performance means 2x the performance of past generation. Also you are assuming, that what AMD meant was to compare performance of their dual GPU card, with their new single GPU card, which we really don't know if that's what they meant.

JYH said:
Again it is in my opinion that THIS statment by AMD about doubling performance isn't "bogus" because of the reason that I gave. I'm not sure how you can conclude that I ever said or even implied that whatever AMD says is "not a lie" or "never bogus."

With which I disagreed. Are you too sensitive about someone disagreeing with you ? Can you not take a sarcastic remark ?

JYH said:
As for AMD's prediction about when Nvidia will come out with a DX11 graphics card (which is looking more and more accurate) interpreting as putting down their competitors, well fair enough, everyone does it and never did I said or imply that it was otherwise...

So, lots of rumors point to a Q4 2009 release and AMD's prediction is "looking more and more accurate" ? Ok...really...there's no point in going through that again...

JYH said:
Anyways this is my last reponse on this topic, because its ruining the thread...

The only thing we can agree on 100%. It derailed, because of a simple comment I made (backed up my every review on the planet), which really didn't go all too well in the eyes of some people that do exactly what they accuse me of doing. Irony at its finest :)

As I said before, GF100 info and speculation please!
No I didn't. You said "but it seems to me that when people say "double the performance", generally speaking, they mean the x2 counterpart or in sli/cf setup. Semantics I guess..."
Which is incorrect. Doubling the performance means 2x the performance of past generation. Also you are assuming, that what AMD meant was to compare performance of their dual GPU card, with their new single GPU card, which we really don't know if that's what they meant.

Here are a few examples why I said it was semantics...

Truthfully we've had tons of fairly big jumps and people don't seem to realize it. Each high end card either matches or exceeds the performance of the last generations dual GPU monsters. That's double the performance of the previous single GPU card. That's always impressive. We saw that with the 8800GTX, the 9800GX2, the 4870, and 4870 X2. Today we see a repeat of the same thing. The 5870 is slightly better than the 4870 X2.

From Hard's review...
"Can you say, I like twice as much performance in the same power envelope.”

From Tom's hardware review...
"How Do You Double Performance?
Perhaps the easiest way to double the processing power of a GPU is by doubling the resources most likely to affect performance. The result is 2.7 TeraFLOPS single-precision and 544 GigaFLOPS double-precision performance".

And maybe you are right, maybe AMD's statement meant something else like "theoretically double the performance" as you stated earlier...

With which I disagreed. Are you too sensitive about someone disagreeing with you ? Can you not take a sarcastic remark ?

No not at all, but sarcasm is sometimes hard to read on the internet...

So, lots of rumors point to a Q4 2009 release and AMD's prediction is "looking more and more accurate" ? Ok...really...there's no point in going through that again...

There are many rumors that point to Q1 release...depends on the rumors you believe...only time will tell when they actually release it...

The only thing we can agree on 100%. It derailed, because of a simple comment I made (backed up my every review on the planet), which really didn't go all too well in the eyes of some people that do exactly what they accuse me of doing. Irony at its finest :)

As I said before, GF100 info and speculation please!

I guess we didn't agree 100% since I responded one last time...;)
But seriously this will be my last. :D
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You are truly hilarious! But I'm sure you know I don't care what you want me to do right ? Especially when you do exactly what you accuse me of doing. But oh well, what can we do about that ? Absolutely nothing...

And what exactly in the post that "topped it" for you, is wrong ?

What topped it for me, was that this was the last post in a long line of marketeering of companies from you. You don't get it? I don't do what you do. People like me, like to discuss the products, not the company profile. For you, its about how Nvidia looks vs. how ATI looks and not about the products. We're consumers and are not working for the public relations of either of the companies. Perhaps you should rather have a discussion with this guy?:
Is Nvidia dying?

Lets see if I can get this back on track:

The specs shown so far, might not be in the final Fermi and we must remember that we are talking about a Tesla version for companies, not a consumer version:
Modifications may be made in this before the product is released. There was a working Fermi chip used in the Fermi demo,” explained Luciano Alibrandi, a spokesman for Nvidia.

Good new is that the GF100/GT300/Fermi might be available this year after all:
But while Nvidia does not want to demonstrate its new Fermi-G300 graphics card openly in early October, it does state that it will be able to ship the product commercially in late 2009 and denies the claim that the first Fermi products will only show up in Q1 2010.

“The first Fermi GPUs are expected to launch by year’s end,” stressed Mr. Alibrandi.

And Silus, here's a last one for you ;) :

There was a card. It was in NVIDIA's CEO hand.

“[The Fermi chip was] not on the prototype that was held up [at the keynote and press conference].
Comical ALI said:
"There are no American infidels in Baghdad. Never!"
What topped it for me, was that this was the last post in a long line of marketeering of companies from you. You don't get it? I don't do what you do. People like me, like to discuss the products, not the company profile. For you, its about how Nvidia looks vs. how ATI looks and not about the products. We're consumers and are not working for the public relations of either of the companies. Perhaps you should rather have a discussion with this guy?:
Is Nvidia dying?

Could you stop with your own "marketing" tactics to try and turn me in something I'm not ? You are truly a pathetic person, if you think that's the way to go...but you've insisted on it for quite a few posts...I certainly can't stop you from doing it, but that is mighty troll of you...

I don't drop to your level, by doing that sort of comments, when you do the same you accuse me of, in all the PhysX threads, with your constant rhetoric about how PhysX is bad and Havok/Bullet and OpenCL is the way to go. Which is quite funny, since you often forget about PhysX and OpenCL, which NVIDIA also supports ever since it was formulated as a future standard. But that's not surprising coming from you is it ? You try to make yourself such an impartial person and you're clearly not.

And after so much "impartiality claim", you burst into flames when I comment on a bogus claim by AMD, which was, I must admit, quite hilarious. Even more so, when there's no way around that fact. The new generation of AMD cards is not doubling the performance of previous generation. It's around 1.5 times faster and that's it. Bursting into flames, by denying a known fact, is beyond marketing and fanboyism actually. I don't think there's a word for it yet, but you (and a few people like you) and the embodiment of that :)

Tamlin_WSGF said:
Lets see if I can get this back on track:

Yes, lets...

Tamlin_WSGF said:
The specs shown so far, might not be in the final Fermi and we must remember that we are talking about a Tesla version for companies, not a consumer version:]

Yes, but that's not really the way to look at it. As I've often commented before, in the "is NVIDIA giving up" threads, only features like ECC may be removed from consumer cards, because they only have a purpose for HPC markets that need data consistency. Consumer graphics cards will suffer from a performance decrease with ECC on, which is why ECC support is optional, but I'm sure very few people read about it. They just like to start threads and throw arguments about how GF100 will be a "mid-range" part, etc etc. The usual AMD fanboy...or simply anti NVIDIA...

Tamlin_WSGF said:
Good new is that the GF100/GT300/Fermi might be available this year after all:

Which is something rumored quite a few times in other sources ?

Only "Charlie" continues his mouth foaming anti-NVIDIA propaganda, that NVIDIA won't have anything this year.

Tamlin_WSGF said:
And Silus, here's a last one for you ;)

Read the first part of my post. I'm sure you will understand to whom that should be directed at. On the other hand, maybe you won't for the very same reasons I mentioned :p
We won't be able to purchase anything on the high end from Nvidia until at least February of next year, most likely March. Anyone that claims that the launch was specifically planned to miss the Black Friday and Christmas holiday shopping seasons is either a fanboy, an idiot or both.
What is worse is that prices will remain at release levels for ATI's offerings and may even go up in price due to demand (artificial or not). In the end we, as consumers, lose. Lets hope Nvidia gets their act together, competition keeps my wallet healthy.

P.S: Cue fanboys, apologists, and shills offended because their preferred company is in a not so favorable position. Get over yourselves. It is a piece of computer hardware, it doesn't feed you or sing you lullabies to sleep.
Well the whole DX11 is not going to sell cards thing by Nividia gave away that they would be late on the market and not just by a month or 2.
I really don't see Nvidia releasing these DX11 Fermi cards this year if at this point they still don't have a working fully fabricated "no strings attached" prototype. I "nvision" February/March timeframe but who knows. So if you are on the fence, live for the now if you are financially ok. There will always be something better around the corner. Actually, I have kind of changed my feelings toward Eyefinity. The technology is awesome, especially for racing games. There just has to be monitors with thinner bezels and/or bezel management included in ATI's drivers, as well as CF support.
Well the whole DX11 is not going to sell cards thing by Nividia gave away that they would be late on the market and not just by a month or 2.

Some people are on the ball here. If that isn't a tell-tale sign that they won't release this year I don't know what is besides every single reliable source saying it as well (aka not Fuad). DX11 has them super worried at this point as they can't compete for 4 months or more.

Of course when it ships DX11 will be the new "it" thing because they say so.
Why would nvidia be worried directx 11. lol. it's dead on arrival. talk to me about a new directx when it's in the next gen xbox.
Why would nvidia be worried directx 11. lol. it's dead on arrival. talk to me about a new directx when it's in the next gen xbox.

Because their next card will be DX11. On the outside they dont care but when its released you will hear about it from Nvidia. It doesn't matter what joe blow nvidia worshipper from x forum board thinks.
Because their next card will be DX11. On the outside they dont care but when its released you will hear about it from Nvidia. It doesn't matter what joe blow nvidia worshipper from x forum board thinks.

no kidding!
Pc gaming market going to shrink due to very little DX11 games until the next set of consoles come out. C'mon guys, we have Dirt 2 to look forward to this Xmas? Hence, Nvidia this round is not promoting games but CUDA and cGPU supported applications. ATI's selling point is Eyefnity, which requires more graphics horsepower to run even current DX9/DX10 games, at uber widescreen resolutions so there's a need to upgrade to their cards if you feel Eyefinity is worth it. Nvidia has 3d Vision and supposedly faster performance. I don't see another Crysis like game again appearing on PCs anytime soon.
So is GT300 coming out this year? anything from Nvidia on release?

Nothing for this year. You will only hear PR on damage control. If you want facts talk to the engineers from Nvidia (if they are allowed to speak). You can also try your luck at grilling the CEO on a quarterly earnings conference because he cannot lie to investors, but I'm pretty sure he'd dodge the question.

You will have much better luck talking to the people who make the chips for Nvidia (TSMC). And someone did and correctly reported even the number of chips Nvidia got back from the fab.
Nothing for this year. You will only hear PR on damage control. If you want facts talk to the engineers from Nvidia (if they are allowed to speak). You can also try your luck at grilling the CEO on a quarterly earnings conference because he cannot lie to investors, but I'm pretty sure he'd dodge the question.

You will have much better luck talking to the people who make the chips for Nvidia (TSMC). And someone did and correctly reported even the number of chips Nvidia got back from the fab.

any sources that quote nvidia saying this?
any sources that quote nvidia saying this?

Well, the guy is talking about a "Charlie" link, so I'm sure you know how truthful that "info" is :)

Disregard his FUD. All rumors point to a late November/ early December release, albeit with limited quantities.
I just read over on Rage3d that Nvidia has also notifed OEM suppliers that they will be discontinuing the 260, 275, and 285 parts. The only high end card they are reportedly going to continue selling as an add in board is the 295. This is really sad if true. This was the linked article.

First, that's a "Charlie" link...

Second, why is it sad ? When a company is about to release a new generation of products, the old ones will not get an increase in demand and will be limited to the available stock. NVIDIA certainly won't increase their 55/65 nm orders from TSMC, in a time they are shifting to 40 nm.
So is GT300 coming out this year? anything from Nvidia on release?

Most rumors point to a late November, early December release, so yes, GF100 this year, but most likely, with limited quantities.
Most rumors point to a late November, early December release, so yes, GF100 this year, but most likely, with limited quantities.
Rumours can point wherever they like, Both Anand and Kyle say its next year.
This is what will likely happen... would stake my reputation as a nameless, wild internet forum speculator.

  • nV will release miniscule quantities of GT300 (I'm talking 1000 - 3000 units... globally) end of Nov./early Dec. This will allow nV to1) satiate fanboys and those holding off buying 5870 2) get reviewers to blather the "nV is back in the game" statement 3) let them claim to shareholders they released holiday season '09.

  • MSRP will be commeasurate with performance, meaning if it's +125% 5870 it will cost $450. However, extremely low supply will drive the price well over $500 retail. We're looking at a similarly low curve to the one we saw with the 7800 GTX 512. Remember the mad grappling over that one?

  • Inventory will increase drastically in late January or February -- not because nV is flooding the channel, but more likely, because many people will have already bought ATI at this point (people need something under the tree from Santa, right?)

It's not looking good, but there are still a couple ways nV could come off ok:

  • GT300 and midstream derivations massively outperforms the R800s. I think GT300 is already beat on features when considering EyeInfinity -- unless it can do the dishes and wash my car.
  • nV can price GT300 at a better price/performance.
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end of November/early December it

that would definitely be the most beneficial plan for Nvidia but ya never know. I am hoping that this is the case as I would love to see some competition.

I read an article yesterday which stated that this would be the case...and this is coming from the same place that broke the news of the official Fermi release specs etc so I tend to trust them...